Indian Administrative Service (IAS)

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The Indian Administrative Service (IAS)


State can keep IAS officer under suspension, pending disciplinary action

Suspension to continue only if Centre (DoPT) confirms it

State can’t delay report beyond maximum 90 days without Centre’s confirmation

For disciplinary proceedings, IAS officer presents reply to chief secretary

The chief secretary, a state’s top bureaucrat, can take a call to either continue suspension or revoke it based on report

State must then send report to Centre for confirmation

Opinion of Centre prevails

If Centre goes by state’s report, suspended officer can move court — Central Administrative Tribunal (CAT)

CAT acts as arbiter. Takes into account Centre’s and state’s recommendations and officer’s version

CAT judges if state followed due procedure as per service rules in suspending officer

During this period, officer in question receives half pay & housing facility

Period of suspension on charges other than corruption can’t exceed a year, pending further inquiry

If inquiry not completed within a year, suspension order stands revoked

Officer can be suspended for one year maximum, pending inquiry

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