Sonia Gandhi

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No to PM: Rahul drew the line for Sonia

S S-talks-sonias-shah-bano-red-flag-raos-temple-wis-8867038 An extract from Neerja Chowdhury’s book How Prime Ministers Decide , Aleph, 2023

The book reveals details about a meeting which was held at 10, Janpath in the afternoon on May 17, 2004. According to K Natwar Singh, Sonia, Priyanka Gandhi and Manmohan Singh were present in the room when he reached.

“She (Sonia) was sitting there on the sofa…. Manmohan Singh and Priyanka (were there as well)… Sonia Gandhi was looking distraught…Then Rahul came in and said in front of all of us, ‘I will not let you become prime minister. My father was assassinated, my Dadi was assassinated. In six months, you will be killed.

“Rahul threatened to take an extreme step if Sonia did not listen to him. ‘This was no ordinary threat,’ recalled Natwar Singh, ‘Rahul is a strong-willed person. He gave Sonia 24 hours to decide…”

Sonia was in tears after Rahul said he was prepared to “take any possible step to prevent his mother” from taking up the PMship.

The book says that after she was elected CPP leader, Sonia and Vajpayee spoke. “Vajpayee congratulated her and said, ‘You have my ashirwad in abundance.’ And then he added, ‘Don’t take the prize. You will divide the country and could end up straining the loyalty of the civil services.’”

See also

Rahul Gandhi

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