Elected representatives, legislators, India: General issues

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Age of retirement

Voters’ choices

Mohammed Wajihuddin & Sharmila Ganesan Ram, TNN, July 5, 2023: The Times of India

Mumbai: To most politicians in India, age is just a number. They do not quit unless forced by providence or circumstances. It is in this context that “mutinous” nephew Ajit Pawar’s no-holds-barred comment on uncle Shard Pawar’s age — “he is 83” — has reignited a debate on whether there should be a retirement age for politicians too. 
Many readers felt that like other professionals, politicians too should retire, if not at 60, at least by the time they turn 75. “After a certain age, they seem to stop taking interest in public welfare and start taking the public for granted. It becomes a game of projection and power and about staying in the limelight,” says Anandini Thakoor. She suggests politicians must retire after 70. 

If 70 is too early to hang up the boots for politicians, 75, as BJP has made a rule, should be the age to retire. This is what even Ajit Pawar suggested: “In other parties, leaders retire after an age. BJP leaders retire at 75. When are you going to stop? You should also give new people a chance. ”

The common man cannot understand why netas work at an age when many others hang up their boots. “I will continue till my limbs cooperate,” says Belapurbased 48-year-old shoeshine man Rajaram Shobharam. “There should be a retirement age in politics,” says the shoeshine man who began working in 2002.

Author and columnist Shobhaa De says there should not be a retirement age for politicians as “experience and maturity matter”. However, about Pawar she says: “It’s not about age. . . It’s about wisdom and astuteness. Pawar’s age cannot be used against him but his lack of wisdom in this situation is more than apparent. ”

Puppet theatre veteran Meena Naik agrees. “I believe that while actors can act till the audience appreciate them and writers can write till the end, politicians should have a retirement age. ”

Citing veteran industrialist Ratan Tata who retired from his own company when he turned 75, Matunga resident K A Viswanathan says: “Business executives become more knowledgeable and experienced when they grow older. They also lose their perks once they leave the chair. But politicians stick to their chair well into their 80s and 90s, enjoying many comforts at the taxpayers’ expense. When the government has fixed the retirement age for bureaucrats, why not a retirement age for politicians too?”

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