Soap industry: India
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From: Namrata Singh, Has Santoor overtaken Lux as India’s No. 2 soap brand?, June 13, 2018: The Times of India
The toilet soaps market may have become slippery for some brands to hold on to their positions in the pecking order. Santoor, from Wipro Consumer Care & Lighting (WCCL), is within striking distance of the Rs 2,000-crore turnover mark — a feat so far achieved only by Hindustan Unilever’s (HUL’s) Lifebuoy soap, the leading brand of the category.
Santoor closed the financial year 2018 with a turnover of Rs 1,930 crore and chances are it may have overtaken HUL’s beauty soap brand Lux to become the secondlargest toilet soap brand in the country. While there is no confirmation on Lux’s exact annual turnover, it figures in the list of HUL’s Rs 1,000-crore-plus brands. The turnover of Lux could thus be anywhere in the Rs 1,000-1,999 crore range. Even if one were to presume Lux closed the previous fiscal with a turnover that was more than Santoor’s Rs 1,930 crore, the gap between the two brands would be very narrow, making the race to the Rs 2,000-crore mark a close one.
WCCL CEO Vineet Agrawal told TOI, “Santoor has clocked Rs 1,930 crore in financial year 2017-18.” He said the brand’s rural market shares are significantly higher than urban. “In Telangana and Andhra Pradesh (AP), our market share is 38-40%. The No. 2 brand would be onefourth our size in this market. Santoor is No. 1 in AP, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat (rural), and in AP & Telangana (urban and rural combined),” he added.
An HUL spokesperson said Lux has grown well in the last year. “It (Lux) is the second-largest soap brand in India after Lifebuoy,” said the HUL spokesperson, without commenting on or disclosing individual brand growth numbers. Agrawal said, “The advertising (of Santoor) has stuck to the ‘younger looking skin’ platform for the last 25+ years. Even in rural India, we stuck to the same communication. This is because India had opened up and rural people were exposed to urban aspects.”