Migration: South Asia

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Migration from and to Bangladesh, India, Pakistan

Migration from and to Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, 2010-15; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, September 30, 2015

2001-11: India, Top source of migrants to OECD


1. The Times of India, November 5, 2015

2. The Times of India, November 5, 2015

India and the other top four exporters of skilled migrants, 2011-12; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, November 5, 2015
Worldwide diaspora in OECD countries and recent migrant population above 15 years in OECD countries, 2010-11

Lubna Kably

Indiaspora rising: Country top source of OECD migrants  123% jump in highly skilled people in 10 years

Both the countries of origin (where people emigrate from) and the pro ile of migrants has changed significantly in recent years. India now tops the list of countries of origin for recent as well as highly skilled migrants to member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The 34 OECD membercountries include the European countries, the United States, Japan, Canada and Australia.

Indians also constitute the fourth largest diaspora in the OECD countries, according to a report re eased on Tuesday . India accounted for 8.95 lakh recent migrants above the age of 15 years in OECD countries during 2010-11.`Recent migrants' are those who have been in an OECD member-country for less than five years.

India was closely followed by Mexico (8.7 lakh) and China (8.2 lakh). OECD's report titled `Connecting with emigrants: a global profile of diasporas, 2015' noted that of diasporas, 2015' noted that in 2010-11, there were 3.1 crore highly educated migrants in OECD countries, an increase of 1.3 crore over a ten-year period. India contributed the most, with the number of highly skilled migrants from here having risen by 123% over the past decade to stand at 22.38 lakh in 2010-11.

The OECD also highlighted the growing importance of the Asian diasporas. At 38.36 lakh, India had the fourth largest diaspora, a growth of 83% over ten years.

The country was ranked ninth in 2000-01. “China and India, with about 39 lakh migrants each, have surpassed the diasporas of traditional OECD countries of origin of migrant population. This is an important change relative to the top five countries of origin in 2000-01, which were all OECD countries (viz: Mexico, UK, Germany , Italy and Poland),“ said the report.

Overall, in 2010-11, there were 11.3 crore migrants (all ages) in the OECD countries.The number of migrants aged 15 and above had increased by 40% since 2000-01 reaching 10.6 crore in 2010-11.

As regards the issue of brain drain, OECD's report doesn't comment directly on the Indian scenario, but points out that “the risk of brain drain is higher for SubSaharan Africa and Latin America, while it is less of a concern for other regions. For many countries, the rising educational attainment of their populations has mitigated the negative effects of the increasing numbers of their high-skilled migrants.“

An earlier OECD report had pointed out that the top five destinations for Indian migrants are: Australia, Germany , US, Canada and UK With a significant number of Indians overseas, US $71 bil lion was remitted to India in 2014, while the Chinese were remitted US $64 billion.

The dominance of Asia in highly skilled migration is al so reflected in the numbers of international students from the region. With 6.25 lakh stu dents in OECD countries in 2012, China is by far the top country of origin, followed by India with 1.68 lakh students The number of Chinese stu dents grew by 53% between 2008 and 2012, while that of In dians increased by just 3%.

See also

Migrant remittances: South Asia

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