Vaastu Shastra

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Vaastu Shastra

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How can Vaastu change our life

Top 30 Vaastu tips to change your Fortune

By Richa Sharma The Times of India

"Attract more abundance and prosperity"

Ancient sages of India laid down certain principles, following which, the human race could enhance its way of living. If followed correctly and religiously, these principles indisputably bear out benefits and peace in our lives. The sages became aware that the only way the human race could benefit from Nature and the Cosmic energy is, to be in accordance with it. Hence was born Vaastu Shastra, an ancient science that was derived from the laws of nature.

According to Vaastu Shastra, the world is governed by the Sun, Moon, Earth, the nine planets, magnetic waves and the 5 elements namely air, water, earth, space and fire. It is the perfect harmony among all these cosmic energies that facilitate humans to lead a contended, prosperous life. If these cosmic energies are not in balance, they can attract a lot of bad luck in all spheres of life. Here are some simple and quick tips that can activate your luck and help you prosper…

Vaastu Shastra is not a magic wand that would change things for you overnight. It is essentially a discipline that does effect your life, but in a phase of time, gradually. This Shastra definitely manipulates the time and manner in which the events happen, but an individual's actions and destiny also play a major part in what that individual acquires, and eventually develops into.

Vaastu for money

By Richa Sharma The Times of India

Vastu for money: How the direction of the house is said to affect fortunes The Times of India

Keep the north direction positive and energetic because it is the center of God of wealth and helps in sustaining forces that drive wealth. Don’t construct over-head tank in north-east direction. Ensure that your entrance or house front door is not blocked by any wire, pole, pit or other things.

Obstructing the north and east region can hinder your earning capacity and money flow, increasing your expenses. Keep the north-east corner of your home clean and open, and free from any obstruction. If possible make it the place for worship.

North is center of Lord Kubera- God of wealth, so it is important to keep this direction energetic and positive so as to sustain good energies that help raise wealth.

Our house is a temple and we can only benefit from this temple if it is kept clean. Therefore to trigger up finances it is essential to keep all the clutter away from house.

To load your locker with wealth, do not construct over-head tank in North-east because it is the place for under-water tank.

Fish aquariums are very positive for wealth. Choose some active and healthy fish and try to make sure that they are strong swimmers. Keep the water dirt free and aerated. The constant movement of fish will keep the energy of wealth on the move.

Sweeping the floor should be done towards the inside of the house. Never direct your cleaning actions towards the main door. This will cause a reduction in wealth. Rubbish bins should have covers. Keep them covered all the time. Avoid garbage cans, which are perforated on the sides. Wealth energy gets corrupted otherwise.

Always open your bedroom windows for at least 20 minutes a day to allows fresh energy to come in. If not, you will be sleeping with stale energy every night. And if that happens, then how can you expect your life to let more good fortune to come to you. The bed should always be one foot above the ground to facilitate free flow of energy on the bedroom floor. Restriction in the flow of energy would also curtail your wealth earning chances.

Make sure all clocks within your house are in working order. If not, fix them or give them away, Clock, which do not work bring your finances to stand still. Slow clocks signify that you are behind your due date always.

Main door is the vital part of the house as this door is considered as the point of entry in the house. If the entrance to your apartment lies at the end of a long corridor, the energy flowing towards it will be too fierce, increasing risk to your financial investments. Its effect can be diluted by keeping a plant halfway down the corridor.

Adequate natural lighting and ventilation hold a key place in Vaastu practices, as clean and open windows influences bringing in positive energy and flow of money into the house.

Consider the placement of statues and showpieces. Statues of Lord Ganesha know as the dispeller of obstacles, can beautify the house, but avoid placing in the north-east corner.

As per Vaastu, keeping a mirror in your cash drawer signifies magnification of wealth and is good for wealth creation and opulence. Green plants and grains in bathrooms and birdbaths are preferred; however, broken mirrors, idle watches or electronic appliances should be avoided.

The main cause of financial flash or crash creates from the South-West corner for a place, which is called as “Kubera Moolai” meaning ‘The Corner of Wealth’. Locate the safety locker at the South wall facing the North. The door of the locker should preferably open to the North, which is the direction of ‘Kubera’ (God of Wealth) as per Vaastu.

Do not place the locker in North- East corner as it would cause loss of wealth. South-East and North-West corner are also not preferred either as it can lead to unnecessary expenditure.

Keep the windows clean and sparkling, as dirty glass restricts the flow of money. Place decorative boulders or curved pathways or pebbles around your building. This will increase the movement of financial energy in a business that is suffering from setbacks.

If your expenses are spiraling beyond control, keep live plants or grains in the toilet. It will prevent the money from going down the drain, because, symbolically, growing things reabsorb water energy and recycle it.

Keep a birdbath or feeder in the yard to attract wild life, as it augments the amount of energy around your home. Birdbaths and bird feeders can be of great help in cleaning up your finances and drawing prosperity from all directions.

Purple is the color which represents wealth. Keeping a purple-colored plant in the southeast corner would be beneficial. Else, a money plant could be grown in a purple colored pot and placed in the southeast corner of the office or drawing room of the house.

Drainage pipes should be fitted in the east or the north area of factories, offices or residences. Never have a dripping faucet or plumbing as it drains the finances of the house.

A south-east room, being the agni corner, is not fit for bedroom. However, if it is used as a one, it helps in the accumulation of wealth! Also the bed inside the room should not touch the walls and the room should not have a slanting floor.

If money tends to disappear from your life, place a solid, heavy metal object in south - west corner of your house. Large open spaces in the north attract wealth. At the same time remove all obstacles and storages from north.

If the toilet is next to the main entrance it represents waste and contain negative energies. It is also a container of still water that gets flushed down the drain. You should make sure the door is always shut and that you place a mirror on it to deflect negative energies.

If the water tank is in the centre of the house, this signifies a definite stagnation of wealth. Water must be in motion, so a fountain is always a better proposition. There is no alternative but to remove this.

If the entrance and exit doors are in a straight line, this clearly means that whatever comes in doesn't stay but goes straight out in the same direction. You can place a screen between the two. You should also place some plants close to the entrance and exit. Palms have been found to be excellent in this regard.

If there are narrow passages in the house, you can hang mirrors on the wall to expand the feeling of width. If the southwest portion of the house is left vacant, Use it any way you like, even if it is for storage, as long as you go in there once in a while.

Do not keep your brooms, mops and shoes under the staircase. Keeping dirty things under the stairs creates vaastu defects. Also do not keep the brooms, mops and shoes in the north, north east and east directions, these directions are very pious. Do not keep the brooms standing.

If the wall of the house in the east is tall, it stalls the entry of prosperity, Goddess Laxmi, into the house. Therefore, it should be small in height. Cash for daily expenses may be kept on a small wooden cabinet in the north.

The almirah containing cash should be placed in a way that it doesn’t face the door. A heavy cash almirah should not be kept in the north-east corner. A heavy iron chest or safe maybe kept in the southwest or the northern side of the room and may also be kept in southwest corner of the bedroom so as to face the north. Make sure that the safety locker is not placed under the beam as it causes extreme pressure on financial stability.

If the level of the floor in the north is higher than in the south, This means that wealth which enters doesn't remain, but is being drained out towards the south. The solution is to raise the level of at the southern part. If this is not possible, light a lamp in this corner.

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