National Film Awards (India) 2014, II: Other awards

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The main awards

See National Film Awards (India): 2014

Other awards

Best Book on Cinema


Title of the Book





Cinema Ga Cinema


Swarna Kamal and Rs 75000 to the author : Nandagopal

Swarna Kamal and Rs 75000 to the Publisher: Praga India, Hyderabad

Cinema Ga Cinema is a refreshing treatise on various aspects of film making from its beginning in the early 20th century to the present and even into the future. Veteran film journalist Shri Nandagopal deals in an exhaustive, research based and yet elegant manner with different aspects of the art of cinema, aesthetic values, roles of dance and music, photography, costumes and myriad other aspects of film making not just in India but even in world cinema. His extensive exposure and experience in the film industry lends richness to all parts of the book.



Best Film Critic


Name of Critic



Swarna Kamal and Rs75000 to the Critic : Alaka Sahani (English)


Through her articles published in 2013, film critic Alaka Sahani has highlighted facets of cinema beyond glamour and gossip by delving deeper into the contemporary relevance of iconic film makers, hunting down the remnants of yesteryear theatres in Mumbai, investigating the new lease of life given to documentary film makers by the Internet and by looking at film making on the other side of the border. The Jury recommends her for the award for the non-mainstream theme of her articles and the sensitivity with which she has presented these issues. 



See also

National Film Awards (India): 2014<>National Film Awards (India) 2014, II: Other awards<>National Film Awards (India): 2015<>National Film Awards (India): 2016<>National Film Awards (India): 2017<>

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