Hindusthan Records/ INRECO

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Hindusthan Records is a (gramophone) Record Label with a vast archive of Indian Music recorded since 1932. The Hindusthan Records studio was inaugurated by RabindraNath Tagore himself.

The Indian Record Mfg. Co. Ltd., started with a wide range of artistes from Punjabi to Bhojpuri to Marathi, Tamil and Malayalam. Among the artistes recorded were Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Bhonsle, Pt.Mallikarjun Mansur, Pt. Kumar Gandarva, Ustad Amir Khan and Manna Dey.

Hindusthan Records was established as a record label in 1932, and the company made its first recordings of Rabindranath Tagore's songs. Other great recordings by Atul Prasad Sen, Pankaj Kumar Mullick, Anupam Ghatak, K.L. Saigal, Renuka Sengupta, Amiya Thakur and Amita Sen followed.

In the 30s and 40s, Hindusthan’s releases were best sellers including the legendary hits of New Theatres, K.L. Saigal and Pahari Sanyal. It attracted a galaxy of artists – Pankaj Kumar Mullick, S.D. Burman, Ustad Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, Ustad Faiyaz Khan, Ustad Bade Gulam Ali Khan, and many others. Hindusthan became a major player in the unfolding saga of India’s Music History.

As early as the 1940s, the Company focused on building a repertoire of Eastern and Northern Indian recordings in Bhojpuri, U.P. Folk, Chhatisgarhi Folk, Quawalis and Religious Bhajans. In Bengal it recorded artists like Debabrata Biswas, Subinoy Roy, Rajeshwari Datta, Shantideb Ghosh, Rajkumar Chatterjee, Amar Pal, Purna Das Baul, Asoketaru Banerjee, and many more.


When INRECO was set up in 1977, it was the 3rd Record Manufacturing Unit in India and the first 100%, Indian-owned Record Label. INRECO went to Chennai (then Madras) and in a very short time established the label in the South with Film Hits in Tamil and Malayalam. Among the Greats who were brought to the fore were Illaiyaraja and T.Rajendran, to name a few. In Carnatic Classical, artistes like G.N.Balasubramaniam, M.L.Vasantkumari, Sudha Ragunathan, Bombay Jayshri, etc. lent their genius to the INRECO Label. Hindusthan/INRECO has now entered the journey of recording contemporary music in Bengal, north-east and the south.

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