Ram Charit Manas/ Ramcharitmanas

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Astrological benefits of verses from Ramcharitmanas

Radhika Mehrotra | Astrological benefits of verses from Ramcharitmanas | Speaking Tree

The Ramcharitmanas is not a mere creation but has almost magical properties to it - the verses (chaupai) can remedy any astrological problem.

Remedying Adversity

When you face sudden problems in your life and the situation is so adverse that you have absolutely no idea how to deal with it - Ramcharitmanas will not let you down. Here is the adversity healing verse "राजिव नयन धरें धनु सायक। भगत बिपति भंजन सुखदायक।।"

Remedying Distress

In case you are facing many problems on the home front and your personal problems, ritually chant - “हरन कठिन कलि कलुष कलेसू। महामोह निसि दलन दिनेसू॥” This verse has the power to remedy the most turbulent of distressful situations.

Remedying Tension

Lord Rama is known for his peaceful demeanour and collected self even in the most distressful situation and turbulent times. When facing tension simply chant - “जय रघुवंश बनज बन भानू। गहन दनुज कुल दहन कृशानू॥”

Remedying Evil Eye

There exist certain entities that intentionally harm your inner peace and your harmonious life, for such situation, one must simply remember Lord Rama and Hanuman and chant - “स्याम गौर सुंदर दोउ जोरी। निरखहिं छबि जननीं तृन तोरी।।”

To Earn a Living

Sometimes many of us go through a period of financial crisis or do not get the desired job. The struggle is such, that you might feel useless and unworthy. Simply do a lot of hard work and chant - “बिस्व भरण पोषन कर जोई। ताकर नाम भरत जस होई।।”

Remedying Impoverishment

Everyone has a good and a bad day, that does not make you any less productive, unique and important. When you need to remedy impoverished state of living one must chant - “अतिथि पूज्य प्रियतम पुरारि के। कामद धन दारिद दवारि के।।”

Remedying Delay in Marriage

If you are looking forward to beginning a new life with a prospective person, but there has been a delay for one reason or the other, rather than stressing over it, simply remember Lord Rama and Goddess Sita and chant - “तब जनक पाइ वशिष्ठ आयसु ब्याह साजि सँवारि कै। मांडवी श्रुतकीरति उरमिला, कुँअरि लई हँकारि कै॥”

Excelling in Studies

If you are a hard working student and feel stagnated, study with focus and all your heart and soul, just add of positivity and chant - गुरु गृहँ गए पढ़न रघुराई। अल्प काल विद्या सब आई॥

Remembering Lord Hanuman

If you are an ardent devotee of Lord Hanuman and believe and your faith in him is as strong as your bones and blood vessels, simply remember Rama and Sita with all your heart and chant - “सुमिरि पवनसुत पावन नामू। अपनें बस करि राखे रामू।।”

To Attain Moksha

When there is no other path for you but one that leads you to the soul path, the path of enlightenment all you need to do is connect with self and chant - “सत्यसंध छाँड़े सर लच्छा। काल सर्प जनु चले सपच्छा।।”

See also

Sri Ram

The Ramayan

Ram Charit Manas

Shanta, sister of Sri Ram

Ramleela, Ram Leela, Ramlila


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