Indapur Taluka

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Indapur Taluka

Taluka of Poona District, Bombay, lying between 17° 54' and 18" 20' N, and 74° 39' and 75° 10' E., with an area of 567 sc^uare miles. It contains one town, Indapur (popu- lation, 5,533), its head-cjuarters ; and 85 villages. The population in 1901 was 66,895, compared with 70,986 in 1891. The density, 118 persons per scjuare mile, is much below the District average. The demand for land revenue in 1903-4 was i-i lakhs, and for cesses Rs. 7,500. The country is hilly and rugged in the north-west and centre, but towards the rivers it is open and smooth. The soils are extremely shallow and stony. As regards rainfall, Indapur is one of the worst- placed tdliikas in the Deccan, the annual average being only about 20 inches.

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