Louis Banks

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Louis Banks


Reshil Charles, CNN-IBN@ibnlivemovies IBN Live <>Rediff


Jazz Musician, Louis Banks has been nominated in the contemporary jazz category. Jazz is a genre that the Grammy jury is only too familiar with. And for it's an honour that an Indian jazz artist has recognition at a level serious enough for any critic to take note.

But for Louis — even though he's spent his whole life in this genre, he is still technical about his role in both Miles from India where he plays part producer and floating point by John Iclaughlin where he plays the piano.

Grammy nominations

"For those who have made that kind of a comment that I as an individual have got the nomination, I'd like to clarify that it's not me, it's the album that has been nominated at the Grammys [for the ceremony in 2009]," said Louis.

Louis Banks earned two Grammy nominations in the Best Contemporary Jazz Album category for his work in the albums Miles From India and Floating Point. This category is for albums containing 51 percent or more playing time of instrumental tracks.

Miles from India is a tribute to the founder of modern jazz Miles Davies. According to Banks, it is 'an Indian tribute to the maestro who was simply in love with Indian music.' In Floating Point, Banks plays with guitarist John McLaughlin.

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