Ethnic slurs: India

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Venu Lanka, August 12, 2022: The Times of India

Vijayawada: The Andhra Pradesh government has banned afew words that denigrate the Nayee Brahmin community, including words like “mangali”, “mangaloda”, “bochu gorigevada”, “mangalidi” and “konda mangali” — all these are words for “barber” in Telugu. The government has issued orders to this effect. Those who use these words will be liable for legal action as per relevant IPC sections.

G Jayalakshmi, principal secretary in the BC welfare department, said in the orders that the collectors of East and West Godavari districts forwarded representations sent by Bava Samaj, Delhi, objecting to words that hurt sentiments of the Nayee Brahmin community. They said these words hurt the self-respect of Nayee Brahmin community.

The director of the BC welfare department also wrote a similar representation, which was then considered by the government. AP Nayee Brahmin Welfare Corporation (APNBWC) and caste associations welcomed the decision. Siddavatam Yanadayya, chairman of APNBWC, thanked the government for prohibiting the use of the abusivewords.

“Despite social and economic progress, people from the Nayee Brahmin community are facing insults with abusive words ,” said K Guru Murthy, member of the APNayee Brahmin Welfare Front.

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