Chrisann Pereira

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A brief biography

As in 2023

Mohamed Thaver, May 4, 2023: The Indian Express

Chrisann Pereira is an actor who has worked in movies like Sadak 2 and Batla House where she played supporting roles. Apart from that, the actress has been a part of several plays like Three Women, Drumroll and Sundays with Chitra. Pereira was also a part of a web series called Thinkistan. She lives in Borivli along with her parents and brother.

How did Chrisann Pereira end up in Sharjah prison

A fraudster, who identified himself as Ravi, approached Pereira’s mother Premila and claimed to be a talent consultant in March. He told Pereira that there is an audition for a web series in Sharjah. He also asked her to carry a trophy in which he had hidden drugs which subsequently led to her arrest in Sharjah.

What has police probe revealed

The police found out that a person called Anthony Paul had a fight with Premila earlier and wanted to get back at her. He made a plan and included another person who pretended to be Ravi. The police have arrested both the accused and efforts are on to get Pereira back to the country.

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