Pakistan- India: Cease-fire and its violations

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India- Pakistan ceasefire

The Times of India December 18, 2014

Ceasefire violations

The first comprehensive ceasefire between India and Pakistan covering the international border, LoC and the Siachen Glacier was enforced on the midnight of November 25, 2003. The ceasefire was established to enable armies from both sides to perform administrative tasks along the borders.Data shows that there has been a steady increase in ceasefire violations by Pakistan in recent years.In 2011, there were 51 and 11 incidents of ceasefire violations at the border patrolled by the Army and BSF respectively. In comparison, the first 11 months of 2014 witnessed 655 ceasefire violations, 150 in areas under the Army's jurisdiction and 405 in the BSF-controlled region.Source: PIB

Violations: Jan-Nov 2014 versus 2013

Pak's truce violations up 57% over '13

Bharti Jain The Times of India Dec 04 2014

There were 545 ceasefire violations on the country's borders until November 25, marking a 57% increase over the 347 violations reported in the whole of 2013. Interestingly , the bulk of the ceasefire violations (395) this year were reported from the international border under operational control of the BSF , while the LoC and IB areas under the Army's control accounted for only 27.5% of the cases.

As per data presented in Rajya Sabha on Wednesday , the 395 violations reported from IB areas under BSF were nearly 167% more than the 148 incidents witnessed in 2013. However, the situation was reversed in LoCIB areas, with violations falling from 199 in 2013 to 150 until November 25 this year.

Though the number of security personnel martyred on account of the violations fell to five from 12 in 2013, the civilian toll rose from nil to 13.

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