Sanitation: India

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This is a collection of articles archived for the excellence of their content.

2014:Low achievement

The Times of India

Rural sanitation programme: 2014-15

Jan 17 2015

Toilet building: Swachh mission falls short of target

Dipak Dash

The government may be giving highest priority to build toilets in every rural household, school and anganwadis under its flagship Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), but achievement so far is dismal against the target set for this financial year and there is no chance of the target being achieved in the next four months of this fiscal. Between April and December, only 24.79 lakh individual household toilets could be built across villages against the annual implementation plan (AIP) to construct 1.25 crore such units. The figures for building school toilets is no better and the performance is the worst so far as constructing community toilets is concerned. The achieve ment is only 5.33%.

According to the agenda note circulated by the drinking water and sanitation department, the performance of over a dozen states including Punjab, Bihar, Odisha, Chhattisgarh, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana is below the national average of 19.8%. The ministry has called a meeting of all state secretaries to review the implementation of sanitation schemes next week.

The note also mentions how states have miserably failed to meet the target of building community sanitary complexes, which is crucial for success of SBM in rural areas.States including Gujarat, Andhra, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Bihar, West Bengal and Odisha have performed poorly.

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