Vulnerability Index: India

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Vulnerability in India

Vulnerability Index


The Times of India Jul 26 2014


Some sections of society are more vulnerable to violence than others -children more than adults; women more than men; SCs and STs more than the general population. TOI devised an index that combines crimes against all these sections to give a composite picture of where these groups are most vulnerable. For every category, each state/UT was assigned a value ranging from 0 to 1. The worst state in each case was given a score of one and the others given proportionate scores based on the rate of crimes against that category.

States with the lowest crime rates (incidents per lakh population) will have values closest to 0 while those with the highest rates will be valued as 1. The final index is calculated by taking the averages of the values for each category. Where states don't have SC or ST populations, averages were calculated for the remaining categories

Within Delhi, its periphery is the most vulnerable

Most vulnerable women live on capital's periphery: Study New Delhi:

The Times of India Jul 27 2014

Vulnerability in Delhi

Maximum Cases At Uttam Nagar PS, 181 Data Mapping Reveals

Women staying in resettlements, slum clusters, unauthorized colonies, villages and on the outskirts of Delhi are at a greater risk of sexual violence. This comes through in a mapping exercise based on the details of callers on the 181 helpline for women in distress set up by the Delhi government after the Nirbhaya case.

Police stations where the maximum cases were registered on the basis of calls have been identified and this data will be sent to the commissioner for review and action. The distribution of Sexual Violence Offences—December 31, 2012 to July 15, 2014—shows that the Uttam Nagar police station tops the list with 454 cases. More than 200 cases were registered in the police stations of Sultanpuri, Nangloi, Narela, Jahangirpuri, Aman Vihar, Mangolpuri, Dabri, Najafgarh, Burari, Tilak Nagar, Sangam Vihar and Gokalpuri. The total cases registered across 259 police stations on the basis of calls till July 15 was 14,318. The helpline has received 9,56,942 calls.

A human rights activist and the government consultant on the helpline, Khadijah Faruqui, pointed to the vulnerability of girls living on the city’s periphery. The assessment—the data for which is being compiled—is seen as a ground report for policy planners. This is the first such exercise by the helpline.

Of the 4,66,812 calls received from December 31, 2012 to May 31, 2014, over 64,000 were about domestic violence. Sexual assault complaints were made by 19,357 callers and a shocking 8,813 calls were regarding child sexual abuse. As many as 745 women complained of attempt to rape and 230 informed about sexual abuse at workplace.The data also brings to light the growing instances of children and young women going missing. The helpline received 3,904 complaints in the missing category. Dowry-related violence and event death are still serious issues. The helpline received 1,238 complaints of dowry deaths. The call operators, many of whom are survivors of crime, responded to 6,60,012 calls. That 2,96,932 cases could not be taken up underlines the need to shore up infrastructure.

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