Rock Paintings: Chhattisgarh

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Rock Paintings

Where timeless creative expressions form a valuable part of national heritage... Chhattisgarh stands out chiefly for its large forest cover, mineral wealth and significant presence of ethnic tribes. There is more to these commonly known facts about the state. For those who love to explore the less trodden paths, Chhattisgarh is an awesome choice with its myriad wonders. Cave art and stone craft dating back to the pre-historic era is one of the most intriguing subjects for scientists, explorers and geologists. Chhattisgarh is a treasure trove of Stone Age man's rock paintings. These offer a fresh perspective on the lives they lived, their cultural and social interests. The environment and shades of nature come alive through age old rock paintings.

The presence of a number of pre-historic sites elevates its position among the top tourist destinations of India. These antiquities attribute an exclusive place for Chhattisgarh among those few states that had a prominent role in the ancient civilization of the country. The most important of these pre-historic remains are the rock paintings of Chhattisgarh that can be spotted in more than 31 sites across the state. These rock paintings are relevant from the archaeological and historical points of view. They reveal the life and culture of a civilization that thrived years ago in a land which we know only in its modern appearance. This is where Chhattisgarh grabs the attention of a tourist who does not look at it from the scholarly point of view. The rock paintings display the dexterity and advancement of an age which we usually refer to as primitive and are sure to take a beholder by sheer awe.

The exploration for stone paintings in Chhattisgarh was initially started in 1910 by Anderson. In the Indian Paintings section of Encyclopaedia Britannica, the 13th line has the mention of the stone paintings of Singhanpur, located in Raigarh. Between 1923-1927, Amarnath Dutt carried out various exploration activities. Noteworthy work was also done by Dr. N. Ghosh, and H. Garden. Later, Pt. Shri. Lochan Prasad Pandey dug out loads of information related to the rock paintings.

Various Rock Painting Sites


This site is situated about 20 km northwest of Raigarh on the Raigarh – Kharsiya road. The cave has rock paintings, which have become considerably faint. They portray a ladder man, mermaids, animal figures, hunting scenes and much more. Generally drawn in red ochre, paintings of various animals can also be seen in the Singhanpur cave. Kabra Pahar: Just 8 km to the east of the Raigarh administration centre, rock paintings in red ochre can be found. These paintings are in a better state of preservation and show the tortoise, wild buffalo, human figures, geometric designs etc.


Basnajhar is a village situated at a distance of about 17 km southwest of Singhanpur. There are more than 300 paintings present in the hills of this village in which beautifully drawn scenes of decorated elephants, monkeys, mermaids, horses, wild buffaloes, hunting scenes, dancing scenes, geometric designs etc. are noteworthy.


Located 72 km north of Raigarh (6 km southeast from Dharmjaigarh), are the Bani Hills. These hills are home to more than a 100 rock paintings. It is interesting to know that this shelter has many superimpositions of paintings. Big humped bulls and decorated head gears of human figures are special to this shelter. Creative dance forms have also been portrayed with great skill in the rock paintings of Ongna.


If you travel just 30km north of Raigarh, you come across 325 mesmerizing rock paintings at Karmagarh. Geometric designs, multi-coloured figures of humans and animals make it a famous tourist attraction.


The endless treasure of art continues to allure tourists at Khairpur, which is situated about 12 km north of Raigarh near Tilakhol reservoir. There are several dancing scenes and animal figures belonging to the pre-historical period present in the shelters here.


Located on the Bilaspur-Raigarh road is Kharsiya. Just 8km to the west of Kharsiya is the Botalda village. On the hilly range here is a cave called the Singh Gufa, located at a height of 2000ft. Unique rock paintings ranging from the Mesolithic to the Historical period can be found here. These include animal figures, human figures, hunting scenes, and geometric designs. Bhanwarkhol: About 66 km northwest of Raigarh or 12 km from Bilaspur on the Bilaspur-Kharsiya road, in between the villages of Sutighat and Patrapali, rock paintings are found in the hills of ranges. These are also known by the name of Bhanwarkhol. Here, we come across paintings of mermaids, wild buffaloes, bear, hunting scenes, palm impressions, geometric designs, and Swastikas. Some of the paintings have been badly affected by weathering. These rock paintings are created from white stone and other different coloured stones.


Amargufa is situated about 11 km south of the Sonabarsa village, which is just 2 km from Kharsiya on the main road. Here animal figures, human figures, hunting scenes etc. are depicted.


This site is situated on the Bilaspur – Raigarh road near the Patrapali village. Agricultural activities like a farmer working in the field, and different animals are depicted through paintings at the shelters in Sutighat.


A rock shelter located near Sarangarh has animal figures, detailed hunting scenes, and human figures pictured through beautiful rock paintings.

Siroli Dongri

5 km to the northwest of Sarangarh Nagar are the rock paintings of Siroli Dongri. Very rare and unique, this rock shelter site is carved in sand stone and belongs to the Chandrapuri groups of Chhattisgarh. Human figures, animal figures, hunting scenes, dancing scenes, palm impressions, boat like figures, many geometrical figures and some strange looking insects are all crafted in red ochre. The well formed cupules, then counted to be 37, are carved into a horizontal rock bed under a naturally formed umbrella type of rock formation.


As you enter the dense bamboo jungle at Bhaisgarh, located at 32 km northeast of Raigarh, you can find four rock shelters with rock paintings that have started fading out. There are geometrical designs, and animal figures illustrated at Bainipat.


About 33 km northwest of Kanker, in the village of Udkunda in Tehsil Charama, rock paintings are located at three places, viz. Jogibaba place, Chanda Parka, and Kachari. You can see palm and foot impressions along with different animal figures here.


While going on the Charama-Kanker road, 12km from Kanapod is the Garagoudi village. The hilly ranges here are home to beautiful rock paintings. The Sheetalamata Place has a few carvings of animals that have dulled over a period of time.


About 34 km northwest of Kanker, rock paintings of human and animal figures, archer, bullock cart etc. are found at Balera. This art belongs to the late historical period and intrigues tourists, archaeologists and adventurers all alike.


About 12km from Kanker, this rock art site is located in the Kulgaon village. The paintings, mostly of animals, belong to the Upper Palaeolithic period. Kanhagaon: As you go from Kanker towards the west you come to Devri. 20km from there is Pedhapal, where rock paintings of human figures and animals are found.

Gotitola- Charama: Ancient figures are depicted in a place named Sitaramguda in Madhubanpara. Madhubanpara is located in the Gotitola village. Here, figures related to the legend of Lord Rama are drawn.


In Koriya, rock shelters are located in the Sonhat area's Badra Hills. Animal figures and intriguing human daily life scenes are depicted in a rich white colour.


In the Janakpur region, on the Murrergarh Mountains, rock shelters called Kohbahur are located. They give us a glimpse of the environment and fauna life during pre-historic times. Chitwa Dongri: This rock painting site is located in the Sahgaon Village. Paintings are done in red ochre. The rock paintings have a Chinese figure riding a donkey, figures of dragons and depictions of agricultural activity.


There are luxury hotels available in Raipur and Tourist Department rest houses too are great for a comfortable stay.

How to reach

By Air: Raipur is the nearest airport well connected to Mumbai, Delhi, Nagpur, Bhubaneswar, Kolkata, Ranchi, Vishakhapatnam and Chennai.

By Rail

There are trains available from Bilaspur, Raigarh and Raipur on the Howrah-Bombay mainline.

By Road

Local taxis and private vehicles can be hired from Raipur.

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