Taxis: India

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Centre tells states: Provide fee relief to women-driven taxis

The Times of India, Jun 04 2016

Dipak Dash

Provide fee relief to women-driven taxis, Centre tells states

 Centre wants states to “brand“ women-driven taxis exclusively and to exempt them from paying permit fees. This is aimed to encourage more such womendriven taxis, which is gaining currency across the country .

The road transport ministry has suggested this in the proposed taxi permit scheme for both city taxis and All India Tourist Permit (AITP) cabs. The policy will cover taxi aggregators and there will be a cap on fare as earlier reported by TOI.

It suggests while capping of fares will cover vehicles falling under two categories airconditioned micro and mini city taxis air-conditioned midi and mega taxis such as Honda City , Toyota Altis, Dzire and other top end cars that operate with permits to ply within the city will be out of this regime. “The fare of such taxis should be market driven,“ said a ministry official.

Considering that a robust taxi framework can supplement good public transport system in cities, the proposed policy also suggests states to create special taxi parking zones by earmarking at least 20% space for such vehicles free of cost.

The AITP vehicles would be allowed only for hiring on hourly basis (minimum four hours) or daily basis or for long-term basis such as for call centres. Both city taxi and AITP vehicle must have CCTV cameras for passenger safety , the Centre has suggested. Meanwhile, to increase the availability of public transport in rural areas as well, the road transport ministry will liberalise the permit regime and will come out with norms to allow vehicles including motorcycle taxis, e-rickshaws and jugaads for ferrying passengers.

“The focus is to improve all forms of public transports both in urban and rural areas,“ said a government official.

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