Rukhsar Azmi

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Sources include

Bhubaneswar 2014: Ankita Chakraborty and Rukhsar Azmi: Two gawky teenagers from a small town in Jan 2014
Bhubaneswar 2014 finalist: Rukhsar Azmi: a small town engineering student—confident but gauche in Jan 2014
Rukhsar Azmi in Kolakata: by February 2014, thanks to Femina’s grooming, the young lady is already a metropolitan sophisticate

The Times of India/ indiatimes

Early life

Rukhsar Azmi belongs to Bhubaneshwar. She was born in 1994.


Rukhsar went to St. Joseph's High School and in 2014 was still studying at the Krupajal Engineering College

Her tastes

She likes Cooking and dancing.

Partying with friends gives her a high.

Her favourite actor is Salman Khan.

Her favourite movies are Titanic, 2012, Maine Pyar Kiya.

The best pick up line that she has ever heard is, ‘I have lost my heart, can I get yours?’

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