Spice production, trade: India

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The Times of India

Exports: 2012-12

Country-wise export of spices from India, 2012-13

Feb 20 2015

From antiquity to the present, India has been known for its wide range of spices. The spice trade was among the key drivers of the world economy from the end of the Middle Ages to modern times. Even today, spices account for a considerable chunk of India's exports. According to the Spice Board of India, in 2012-13, India exported spices worth about Rs 12,000 crore. Data on 17 major spices shows that the US is the largest importer of spices like pepper, ginger and turmeric. Indonesia imports the highest quantity of garlic from India. The largest volume of chillies goes to Vietnam, while China is the largest importer of mint-based products from India.

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