Bhabendra Nath Saikia
Dr. Bhabendra Nath Saikia
The one name that conjures up a feeling of warmth in every Assamese heart is that of Dr. Bhabendra Nath Saikia. His gift to the Assamese Society and in the fields of art., culture and literature has not yet been adequately measured. A very capable student of Physics and successful teacher of Gauhati University, Dr. Saikia entered the arena of literature with a few short stories that have shaken the very foundation of the form & style of Assamese fiction. With an eye to very minute details he used his pen with a depth surgeon’s precision. That was a unique beauty of his literary creations.His creativity is such that he was always found at the head of a line of stalwarts in his own field. Dr. Saikia with a handful of very distinct few of his age group, has taken Assamese literature to a very respectable height and in the process a horde of awards came his away. What is remarkable in his case is that the discerning people of Assam have lost count of the awards but have kept close to their heart his works like "SHRINGKHAL", "BANAPRASTHA," "GAHBAR", "ANTAREEP" and the like.
Added to this glorious creations, Dr. Saikia has made his way to a totally different field,namely of films. Someone has said about Dr. Saikia that he has a "Midas Touch" in whatever he puts his hand on. As if to prove this, he has directed such remarkable films like "SANDHYARAAG", "AGNISHNAN", " KOLAHAL", " SARATHI", and "KAALSANDHYA". Each & everyone of his films received not only rave reviews but also recognition both in the country and abroad. An important point to be noted that all his films were based on his own literary creations. One good aspect of this transformation is that he could translate every bit of his literary details to celluloid. These achievements, it is needless to say, have done us proud.Dr Saikia has also put his hand & heart in the publication of few prestigious journals, the most popular "PRANTIK" is one with which he was associated from the very start. A children’s journal "SOFURA" discontinued for sometime, but has started again under his able leadership.
Readers of "PRANTIK" will agree, that Dr. Saikia has given the journal a very respectable look not only its presentation but also in the variety and depth of its contents.Dr. Saikia’s creativity found other equally successful outlets. His radio plays are one. More particularly a few he created for children has not been bettered as yet by other similar creations. He has also given a status to the most famous trend in Assamese Theatre, Namely Mobile Theatre. A hitherto unknown trend was established by a few such theatrical group with very rich plays and appropriate directional touch by him.Dr. Saikia’s outstanding creations, be in celluloid or in the stage, have as yet achieved a landmark. They have given audiences a taste of the medias and people have learnt to appreciate a good film or a good play.It is our pleasure to present this wonderful personality to this select group of people here today and through them to the society at large.
Dr. Bhabendra Nath Saikia's films are
Sandhyaraag (Cry of Twilight) - 1977. B&W
Anirban (The Vigil) - 1981. B&W
Agnisnaan (Ordeal) - 1985, Colour
Kolahal (The Turmoil) - 1988, Colour
Sarothi (The Shelter) - 1991, Colour
Abartan (On the Run) - 1993, Colour
Itihaas (Exploration) - 1995, Colour
Kalsandhya (Twilight of Death) - In Hindi 1997, Colour