Mishing cinema

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Manju Borah’s Mishing-language “Ko:Yad” (Erosion) won the Rajat Kamal (silver lotus) at the National Film Awards. This picture shows the film being shot at Disangmukh in 2012.

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Manju Borah

This page has been compiled and curated by a Wai/ Tephriimia

The text on this page has been taken from:

i)North-East cinemas: Interesting times/

By Utpal Borpujari, Deep-Focus, December 30, 2012 Utpal Borpujari


iii)Ignore, and be ignorant. Cinema from the Northeast has verve.

By Utpal Borpujari Outlook

iv) Teresa Rehman

Tehelka/ Mishingrenaissance September 17, 2008

Teresa Rehman

Tehelka/ Mishingrenaissance September 17, 2008

RAJEEV DOLEY laughs as he says, “What Amitabh Bachchan is to Bollywood, I am for tribal cinema in the Northeast.” Doley is the handsome star of Migan, the first film to be made in the Mishing dialect of Assam. Based on a Mishing novel by Indreswar Pegu, the film is about a young man who goes to Tibet in search of a Yoksa, a famed and powerful sword. Doley also stars in Ayang Ago, a commercial film with a love triangle involving a village boy and a city girl. After the films’ release Doley was so popular that political parties were ready to offer him a ticket for the assembly polls.

Rajeev Doley, Mishing superstar

The Mishing community, which had grown used to watching Hindi and Assamese cinema, has longed to watch films in their own language. “Women, children and even village elders come to see me. They found it incredible that there was a film in their own dialect. People walk miles to the mini-video halls to watch my hits,” Doley says.

Amongst tribes in northeast India, literature and culture is passed on primarily through oral traditions, but films in tribal dialects that reflect their social and cultural ethos are also becoming an important tool. Doley believes his films are also helping to conserve the tribal culture for future generations.

Another veteran filmmaker, Manju Borah, too has got quite busy suddenly. One of the rare filmmakers who have been seeking out meaningful subjects for her films on a frequent basis at a time when many filmmakers were struggling to get funds, Borah has just completed the shooting of a Mishing-language film titled “Koyad” (Erosion). With music by Isaac Thomas Kottukapally, who has worked with her in more than one project in the past, the film takes a look at “erosion of different emotions in life”, as Borah puts it. The film has the river-man relationship, which is so crucial to the lifestyle of the Mishing community, as its backbone, and is about the human spirit that always triumphs.

Borah has also announced a full-length animation feature film on the 15th century saint-social reformer-cultural icon Srimanta Sankardeva, which will also be the first full-length animation film to be made in the entire North-East India. The filmmaker plans to release it in Assamese, Bengali, Hindi and English, and the animation is being developed by Kolkata-based Kaleidoscope Entertainment. Borah is also associated with another interesting project, a mainstream comedy titled “Baralar Bhar” (The House of the Bachelors), produced and directed by Malayalam filmmaker Mani C Kappen. Shot in Assam and Bengal, it is the story of an Assamese boy marrying a Bengali girl and their subsequent travails in a comic format.

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