Amritpal Singh (Basketball)

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First Indian in Australian basketball league

Amit Sampat, Amritpal becomes first Indian in Australian basketball league, August 31, 2017: The Times of India

Former Indian basket ball team capta in and country's most talented center Amritpal Singh will be se en shooting and guarding the Sydney Kings' rim in Austraia's National Basketball Lea gue (NBL).

The 26-year-old -who picked basketball for the first time when he was 19 -will be the first Indianborn player to take to the court in Australia's National League. On Wednesday , the 7-foot centre was signed by the Sydney Kings as a back-up center, and Amritpal is all but “excited“ with the opportunity he got in his third attempt.“The Australian league is a very tough competition and I am more excited than happy with this opportunity that I was able to grab it in my third attempt,“ Amritpal told TOI in an exclusive chat from Sydney .

Earlier in July , Amrit's teammate Vishesh Bhriguvanshi became the first Indian to be drafted into the NBL when he was picked by defending champions Adelaide 36ers but will be eligible to play if he replaces an injured player.

Amrit, however, has been sig ned by the Australian club as a back-up center, and Sydney Kings managing director Jeff Van Groningen believes he will get his crack at creating history during the upcoming season. “We welcome Amritpal to our organisation.We take our responsibility as a member of the global basketball community very seriously and endorse the NBL's focus on `bridgebuilding' with those that share an interest and passion for our great game both in India and within the Indian community here in Australia,“ he said in a statement.

Groningen added, “We are excited at what Amritpal can contribute to the Kings as a strong, rebounding big man.“

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