Women: Delhi
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The state of Delhi’s women
As in 2015-21
Abhinav Rajput, Ridhima Gupta & Siddhivi Singh, Dec 9, 2023: The Times of India

From: Abhinav Rajput, Ridhima Gupta & Siddhivi Singh, Dec 9, 2023: The Times of India
Book Of Job: Number Of Women In Workforce Dips
DELHI DATA: Employment Among Women Lower Than National Average, Seeing A Consistent Decline Over The Years
New Delhi : The number of women in the working population of Delhi has dipped, while the number of men has gone up marginally. The ‘Women and Men in Delhi 2023’ report published by the Directorate of Economics and Statistics on Friday said that Worker Population Ratio (WPR) in the age group of fifteen years and above for women went down from 16% in 2018-19 for three consecutive years to reach 11.5% in 2021-2022. In the case of men, it rose from 67.3% in 2018-2019 to 68.9% in 2021-22.
Delhi's women workforce participation is also lower than the national average, which was 22% in 2017-18 and has since shown an upward trend to reach 31.7% in 2021-22, as per the data in the report. WPR is an indicator used to assess the employment situation. The ratio indicates the proportion of a country's population that actively contributes to the production of goods and services.
ADelhi government official said that the pandemic was one of the reasons that the number of women in the workforce decreased. Many of them engaged in the unorganised sector lost their jobs during that time. “Also, the number of women working in agrarian states or rural areas in the farm sector is sometimes higher than recorded,” he said.
Swati Maliwal, head of Delhi Commission for Wo men, responded to the gender skew saying, “While India recently achieved the status of the fifth-largest economy globally, the active involvement of women in the labour force remains limited. The adverse effects of the Covid pandemic have exacerbated the challenges they have faced in recent years.”
Maliwal added, “Women also continue to encounter difficulties in accessing fundamental amenities such as transportation and safety. Issues like child marriages and alack of educational opportunities for girls are significant barriers too. It is imperative to focus on enhancing safety in urban areas, as well as improving the affordability and accessibility of transportation and education in rural India.”
The unemployment rate has improved in the case of both genders over the years. For the age 15 and above age group, the unemployment rate was 9.2% for males against 10.7% for the female population in 2017-18. In 2021-22, the rate was 5.1% for men and 6% for women. In 2021-22, 33.1% of the male workers were self-employed, 63.3% were wage or salary earners and 3.5% were casual labourers. Among women, 17% were self-employed, 83% were in regular wage or salaried employment and none in casual labour. Casual labour comprises intermittent, sporadic or short-period work. The figure seems to indicate that more women switched from casual to regular wage or salaried employment in 2021-22.
The analysis of the distribution of workers across industry divisions shows that the highest female participation (14.7%) was in trade, hotel and restaurant sectors, followed by manufacturing (14%) and communications (7%). They had negligible presence in the electricity and water sectors.
According to the report, the average wage of Rs 548 earned by casual workers per day in Delhi surpassed the national average of Rs 382. One area regarding women in Delhi that has shown improvement is the mean age at marriage. It is now higher than the national average. As per the report, in 2020, the mean age at marriage for women in the city was 24.4 years against the national median age of 22.7 years. While in urban Delhi, the mean age was 24.4 in 2020, in rural Delhi it was lower at 23.3. Rural Delhi has been seeing a dip in the mean marriage age for the past few years.