Uttar Pradesh: Crime

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=1999-2014: Which party ensured lowest crime?=
=1999-2014: Which party ensured lowest crime?=
[http://epaperbeta.timesofindia.com/Article.aspx?eid=31808&articlexml=Jungle-Raj-In-UP-03112016016036  Krishnamurthy Subramanian,  Jungle Raj In UP. Nov 03 2016 : The Times of India]
[http://epaperbeta.timesofindia.com/Article.aspx?eid=31808&articlexml=Jungle-Raj-In-UP-03112016016036  Krishnamurthy Subramanian,  Jungle Raj In UP. Nov 03 2016 : The Times of India]
[[File: Violent crimes in UP, 1999-2014.jpg| Violent crimes in UP, 1999-2014 |frame|500px]]  
[[File: Violent crimes in UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh 1999-2014.jpg| Violent crimes in UP,Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh: 1999-2014 |frame|500px]]  

Revision as of 15:00, 3 November 2016

This is a collection of articles archived for the excellence of their content.

1999-2014: Which party ensured lowest crime?

Krishnamurthy Subramanian, Jungle Raj In UP. Nov 03 2016 : The Times of India

What do crime data tell us about the record of successive state governments?

BSP leader Mayawati has claimed, in an interview published in The Economic Times on Tuesday , “The record of my government is before you. I have always ensured that law and order is maintained during my tenures as chief minister of the state.“ What do the data actually say about UP?

Given the notorious reputation of all political parties in UP in providing election tickets to nefarious criminals, it is quite important for us to examine how UP has performed in imposing law and order in the state when compared to other states.For this purpose, my research team collected data on various forms of violent crimes, including murders, attempted murders, kidnappings and abductions, dacoity and robbery , riots and arson, rapes, dowry deaths, etc for the Bimaru states ­ Bihar, MP , Rajasthan and UP.

Comparing violent crime in UP to that in a well-developed state such as Gujarat or Tamil Nadu or even comparing violent crime in UP to the rest of India would not be appropriate because of substantial differences in the level of development. However, because the Bimaru states are quite similar Bihar, MP and Rajasthan serve as useful benchmark states to undertake an “apples-to-apples“ comparison. This data is currently available annually for the time period 1999-2014.

A very clear picture emerges from the data. UP has had governments by either BSP or SP since May 2002, which was the last incidence when UP had a state government led by BJP. Total violent crime in UP fell dramatically from 1999 to 2003 at the rate of 16% per annum. This period coincided with the time when BJP was in power in the state.

However, since 2003 when either BSP or SP have been in power, violent crimes in UP have increased significantly at the rate of over 7% per annum. In comparison, Bihar which is the closest to UP in its record in crimes, registered increase in violent crimes at 3% per annum.

Total violent crime in UP in 2003 was lower than that in Bihar in 2003 and quite close to the levels of violent crimes in MP and Rajasthan in 2003. However, over the period 2003-14, the number of violent crimes in UP has increased at an alarming rate. None of the other Bimaru states have displayed this alarming increase in the level of violent crime. In fact, in 2014, violent crime in UP was 25% more than in Bihar.

Within the category of violent crime, two particular mastheads assume critical significance. First, murders, kidnappings and abductions represent particularly violent crimes that any civilised society must look to limit. Second, crimes against women represent another key category of violent crime that any civilised society must look to limit.

In both these categories, UP has the notorious reputation of being the leader.Moreover, UP also has achieved the dubious distinction of registering the highest increases in these crimes during the period 2003-14. This is despite the fact that crimes in both these categories registered significant declines during the period 1999-2003. None of the other Bimaru states have recorded such large increases in these crimes.

Thus, it is very clear from the above analysis that consecutive governments led by BSP and SP have exacerbated the lack of law and order in UP. Local politicians would dismiss the above evidence by arguing that the cases lodged are politically motivated. However, this line of argument cannot hold water for various reasons. In fact, it is precisely to counter such specious arguments that we have chosen to undertake the comparison among Bimaru states. For this argument to hold water, first, it must be the case that politically motivated cases are lodged only in UP and not in the other states of Bihar, Rajasthan and MP. This can hardly be true.

Second, if at all, because of the fear of filing a case against a violent, chargesheeted criminal, it is quite likely that the numbers that we have used above are understated. The actual number of violent crimes may be significantly more than the number of violent crimes that are actually reported registered.

When the level of crime in a particular state is high, the fear among that state's population is also likely to be high especially when the criminals are known to be politically well-connected.As a result, the percentage of violent crimes that do not get reported registered is likely to be greater in a state where the level of violent crime itself is higher.Therefore, given the above evidence using the recorded number of violent crimes, it is quite likely that the deterioration in the law and order in UP from 2003 to 2014 is a lot worse than what is captured by the above evidence.

Whether this evidence constitutes the tip of the iceberg or the iceberg itself, voters in UP must be concerned about law and order deteriorating under both SP and BSP when they decide to cast their vote in the coming months. The right to lead a safe life is an inalienable one that voters in UP must acquire by exercising their franchise carefully.

The writer is Associate Professor of Finance, Indian School of Business, Hyderabad

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