Indian cinema: 2010-19

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The celluloid era ends

RIP CELLULOID (2015-16) Oct 06 2016 : The Times of India

Technology has caught up with the Indian film industry. It was first in 2012-13 that digital films overtook the traditional celluloid movies in the number of films certified in the country. The technology has changed so fast that in 2015-16, only one celluloid film was certified by the Censor Board, clearly marking the end of the celluloid era

i) Indian Cinema 2012-16: Numbr of celluloid and digital films made.
ii)A language-wise break-up of Indian films made in 2015-16.

The Times of India

See also

Indian cinema: historical outline Covers the era before the first Indian feature film

Indian cinema: 1913-20

Indian cinema: 1920-29

Indian cinema: 1930-39

Indian cinema: 1940-49

Indian cinema: 1950-59

Indian cinema: 1960-69

Indian cinema: 1970-79

Indian cinema: 1980-89

Indian cinema: 1990-99

Indian cinema: 2000-09

Indian cinema: 2010-19

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