Tawang monastery

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Nomination of head

Dalai Lama surrenders power

The Times of India, May 22 2016

Dalai Lama has said he will no longer nominate the head of the Tawang monastery in Arunachal if people were unhappy with the performance of incumbent Tulku Rinpoche. Rinpoche had tendered his resignation after two people, including a monk, died during a recent stir in Tawang against the construction of a mega dam.

Responding to an application from the monks and ad tion from the monks and administration of the monastery for the appointment of a new abbot, the office of the Dalai Lama circulated a letter on May 18 which said the “revered Rinpoche is among the top Buddhist scholars“ and was personally appointed as the abbot of Gaden Namgyal Lhatse, as the monastery is known, by him.

The Tibetan spiritual leader said, “I have selected and designated a highly qualified monk as the abbot of Gaden Namgyal Lhatse and if people are unsatisfied with his activities, I shall no longer appoint the abbot of Tawang monastery and the appointment shall be undertaken by the Sera Je monastery instead.

Pema Lingpa’s sculpture stolen, recovered

900-yr-old stolen idol recovered, 2 arrested |Jun 06 2017 : The Times of India (Delhi)

A mediæval idol of Terton Pema Lingpa

Buddhist Statue Worth Rs 2cr Stolen From Tawang

An idol of Buddhist saint Pema Lingpa, which was stolen from a monastery in Tawang, was recovered by the crime branch of Delhi Police. The gold idol, believed to be about 900 years old [12th century], was reported missing from the house of the head cheepa (chief lama). [Indpaedia: The great saint Pema Lingpa lived from 1450 to 1521. Therefore, the idol probably dates to around then.]

Police arrested the lama's former son-in-law, Ngawang Tsundue and his girlfriend, Lobsang Gakey Sherpa, while they were trying to sell the idol worth about Rs 2 crore to a customer in Delhi’s Majnu Ka Tilla.

The idol usually remains hidden at the house of the head lama and is shown to the public, especially during religious events in Arunachal Pradesh. The six-inch tall idol has a precious stone fixed in its hand.

During interrogation, Tsundue disclosed that he is a permanent resident of Tibet and came to India in 2009-2010.He started living in Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh where he came in contact with the daughter of the head cheepa of Tawang. In 2011, the couple got married but the marriage did not last long.

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