Radio Bultoo

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Narrowcasting programmes in local dialects

The Times of India, Jan 24 2016

Dipak Dash

“Radio Bultoo“, Chhattisgarh's version of disseminating information through Bluetoothenabled mobile phones in local languages, reportedly fascinated the Prime Minister when a group of secretaries made a presentation on how to use mobile phone and digital technology for effective communication in rural areas, particularly among farmers. Since transfer of files through Bluetooth is free, this has gained popularity in some parts of Chhattisgarh. Collector of Chhattisgarh's Balrampur-Ramanujganj district Alex Paul Menon told TOI that rather than broadcasting a radio programme, they are working on narrow-casting of programmes in local dialect. “Bultoo is one part of the larger initiative that we have undertaken. First, such radio programmes help us save the `dying' local dialect and local content. Secondly , people understand things better in their dialect. Any message including `Swachh Bharat' has greater impact when people get them through the dialect that they understand,“ he added.

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