Healthcare: India
This is a collection of articles archived for the excellence of their content.
‘64% of antibiotics sold are unapproved’
Multinational companies continue to produce and sell unregulated antibiotics in India, worsening the problem of antimicrobial resistance in the country and impeding efforts to fight drug resistance globally, a UK study said.
The report, to be made public on Monday by researchers at Queen Mary University of London and Newcastle University, said millions of antibiotic pills in the Indian market have not been regulated in India, the UK or US.
The research was published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. It found that of 118 different formulations of fixed dose combination (FDC) antibiotics being sold in India between 2007 and 2012, 64% were not approved by the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation (CDSCO), even though sale or supply of unapproved new medicines in India is illegal.
Only 4% of the FDCs (formulations composed of two or more drugs in a single pill) were approved in the US or UK. India already has one of the highest rates globally of antibiotic consumption and antimicrobial resistance. Many of the unapproved FDCs combined poorly chosen antimicrobials likely to exacerbate resistance problems. The FDC antibiotics were sold under more than 3,300 brand names made by almost 500 pharmaceutical manufacturers, of which 12 were multinationals.
The report stated that Abbott, Astra Zeneca, Baxter, Bayer, Eli Lilly, GlaxoSmith-Kline, Merck/MSD, Novartis, Pfizer, Sanofi-Aventis, and Wyeth, manufactured 45% (53) of the 188 FDCs under 148 brand names.
Use of antibiotics, India/ the world: 2000-2015

From: April 2, 2018: The Times of India
See graphic:
The consumption of antibiotics in India, Pakistan, China and the world, and the rise of drug resistant microbes
Caesarean-/ C- sections
HC: ‘Unwarranted C-sections violate rights’
February 14, 2018: The Times of India
Observing that “unwarranted” caesarean sections were harmful to the mother and the baby, and a violation of their fundamental rights, Delhi High Court on Tuesday asked AAP government about the steps it has taken to curb this practice by certain hospitals.
A bench of Acting Chief Justice Gita Mittal and Justice C Hari Shankar asked Delhi government’s Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) to place on record the outcome of deliberations of a panel it had set up to examine and curb the practice of unnecessary caesarean sections (C-sections).
“The DGHS to place on record the outcome of the deliberations and steps taken, if any, on the issue,” it said and listed the matter for further hearing on July 9. The bench also asked the Medical Council of India to examine the issue and place a report before the court before the next date of hearing.
The central government took the stand that health was the responsibility of the state government, which has to formulate the regulations.
The court was hearing a PIL by an NGO which has claimed that lack of regulations was leading to increasing number of C-section births taking place in private hospitals. It has alleged that unnecessary C-sections occur as mothers are not given adequate information to make an informed decision about child birth.
Cath-labs, coronary interventions
2010-15: sharp increase
Sushmi Dey, Number of cath-labs in country up 100% in 5 years, May 4, 2017: The Times of India

Coronary Interventions Rise By 51% In Just One Year: Study
Cath-labs and coronary interventions in India are increasing exponentially , adding substantially to healthcare expenses.While cath-labs have more than doubled in the last five years, from 251 in 2010 to 630 in 2015, coronary interventions rose 51% within a year, between 2014 and 2015, a new study by a thinktank shows.
Increased interventions have resulted in a higher number of stents being used in procedures. The data shows 4,75,000 stents were used in 2015 for 3,75,000 coronary interventions. The figures stand out as just 1,46,719 stents were used in 1,17,420 cardiac interventions in 2010.
A paper published by Observer Research Foundation (ORF), based on analysis of data from different sources, highlights the potential role of price control in keeping health care costs in check. Acknowledging stent price capping is a significant step by the government, it suggests India needs greater transparency in costing systems, outcomebased measurements and evidence-based policy-making.
Authored by Ramesh Bhat, former professor at IIM Ahmedabad and president of the Indian Health Economics and Policy Association, and Denny John, Evidence Synthesis Specialist at Campbell Collaboration, the study says any analysis of the implications of economic regulations, including price controls, will need a detailed appreciation of market forces.
Cardiovascular diseases are now the leading cause of mortality in India, with a quarter of all deaths in 2015 attributed to the disease. According to the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) 2015 study , death rate due to heart diseases in the country stood at 272 per 100,000 population. Even with such figures, the paper suggests, cardiovascular diseases in India remain highly under-diagnosed though the number of coronary interventions like angioplasty are growing every year.
Moreover, the findings show, the use of expensive high-end drug eluting stents (DES) has also gone up contributing to the increasing healthcare costs. According to the paper, the share of DES in the total use of stents has reported a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 53.52% between 2002 to 2015, whereas total stent usage has grown by 22.86% in the same period.
It also highlighted the sources of financing of coronary procedures in India, which has a great deal of impact on household expenditures as majority of it is still borne out-of-pocket. The findings show over 43.9% of the financing of the coronary procedures in 2014 were conducted through out-ofpocket expenditure. Analysis of the NSSO 71st round done in the paper also show that one-fifth of hospitalisations due to CVD were paid for by borrowings or sale of personal assets. The same survey found that 53% of the population suffered from `catastrophic' health expenditures.
The study says severity of penalty is essential to price control and in determining compliance. Besides, the government or the regulator will also need to create an ecosystem to ensure effectiveness of such regulation.
Advocating for more effective monitoring of quality of medical products, the paper says, “Given the fact that currently the market for medical devices is poorly regulated, and there is no formal system to monitor quality of care, price control could have a negative impact in terms of entry of inferiorquality and outdated products in market“.
The paper recommends setting up of a Medical Technology Assessment Board (MTAB) to initiate evidencebased health policy process.
Charity hospitals
Many misuse tax breaks: CAG
`No clear definition of charitable', August 21, 2017: The Times of India
Income tax exemptions worth hundreds of crores have been given to hospitals claiming to be charitable institutes, but they may be doing little or no charity , according to a recent report of the Comptroller and Auditor General. CAG has asked for measurable parameters to assess the extent of charitable activities by hospital trusts availing tax exemptions as the public exchequer could be losing crores without any public benefit.
While various sections of the Income Tax (I-T) Act allow hospitals, nursing homes and medical research institutes to avail of relief and incentives, many institutions that charge patients claim and get exemption by virtue of the fact that they are registered as trusts, the report pointed out. The fact that the I-T Act has no performance-spe cific definition of what is “charitable“ is part of the is “charitable“ is part of the problem, says a CAG report .
Many charitable trusts receiving significant amounts in gross receipts were not being selected for scrutiny by the I-T department, according to CAG.The report examined cases completed from 2012-13 to 2015-16.
Even when measurable parameters exist for assessing the extent of charitable activities, the I-T department is unable to deny exemption, said the CAG report. For instance, the Bombay Public Trusts (BPT) Act, which governs charitable trusts in Maharashtra, required trusts to fulfil certain conditions -including setting aside 10% of beds for free treatment of the poor and 10% for treatment at concessional rates and putting 2% of total billing into an indigent patient fund to treat the poor. The CAG audit of 10 trust hospitals registered under this act found that a majority did not fulfil these conditions.Since the I-T Act does not identify non-compliance with the BPT Act as grounds for denying exemption and has no measurable parameters of its own, these hospitals continue to get exemption worth crores despite flouting the conditions.The audit found that these 10 hospitals alone had “availed non-justified exemption“ that amounted to Rs 77 crore.
The audit cited the example of a charitable trust in Kolkata that was “functioning as an intermediary of a corporate hospital“. In another case, a trust was collecting fees for a threeyear postgraduate course in a Mumbai hospital. The course itself had been declared illegal by the Medical Council of India. Despite these violations, the I-T department could not deny exemption “for carrying out unauthorised business in the garb of charity“.
Section 80G of the I-T Act, which provides exemption to donations that charitable trusts receive, stipulates that receipts issued to the donor should bear a reference number and date of the order. However, the audit found that section 80G certificates were available in just 10% of 87 cases in the standalone hospital category . For instance, a Pune-based trust involved in education and the medical sector received a corpus donation of Rs 19.4 crore in 2012-13, of which Rs 16 crore was shown to be received from one company that has an authorised and paidup share capital of just Rs 5 lakh. The financial statements of this donor were not available.Despite a preponderance of such violations of the conditions of section 80G, no action was found to have been taken, noted the report.
Cost of hospitalisation

From: Rema Nagarajan, 1 in 5 urban families forced to borrow to fund hospital stay, December 11, 2017: The Times of India

From: Rema Nagarajan, 1 in 5 urban families forced to borrow to fund hospital stay, December 11, 2017: The Times of India
About a quarter of all rural households and one in five urban families in India are forced into debt or sale of assets to meet hospitalisation costs. This is true across income levels, revealed the National Health Profile 2017 published recently by the Central Bureau of Health Intelligence.
In rural India, about twothirds — ranging from 65.6% in the poorest to 68% for the richest — depend on household income or savings, while 27% of the poorest households and 23% of the richest households depend on borrowings for hospitalisation costs. In urban India, 68% of the poorest and about 80% of the most well-off households depend on their own income and savings.
As they get richer, their reliance on borrowings goes down from 22% among the poorest to 14% among the richest. In rural India, about 1% of the population, whether rich or poor, meet hospitalisation costs through sale of assets. This is negligible among urban households.
Hospitalisation most expensive in rural Guj
Roughly 5% of rural and urban households are helped out by friends and relatives to meet the cost.
The data on hospitalisation was from the health expenditure survey conducted by the National Sample Survey Organisation from January 2013 to June 2014. The data also shows that getting hospitalised was most expensive in Gujarat for rural households and in Assam for those who lived in towns and cities. The average cost per hospitalisation case in rural areas was Rs 32,500 in Gujarat, over four times as expensive as in UP. Similarly, each hospitalisation in urban Assam cost on an average about Rs 52,368 nearly seven times as much as in urban Delhi.
Next to Assam, the urban areas of Goa and Himachal Pradesh were the most expensive places to get inpatient treatment, costing over Rs 37,000 and Rs 35,200 per hospitalisation case.
Interestingly, in states with very high total per capita sending on health, such as Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Kerala and J&K, the average expenditure on each hospitalisation was not among the highest. This could be due to higher spending on out-patient costs. In many of these states, the presence of a robust public hospital network could also be the reason for lower expenditure on hospitalisation as several of them also have the highest government spending per capita on health.
Out-of-pocket expenses exceed 10%/ 25% of income/ consumption

From: Radheshyam Jadhav, Healthcare costs land 5cr Indians in poverty, December 15, 2017: The Times of India
50% Of World Population Can’t Afford Services
At least half of the world’s population cannot obtain essential health services and each year about 100 million people, including in India, are being pushed into poverty because they have to pay for healthcare out of their own pockets.
‘Tracking Universal Health Coverage: 2017 Global Monitoring Report’, a new report by the World Bank and the World Health Organization released on Wednesday has revealed that currently 800 million people spend at least 10% of their household budgets on health expenses for themselves, a sick child or other family member. For almost 100 million, these expenses are high enough to push them into extreme poverty, forcing them to survive on $1.90 or less a day.
The report looks at “catastrophic” spending on health on the basis of out-of-pocket expenditures exceeding 10% and 25% of household total income or consumption. About one-sixth of households in India (exceeding 10% household income) and 3.9% (exceeding 25% household income) bear such spending exceeding a household’s ability to pay without reimbursement by a third party.
Among the Brics countries, South Africa, which spends 8.7% of GDP on health, and Russia, which has a predominantly state-funded healthcare system, had just 0.1% and 0.6% respectively, of households spending over 25% of their income on healthcare. This figure was 0.8% in the US. China had the highest proportion (4.8%) and in Brazil it was 3.5% of households.
According to the report, 808 million worldwide incur catastrophic health spending at the 10% level. Latin America and Asia have the highest rates of people with out-ofpocket expenditures exceeding 10% or 25% of total household consumption or income.
The report states that 4.2% and 4.6% households in India, based on two different poverty lines, are impoverished by spending on health. Given that there are about 24 crore households in India, that would mean around a crore households or a population of nearly 5crore being impoverished. In these cases, a household is forced by an adverse health event to divert spending away from things like food, shelter and clothing, to an extent that its spending on these items is reduced below the level indicated by the poverty line.
The levels of health service coverage vary widely between countries. The Universal Health Coverage (UHC) service index is highest in East Asia (77 on the index) and Northern America and Europe (also 77). Sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest index value (42), followed by Southern Asia (53). The index is correlated with under-five mortality rates, life expectancy and the Human Development Index. UHC means that all people receive the health services they need, including public health services designed to promote better health, ensuring that the use of these services does not expose the user to financial hardship.
Incidence of catastrophic payment has been increasing between 2000 and 2010.
Delivery (of babies)
Cost of delivery at govt hospitals

From: Shivani Azad, Cost of delivery at govt hospitals highest in Manipur, Delhi: Survey, February 14, 2018: The Times of India
In 2011, the Centre had started the Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK) under which a pregnant woman was entitled to free delivery at government hospitals across India.
But a state-wise breakup of delivery costs according to the Niti Ayog’s ‘Healthy States Progressive India Report' says that delivery at government hospitals continues to cost the poor a lot of money. Manipur tops this list, with Rs 10,076 being required to deliver a child at a government hospital. This is followed by Delhi, at Rs 8719.
Dinesh Arora, director (health), Niti Aayog, said, “Our analysis of out of pocket expenditure for various states is based on the National Family Health Survey-4 data, which was released in 2015-16. We are sure that in the last two years things have improved significantly.”
In West Bengal, the cost, according to the report, is Rs 7,782; Kerala Rs 6,901, and Arunachal Pradesh Rs 6,474. In contrast, in Dadra and Nagar Haveli a family had to spend just Rs 471.
Taking note of the fact that the Centre had been spending crores on improving maternal and child care in India, authors of the report have asked the states to buck up. The report read: “Given the number of National Health Mission (NHM) interventions targeting pregnant women, such as Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY), Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakaram (JSSK), and Referral Transport to ensure free delivery at public health facilities, the states should aim to reduce the OOP expenditure.”
Though the reason behind higher cost of delivery at government facilities in the north-east has largely been attributed to geographically challenging terrain and unavailability of trained staff, Delhi, Mahasthra and Karnataka’s charges have left many wondering.
Sharing the reasons behind increased delivery costs in “richer” states, Uttarakhand family and health welfare society director general Dr Archana Srivastava said, “Round-the-clock availability of drugs, diagnostics and transport facilities play a major role in determining OOP expenditure.”
2010, 2017
Encephalitis killed over 500 across country in 2017, The Times of India, Aug 16 2017
Disease Wreaks Havoc In UP And Assam
The deaths of scores of children in a Gorakhpur hospital have put the focus on Acute Encephalitis Syndrome (AES) and Japanese Encephalitis (JE) but these deadly diseases have been creating havoc in UP and other states for years.
As per the data on the website of the Directorate of National Vector-Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP), since January 1 to August 13 this year, 1208 cases of AES have been reported in UP , and of these 152 resulted in the death of the patient. In the same period 112 cases of JE were reported in which three lives were lost, the data says.
According to the data, another state which has been badly affected is Assam where 1534 cases of AES were reported, and 128 patients lost their lives. The state reported 482 cases of JE of which 67 resulted in death, as per the data.
Overall, 5,926 cases of AES have been reported in the country till August 13 this year, of which 406 deaths have been reported. The country also witnessed 93 JE deaths this year, out of 903 cases reported in the same period.
According to additional director, health, Dr Pushkar Anand, 139 deaths of patients, mostly children have been reported from the paediatric ward of state-run Baba Raghav Das Medical College, this year in UP . Six cases of deaths were reported from August 12 to August 14, he added. In UP , the most severely affected dis tricts are Gorakhpur, Maharajganj, Kushinagar, Basti, Siddharthanagar, Sant Kabir Nagar, Deoria and Mau.
NVBDCP data reveals that in 2010, UP reported 3540 cases of AES, which claimed 494 lives.In 2015, as many as 479 lives were lost due to AES of which 2894 cases were reported. JE claimed 42 lives from the 351 reported cases, according to the official data. In 2016, 3919 cases of AES were reported in which 621 lives were lost.The death toll due to JE stood at an all time high of 73 out of 410 cases reported. Apart from UP , this year, AES and JE deaths were reported from Assam, Bihar, Manipur, Odisha and West Bengal.
Government expenditure on health

When it comes to government expenditure on health, India's is among the lowest in the world. In 2012, at 60 PPP* dollars per capita, it was barely 1.4% of the US government's per capita health $ expenditure of 4,153 PPP dollars.Despite having such a high per capita public expenditure on health, the extremely high cost healthcare system in the US means the government covers only 47% of total healthcare costs. In the UK and Japan, more than 80% of the cost is covered by government. In India, government expenditure is only 30.5% of total expenditure on health *purchasing power parity Source: WHO; Research: Atul Thakur; Graphic: Sunil Singh

From: Rema Nagarajan, Health: Govts spending less force people to fork out more, November 30, 2017: The Times of India
Per Capita Healthcare Spend In HP 6 Times As Much As In Bihar
The government spent more than Rs 2,000 per person per year on health in Himachal Pradesh while in Bihar per capita government spending was just Rs 338, about one-sixth as much. This wide disparity in government spending between states also results in a corresponding variation in how much people are forced to spend from their own pockets.
Government spending includes what’s spent by all levels of government, but about two-thirds of the total nationally is by the states. These facts emerge from the National Health Accounts 2014-15 just uploaded on the union health ministry’s website.
In Himachal, people had to pay only about half the total health expenditure from out of their own pockets, while in Bihar their share was 82%. The national average for households’ share of the total spending was less than two-thirds.
The pattern of low government spending leading to a very high share of the burden of health expenditure being borne by the people is clear in the case of states where government share of spending was the smallest. As a share of the total health spend, Andhra Pradesh had the lowest, 15.4%, leaving people to shoulder 78%. In Bihar, the government’s share was just 16.5%. Shockingly, in Punjab, considered one of the most prosperous states, government spending was just 17% of the total health expenditure, while people spent 79.3% from their own pockets.
The two figures do not add up to 100% because total health expenditure also includes private or government-funded health insurance, spending by NGOs and by external donors. Thus, in some states, despite a low share of government in total health spend, the share of households is not too high. For instance, while in Maharashtra the government spends only 17% of the total, the households’ share is only about 60%, the remaining 27% being accounted for largely by insurance.
So where is all this money going? According to the NHA, private hospitals (26%) and private clinics (5%) accounted for almost a third of the total health spending, while pharmacies raked in another 29%. The share of government hospitals and clinics was just over 20%. Diagnostic labs and patient transport accounted for about 5% each. Inpatient care was 35% and outpatient care about 16% of the total health expenditure, while medicines and medical products accounted for almost 30%.
Another revealing statistic that emerges from the NHA is that a mere 5.3% of the total was spent on preventive healthcare.
2014-15, government expenditure on health
Rema Nagarajan, Govt’s aam aadmi health spend: ₹1,100/yr, December 3, 2017: The Times of India
If what the central government spends on providing healthcare for its own employees is a measure of what decent healthcare costs, what governments (central and states put together) spend for the ordinary citizen is a paltry sixth of that amount. The recently released National Health Accounts (NHA) 2014-15 shows that the average government spend per citizen per year was just Rs 1,108, against almost Rs 6,300 per central government employee.
Even the most generous government spending among states, Himachal Pradesh at just over Rs 2,000 per capita, doesn’t come close to matching this. According to the NHA, India’s health expenditure in 2014-15 worked out to Rs 3,826 per person. Of this, what people had to spend from their own pockets was Rs 2,394 (63%). The government’s expenditure on Central Government Health Services for serving and retired babus, current and ex-MPs, the judiciary and so on was Rs 2,300 crore.
Health minister J P Nadda informed Parliament on February 27, 2015 that CGHS had 36.7 lakh beneficiaries. That makes it about Rs 6,300 per CGHS beneficiary.
Per capita spend on ESIS was ₹379 in 2014
This is close to the figure of Rs 6,376 per beneficiary given by Nadda while replying to a Parliament question in December 2015. “This expenditure, however, does not include expenditure for hospitalisation in respect of serving government employees, which is borne by the departments/ministries,”
stated Nadda. Thus, the actual per capita spending on CGHS could be much higher.
In 2014-15, the Union government’s expenditure on the National Health Mission meant to boost the public healthcare system was Rs 20,199 crore. Spread it over a population of roughly 1.25 billion and you get a paltry Rs 162 per head.
If NHM had spent the same amount per capita on citizens as the Centre spent on its own employees, it would have needed a budget almost 40 times bigger, or about Rs 8 lakh crore, or almost half of the entire government budget for that year.
A 2011Planning Commission report on health insurance models had noted that CGHS spending was mostly driven by high-end tertiary care provided by big corporate hospitals. It noted that the average hospitalisation expenditure per beneficiary was the highest under CGHS. Though CGHS and the Employee State Insurance Scheme (ESIS) are the only insurance schemes providing comprehensive healthcare coverage, including outpatient care, preventive/wellness care and hospitalisation, the per capita spending on ESIS was just Rs 379 in 2014. ESIS covered 5.6 crore people at the time, including workers and their families. If the National Health Mission aspired to provide ESIS kind of coverage, it would only have to increase its budget about two and a half times.
The Planning Commission report stated that ESIS was probably managing to keep costs down because it relied heavily on its own facilities, unlike CGHS, which has increasingly become dominated by private providers. This appears to have reduced whatever little incentive legislators, bureaucrats and judges might have had in ensuring a wellrunning public health system. CGHS is primarily funded by taxpayers. Contributions from employees form a small fraction of what is actually spent.
For the common man, healthcare spending has become the second most common reason for indebtedness and impoverishment.
Hospitals, private
If built on government land: SC verdict
The Times of India, Sep 2, 2011
Treat poor for free: SC to pvt hospitals
New Delhi: Poor patients will get free treatment in 40 private, state-of-the-art multispecialty hospitals in Delhi without exception and for any disease or ailment, Supreme Court said.
A bench of Justices R V Raveendran and A K Patnaik asked these private hospitals, which had got land at concessional rates from the government, to reserve 10% of their inpatient department (IPD) capacity and 25% of OPD for free treatment of poor patients.
Though 27 private hospitals had fallen in line, 10 hospitals had challenged a Delhi HC order asking them to provide free treatment to poor. The court dismissed all the petitions.
Good work by small hospitals swung case
Many private hospitals in the city argued against free treatment to the poor in court. But appearing for Delhi government's Directorate of Health Services, Dr R N Das turned the tables on the reluctant hospitals by presenting before the court bills of poor patients running to over Rs 1 lakh being borne by small super-specialty hospitals like National Heart Institute.
However, it accepted senior advocate Rajeev Dhavan’s suggestion and said, “Our order will not come in the way of hospitals making arrangements on their own by way of sponsorships or endowments, the bottom line being the patients should not be charged with the burden of treatment.”
With Fortis Escort Heart Institute, two Max Super Specialty Hospitals and Bhagwati Hospital falling in line, the court had on August 25 asked the seven hospitals which were reluctant to provide free treatment to poor patients to submit a fresh proposal and asked the government to hold discussions. These hospitals had challenged the HC's March 2007 order passed on a PIL by an NGO through advocate Ashok Aggarwal.
The government said the HC order had directed these hospitals to provide 10% of IPD and 25% OPD free of cost to all eligible poor patients in all respects including all diagnostic, imaging and laboratory investigation facilities available in the private hospitals. These tests include X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan, MRI, among others. Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, National Heart Institute and Batra Hospital were spending over Rs 50,000 on each poor patient, the government said annexing copies of bills.
The 27 hospitals had provided free treatment to 29.26 lakh poor patients in OPD, 99,681 of them in IPD, the government informed the court in its latest affidavit
If built on subsidised land: SC verdict
In a big relief to poor patients who cannot afford costly treatment in private hospitals, the Supreme Court on Monday held that all hospitals which were provided land at subsidised rates by government authorities would have to provide free treatment to the economically weaker sections with 25% of OPD and 10% of IPD (in-patient department) reserved for poor patients.
The apex court passed the verdict on a batch of petition filed by private hospitals of Delhi, but the order would have implications in other states where hospitals and nursing homes were given land at concessional rates by the government. Some of the aggrieved hospitals had approached SC challenging the Delhi HC order which had directed them to provide free treatment to poor patients.
There are over 50 hospitals in Delhi which were given land at concessional rates by DDA after the management of the hospitals promised to provide free treatment to poor patients. But as they didn’t honour the commitment, Delhi-based NGO ‘Social Jurist’ filed a PIL in the Delhi High Court for implementation of the agreement.
Delhi HC, in a series of orders since 2002, had held that the hospitals were obliged to reserve 25% of OPD and 10% of IPD for poor patients and provide free treatment including free admission, bed, medication, treatment, surgery and nursing facilities, consumables and non-consumables. The court, however, exempted some hospitals in 2014 whose agreement with the government authorities did not have the provision to provide free treatment. The Centre, thereafter, approached SC against the 2014 order.
Senior advocate Ajit Sinha, appearing for the Centre, contended that the hospitals were given land at “throwaway” prices to ensure that poor patients would be treated free-of-cost and the hospitals would reserve beds for the poor even if the agreement did not mention the provision for free treatment.
After hearing the contention of hospitals and the Centre, a bench headed by Justice Arun Mishra held that all hospitals, built on land given at subsidised rates would have to provide free treatment to poor.SC said lease of the hospitals would be cancelled if they failed to comply with the order.
The bench even decided to monitor the functioning of the hospitals and directed Delhi government to report periodically on compliance of its order. It said the hospitals which failed to comply with its order would face contempt proceedings.
The Times of India, Dec 13 2016

`Drop the archaic, invest in new tech'
DurgeshNandan Jha
In a big and heavily populated country like India, it's very difficult to narrow the gap between demand and supply . It always strains the infrastructure. Healthcare is one area where the available infrastructure isn't enough to meet the ever-rising demand. But doctors at AIIMS Trauma Center say investing in newer technologies could at least prevent a crisis-like situation.
Ambu-bags are archaic.“We don't use ambu-bags at all.We have purchased disposable ventilators for emergencies, which cost Rs 5,000 (approx), and which run on their own,“ said Dr Deepak Agrawal, senior neurosurgeon, AIIMS.
Apart from providing life support during transportation (within or outside the hospital), the disposable ventilators also help wean off patients from regular ventilator support, Agrawal added.
Mohammad Javed is a case in point. The 15-year-old boy from Hazaribagh in Jharkhand has been on ventilator support since 2013, when he suffered a spinal injury . “He doesn't require full life support. So, we put him on a disposable ventilator so that he could go out of the hospital,“ Dr Agrawal said.
Adult respiration is about 12 times per minute, while children breathe faster. Venti lators do that for patients who can't respire on their own.
Dr U K Valecha, director, department of anaesthesia at BLK Super Specialty Hospital said ambu-bags are primitive and mustn't be used at all. “At our hospitals, we have ICU ventilators that are interactive. The key parameters like oxygen saturation and respiratory rate are adjusted in these machines automatically as per the patient's requirements,“ he said.
While ICU ventilators are ideal, their cost is exorbitantly high and trained personnel are required to monitor them 24x7.Private hospitals charge a lot for these services. Many ICU experts say basic ventilators with controls to monitor parameters could be used in less critical patients. “No developed country or even the developing nations use manual, hand-held devices as a replacement for mechanical ventilators,“ Dr Valecha added.
In his address at the 56th International Respiratory Congress of the American Association of Respiratory Care, Robert M Kacmarek, an expert in respiratory care, said the current generation of ICU ventilators are the most complex and versatile of any mechanical ventilator ever manufactured. “The ICU ventilators of the future will be able to integrate electronically with other bedside technology; they will be able to effectively ventilate all patients in all settings, invasively and non-invasively; alarm systems will be smart and decision support will be available,“ he added.
Ambulances (government)
See graphic: Total ambulance services under National Health Mission and number of people per ambulance, state-wise

IVF clinics
Less than 20% are registered
Sushmi Dey, Only 20% IVF clinics, 2% ART units registered with ICMR, Aug 21 2017: The Times of India
Centre Plans To Regulate Such Centres
Less than 20% IVF clinics and a miniscule 2% ART centres operating in India are registered with the Indian Council of Medical Research, prompting the government to consider making enrolment of such facilities with the council mandatory.
In a move to regulate mushrooming infertility clinics and make them more accountable for services and costs, the government is planning to issue a notification.Though the provision is part of the pending Assistant Reproductive Technology Bill, the health ministry is looking at a separate notification to roll out the regulation. While there are over 20,000 ART clinics across the country providing IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation) and IUI (intrauterine insemination ) services, merely 1,500 clinics have applied for registration with ICMR so far. “A comprehensive ART registry will be the first step to transparency in costs and quality ,“ R S Sharma, senior deputy director general, division of reproductive biology maternal health and child Health told TOI.
Of this number, only around 390 have actually completed the enrolment process, ac cording to the ART registry set up by ICMR in 2013. A single IVF cycle can cost anywhere between Rs 1.5 to Rs 2.5 lakh.
The demand for IVF and ART services is rising and could be linked to emerging demographics. There is a rise in the proportion of women in reproductive age of 20-44 years (a 14% increase estimated between 2010 to 2020). The rise is skewed towards women in the age bracket of 30-44 years (20% estimated increase in same period). The latter display lower fertility rates.
Enrolment means compliance with ICMR guidelines like submitting documents related to infrastructure, trained manpower and procedures as per a prescribed format.“ART registry is the first step to ensuring quality treatment. We identify ART clinics ourselves too and ask them for documents but they are not meeting requirements. It is a major challenge in bringing in any kind of transparency ,“ R S Sharma, said.
The large numbers of clinics and their misuse for sex determination is a major concern for the government. In the absence of a detailed regulation, a “grey market“ of unprofessional ART clinics are operating taking advantage of couples looking to have children.
There is also no benchmark for pricing. Some clinics charge exorbitant fees while others indulge in unethical practices that adversely affect the recipient of the treatment, medically and socially , experts say.
According to a 2015 Ernst & Young report, an estimated 55% of treatments take place in eight metros. Most of the insurance schemes do not cover such procedures or treatments, leaving such couples with huge out of pocket expenditures. The report also concludes that the absence of a regulatory framework leads to poor treatment outcomes and patient care.
Medical devices
Import of devices, 2014-16
See graphic.

Medical negligence cases
2017: Cases on the rise
DurgeshNandan Jha, Medical negligence cases rising: Study, March 27, 2017 The Times of India
Most Plaints For Wrong Treatment, Finds AIIMS Dept
Wrong treatment is the most common reason for people to complain about medical negligence, followed by lack of care, no treatment and forced discharge, a study by AIIMS forensic department has revealed.
The study involves interviews of families of 20 patients who died due to alleged negligence. While 13 cases involved private hospitals, seven were from government ones in and around south Delhi.
Dr Abhishek Yadav, who led the study , told TOI that allegations were found to be more common in age groups of children and adolescent (50%) with a declining trend with increase in age. “The super-specialty hospitals are accused of negligence in 65% cases,“ he added.
The allegation against the hospitals, both private and government, is in the ratio of 1.8:1, Yadav said. “Wrong treatmentprocedure was the main reason (45%),“ he added.
Recently , Delhi Medical Council deregistered two orthopaedic surgeons for six months for operating the wrong leg of a 24-year-old man who was admitted at Fortis Hospital in Shalimar Bagh after fracturing his right foot.
Dr Sudhir Gupta, professor and head of forensic sciences department, AIIMS, said incidence of alleged negligence has gone up signi ficantly over the past few years. “People are more aware about their rights. Also, recent court rulings in favour of the complainants where there is proven case of negligence has encouraged others to take up their grievances,“ he said.
AIIMS has recommended that doctors working in emergency and ICUs should be trained in declaring death of the patient to the relatives or a counsellor may be appointed for it.
Doctors said lack of communication between the doctors and patient is a major cause of discontent. “Doctors should refrain from ma king vague promises of complete recovery and should always explain the complication or unforeseen danger associated with the treatment procedure,“ said a doctor at the institute.
Dr Girish Tyagi, registrar of Delhi Medical Council, said they get 20-30 complaints of negligence every month. “The number has gone up significantly in the past few years,“ he said.
As per a report published in British Medical Journal, medical error is the third leading cause of death in the US, accounting for 2.5 lakh deaths every year. But no such data is available in India. Patients often allege that doctors try to save each other even when the case is referred to medical boards for investigation.
Medical, surgical advances
Uterus/ womb transplant/ 2017
A team of doctors from Pune successfully performed the country's first uterus transplant on a 21-year-old woman from Solapur on Thursday . The breakthrough surgery was also the world's first laparoscopically (keyhole and minimally invasive) assisted live uterine transplant. The previous successful transplants were done only through open surgery .
The woman, who suffers from a congenital uterus absence, was fitted with her mother's womb, which was retrieved mainly through keyhole surgery .The subsequent transplant of the uterus was done through an open surgery . The entire operation lasted nine hours.
The surgery has opened a new gateway to motherhood for women who do not have a uterus, or those who have uteruses that do not function.The only options hitherto for such women were surrogacy or adoption.
Pune's Galaxy Care Laparoscopy Institute (GCLI), where the surgery was done, was granted a licence by the state's directorate of health services to carry out the transplant. “The surgery was successful. Both the recipient and the donor are stable. However, the next 48 hours are crucial for determining the success of the surgery ,“ said oncosurgeon Shailesh Puntambekar and cardiovascular thoracic surgeon Sanjeev Jadhav who performed the surgery along with a team of 10 other doctors.
Incidentally , Jadhav, who hails from Pune, has become the first transplant surgeon in the world to have performed transplants of the heart, lung, kidney and uterus.
Pre-natal tests
PG in imaging tech essential: SC
PG in imaging tech must for conducting pre-natal tests: SC, March 15, 2018: The Times of India
The SC mandated that only a postgraduate in ultra-sonography or imaging techniques could be allowed to conduct pre-natal diagnostic tests, staying the Delhi HC’s order which had quashed the Centre’s rule prescribing qualification for conducting such tests.
The HC had ruled that Section 2(p) of the Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prohibition of Sex Selection) Act, defining a sonologist or imaging specialist as a person possessing postgraduate qualification in ultra-sonography or imaging techniques, was bad because there was no such qualification recognised by MCI and the Act did not empower the statutory bodies to devise and coin new qualification.
A CJI-led bench said Parliament had conferred rulemaking authority upon the Centre to specify minimum qualification for persons to be employed for conducting the tests and the HC was not right in interpreting the law.
“Parliament which has the unquestioned authority and legislative competence to frame the law considered it necessary to empower the Central government to frame rules to govern the qualifications of persons employed in genetic counselling centres, laboratories and clinics. The wisdom of the legislature in adopting the policy cannot be substituted by the court in the exercise of the power of judicial review,” the bench said.
Government facilities inadequate; private expensive
Where State Drives Patients To Private Wards

Rema Nagarajan
The Times of India Sep 19 2014
Availability of doctors
`More docs, not health centres, save lives'

Himanshi.Dhawan New Delhi
The Times of India Aug 19 2014
Higher No. Of Medics Help Check Crib Deaths: Study
Do hospitals translate to better healthcare? Not necessarily . States with more doctors have better healthcare indices than those with better infrastructure, data analysed by thinktank Swaniti reveals.
While better health outcomes depend on multiple reasons, it appears that doctor to population ratio had a far higher impact on infant mortality rate (IMR) or maternal mortality rate (MMR) than better infrastructure.Tamil Nadu that has fewer primary health centers (PHCs), one per lakh of population, as compared to Chhattisgarh and Odisha that have two PHCs is better placed in health outcomes.
Tamil Nadu has one doctor for 789 patients and an infant mortality rate of 21 and maternal mortality of 97.
In sharp comparison, Chhattisgarh has one doctor for 6,221 patients and witnesses 47 infant deaths for every 1,000 live births and 269 maternal deaths per 1,00,000 live births. Odisha that has one doctor for 2,500 patients, too, suffers from high infant and mother deaths. It has IMR of 53 and MMR of 258, respectively.
Interestingly , states like Andhra Pradesh, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu alone account for 42% of all medical colleges in India thereby producing most of India's doctors. Not surprisingly , these states also have the best Doctor Population Ratio (DPR).
These states show no shortfall of doctors at PHC level and have already met the Millennium Development Goals (MDG). At least three of the five -Kerala, Goa and Tamil Nadu -have IMR below 21. Incidentally , West Bengal has one of the highest per capita coverage of primary health centres -nine per lakh population.However, it has just one doctor for 1,508 patients and IMR of 32 while its MMR is 145.
In comparison, north Indian states of Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha and Chhattisgarh have very few medical colleges, a fact which reflects in their DPR.
Unsurprisingly , most states with poor DPR also had a relatively high shortfall of doctors at the PHC lev el. For example a state like Bihar has one doctor for every 2,785 people. This translates to IMR of 43 and a MMR of 261.
When these numbers are viewed against the MDG target of 27 for Infant Mortality Rate in India by 2015, it becomes clear that these states need to act urgently to improve their performance in public health.
“It is important to go beyond merely having doctors and invest in improving the quality of healthcare professionals in India. National Healthcare Policy , another promise by the new government, should hopefully lead to greater public investment in healthcare, and improve the quantity and quality of healthcare in India while reducing regional disparities.
Some of the other factors are efficient utilization of funds, good quality of human resources in healthcare, and finally awareness among people. Rwitwika Bhattacharya from Swaniti said.
Shortfall of doctors: 2015
The Times of India , Sep 10 2015
Subodh Varma
After 10 yrs of rural health mission, doctor shortfall up
At the country level, there is a staggering shortfall of 81% of specialist doctors, 12% of general physicians, 21% of nurses and 5% of auxiliary nurse cum midwives. Among technical support staff, shortfalls range from 29% for pharmacists to 45%for laboratory technicians and 63% for radiographers.But since a decade ago, many of these shortfalls have increased except for nurses and ANMs.
A bizarre aspect of this data put out annually by the ministry of health is that in many categories of health personnel, some states have surplus appointments while others have shortfalls. For example, at the country level, 25,308 doctors are required going by the Indian Public Health Standards (IPHS), which says that one doctor is needed for every primary health centre (PHC).But actually , there are 34,750 doctors sanctioned. 25 states have surplus doctors, the total surplus working out to 5,115.On the other hand, the remaining states have a combined shortfall of 3,002 doctors.
T Sundararaman, professor at the Tata Institute for Social Sciences and former executive director of the National Health Systems Resource Centre says, “IPHS recommended two doctors and one ayush doctor per PHC. In 2011, the doctors per PHC was revised downwards. But doctors are -unlike ANMs -paid only by the states. So many states, like Tamil Nadu, have two doctors per PHC as sanctioned. The `required' number is the statistics department's interpretation of IPHS to mean that only one doctor is required per PHC. They have no basis to do this, and one doctor per PHC is not viable. The short falls are genuine -the over appointments are not,“ he told TOI.
The surpluses in healthcare personnel arise because goal posts are shifted by lowering requirements. In reality the shortages are all round.
Doctors, in rural areas
Funds fail to draw docs to villages
Despite 42,000cr Kept Aside For Rural Medical Care, Rs 10,000cr Lying Unspent Subodh Varma TIMES INSIGHT GROUP
As the country awaits another central government Budget, there is a growing demand for more financial muscle on several fronts. But, is throwing money at complex problems really a solution? A look at the progress of a crucial program of the government, the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), indicates that money can’t buy everything.
One of the biggest bottlenecks facing policy-makers is that of medical personnel. Recently released data by the ministry of health and family welfare shows a shocking shortfall of doctors, nurses, health assistants, radiographers, pharmacists and other personnel in the rural health delivery structure. This is despite over 82,000 new personnel being appointed under NRHM in the past four years and many villages getting to see a doctor for the first time.
The situation is worse for qualified doctors. Just 20% of required pediatricians and only about 26% of surgeons, obstetricians and gynaecologists, and general physicians are in place. They are needed at the Community Health Centres (CHC), each serving a population of 1.2 lakh. Among technical personnel, only about 40% of the required radiographers and 47% of laboratory technicians are in place to run diagnostic labs. There is a shortfall of about 25% for pharmacists, and 16% for staff nurses.
Even at the lower rungs of the medical service hierarchy, like the health sub-centres and primary health centers, many of the key personnel are not yet appointed. Nearly a quarter of 46,000 male and female health assistants are missing, while over 60% of health workers are not yet in place. The situation is much better for the auxiliary nurse and midwife (ANM) with about 90% appointments having taken place, but that still leaves nearly 16,000 ANM posts vacant. Two ANMs are required at the primary level in order that delivery cases are handled day and night. Just about one third of the PHCs are functioning with two ANMs.
Expenditure data shows that the problem is not of resources. Out of the Rs 42,000 crores released by the central government in the past four years for NRHM, nearly Rs 10,000 crore is lying unspent with state governments. In addition, all state governments together have allocated an eyepopping Rs 1,06,388 crore for health and family welfare in their respective states.
Yet, progress under NRHM, has been uneven, and the country is still far from achieving goals set for various health indicators. “Spending money jazzing up an auto-rickshaw is not going to convert it into a car”, says public health expert Dr Amit Sengupta. A thorough revamp of the infrastructure is needed and the government needs to think afresh about it, he says.
But why are medical personnel not in place? “An indifferent political leadership and bureaucracy, deficient medical education infrastructure, especially for technical and paramedical staff, low salaries for doctors, and frustration among them in rural postings as there are no drugs, no support staff and erratic infrastructure, are some of the problems,” Sengupta said. “Sadly, doctors prefer lucrative private incomes in urban areas or foreign lands, rather than serving people in the villages,” he says.
Statewise availability of doctors
Karnataka, TN, Andhra, Maharashtra best
The Times of India, May 23 2016
Chethan Kumar India is struggling with a doctor-patient ratio of 1:1,681. This poor state of affairs is hindering healthcare services across the country. But even among the 9.5 lakh doctors, the distribution is so skewed that just four states -Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and undivided Andhra Pradesh -have nearly 46% of all doctors registered in the country.
This leaves bigger states like Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and others with few doctors to share between them.
“The number of doctors in the country is just a portion of what's required to meet the minimum requirement and some states are not even in line with the national average,“ said Singhal, an associate professor (ENT) and head and neck surgeon at SMS Hospital, Jaipur.
According to the mini stry of health and family welfare, out of 9,59,198 doctors registered in the country , 4,36,910 (45.54%) are in the four aforementioned states .
Rajasthan, MP and Uttar Rajasthan, MP and Uttar Pradesh have a total of 1,31,554 doctors, making up for 13.7%, while only three of the seven northeastern states have doctors registered with them and add up to only 22,201. The rest are shared between all other states.
Experts say the situation is worse than what the ministry's statistics reveal.
“There's no doubt that there's an overall shortage and skewed distribution.The problem is that doctors register with the Indian Medical Council or in the respective states when they pass out from the courses and there's no real update.Many of these 9.5 lakh doctors may not even be in the country ,“ Dr Upendra Bhojani, assistant director, Institute of Public Health (IPH), said.
That the four states have the maximum number of doctors should come as no surprise though, as they are among the states with the highest number of medical colleges. Together, they ac count for 69% of all the colleges in the country or 290 colleges out of 422.
Karnataka, which has the highest number (50) of medical colleges in the country , has 1,01.273 doctors (third highest in the country), while Maharashtra, which has the second highest number of medical colleges (48) has the highest number of doctors at 1,53,513.
Tamil Nadu has 1,11,325 doctors and 46 medical colleges, while Andhra Pradesh has 70,799 doctors and 46 colleges. Also, as experts point out, these are also states with a considerable urban population and a good network of private hospitals.
“It's not just the private hospitals that make the difference. Many choose places considering the opportunity to run clinics which is more lucrative in urban areas. Also, they look out for other support infrastructure, like schools and so on, that is good for their families ,“ Bhojani said.
Availability of specialist doctors in CHCs
Rakesh Prakash, Only 19% specialist docs in India's health centres, Feb 5, 2017: The Times of India
India's elemental healthcare infrastructure seems to be in a `critical condition' with a meagre 19% availability of specialist doctors in the community health centres (CHCs) across the country .According to the statistics released by the Union health ministry on Friday , there is a shortfall of 17,854 medical specialists including surgeons, physicians, pediatricians, obstetricians and gynecologists.
CHCs, which are located in towns and serve as referral centres for patients coming from the primary health centres (PHCs), are vital to improving the country's healthcare landscape. The total number of specialist doctors working at CHCs across the country is 4,186 against the current requirement is of 22,040.
Among the states that face a shortfall of specialists, Uttar Pradesh (shortfall of 2,608 doctors) tops the list followed by Rajasthan (1,787), Tamil Nadu (1,464), West Bengal (1,271), Odisha (1,154), Gujarat (1,140), Madhya Pradesh (1,047) and Maharashtra (935).
The situation in Karnataka is relatively better with the availability of specialists at CHCs at 60.43% against the required strength of 824.
The only place that has reported a surplus of specialist doctors is Chandigarh (UT) with 14 doctors in the CHCs against the requirement of eight.
The shortfall of specialists in CHCs reiterates the clichéd argument that private hospitals continue to be more lucrative for doctors.
But the question is who will crack the whip? Union minister of state for health Fagan Singh Kulaste told Lok Sabha on Friday , “Health is a state subject and the primary responsibility to ensure availability of doctors and other health professionals in public health facilities lies with the respective state governments.“
But recruiting specialists is not an easy task for the state governments.Speaking on the shortage of specialist doctors recently , Karnataka's health minister K R Ramesh Kumar had said: “Though we have been offering a salary of Rs 1.25 lakh and additional incentives to specialists, not many are coming forward to serve in rural areas“
A shortage of hospitals

An expensive private sector has stepped in where govts failed -delivering health facilities that are often suspect. The trend grows while state facilities struggle to cope
Public health infrastructure is wanting by even government's own assessments. This is true of subcentres at the lowest rung to community health centres (CHCs) and district hospitals. There's a shortage of about 7,000 primary health centres (PHCs). In some states, the shortages are staggering -66% in Jharkhand, 58% in Bengal and 42% in MP . Only two-thirds of the required number of CHCs are in place.In Bihar, against a need of 774 CHCs there are just 70, a 91% shortfall. Assam has less than half of what it needs, UP 40% less.
There's an even bigger crisis of health personnel: A shortfall of 2,225 doctors in PHCs, and the gap's growing bigger. Over 36% PHCs were without a lab technician, 23% without a pharmacist. There is a 53% shortfall in radiographers. Considering just the existing infrastructure, there was a shortfall of all kinds of specialists including 72.2% of surgeons, 64.7% of obstetricians and gynaecologists, 82.1% of physicians and 73% of paediatricians. In effect, even in the existing infrastructure isn't staffed. In many states, health indicators of the urban poor are far worse than their rural counterparts, revealing how underserved the urban poor are. In the mostlyurban Delhi, there's massive shortage of subcentres, PHCs and CHCs.
The bulk of healthcare in India is provided by the private sector, that's meant escalating costs. In states like Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu, governments demonstrated how providing free drugs and diagnostics in public facilities could significantly bring down health expenditure. Yet, neither the Centre nor other states replicated these programmes. In the name of universal healthcare, government is being persuaded to become the payer for healthcare provisioned by the private health sector and administered by insurance companies. In most states, these insurance programmes have been riddled with corruption and inefficiencies such as the epidemic of hysterectomies done on hundreds of women by hospitals in Andhra to collect government money for the procedure. There's concern among health activists that state funds that could be used to strengthen public health infrastructure are getting diverted to the private sector.
Inadequate Government funds
In absolute terms, the money allocated for health by government has gone up more than 13 times from Rs 2,000 crore in 2000-01 to Rs 27,500 crore-plus in 2013-14. Yet, health expenditure is short of 1.5% of GDP though successive governments have promised that spending would touch 3%. If the promised 3% had been allotted, perhaps the public health sector could have been revolutionized to deliver quality service.
Better healthcare still out of bounds

New Delhi: India may be among the fastest growing economies in the world, but the UNDP’s Human Development Report 2006 shows that this growth hasn’t translated into better public healthcare for the citizen, at least not as yet. For instance, there are only seven countries — of the 177 that the HDR looks at — with a lower share of public expenditure in total health expenditure. These seven — Guinea, Congo, Myanmar, Cambodia, Armenia, Tazikistan and Burundi — are not exactly those with whom India would like to be compared, but they are the only ones in which the government accounts for less than a quarter of total health expenditure. For India, the share of public expenditure in the total is exactly one-fourth or 25%.
The low share of public health expenditure is not surprising, given the fact that only 13 countries spend a smaller proportion of the gross domestic product (GDP) on the health sector than India’s level of 1.2%. Apart from six of the seven mentioned above, these include Pakistan and Bangladesh in our neighbourhood as well as Azerbaijan, Georgia, Ivory Coast, Equatorial Guinea and Indonesia. One result of this low level of government spending on healthcare is that people have to spend more from their pockets to keep themselves in good health. Thus, India’s private spending on healthcare at 3.6% of GDP is higher than most. In fact, only 33 of the remaining 176 countries has a higher level on this count.
However, the high private expenditures are clearly unable to bridge the gap when it comes to things like immunisation, which are typically public programmes in most parts of the globe. Not surprisingly, India’s immunisation rate for those who are one-year old against measles is worst in the world, with just 13 countries doing worse. A similar picture emerges if we look at the numbers for full immunisation of one-year olds against tuberculosis. Again, there are a mere 20 of the 176 others who have a lower rate.
What highlights all of this as a glaring failure of our governments is the fact that India’s pool of roughly 6.5 lakh physicians is the third biggest in the world after China, which has about twice as many, and the US, which has only a few tens of thousands of doctors more than India, although for a population that’s only about onethirds the size of India’s.
Shortfalls in Primary Health Centres
Amitabh Srivastava , Licence to murder “India Today” 1/6/2016
Not allowed if there is no ICU
Dhananjay Mahapatra, SC: No ops in nursing homes without ICU, September 8, 2017: The Times of India
The Supreme Court has said nursing homes without an intensive care unit facility cannot carry out surgeries because ab sence of an ICU poses danger to the patient's life.
A bench of Justices Adarsh Kumar Goel and U U Lalit gave the ruling on a petition filed by Bijoy Kumar Sinha, who lost his wife due to the alleged medical negli gence of Dr Biswanath Das who conducted a hysterectomy surgery at Ashutosh Nursing Home in Kolkata.The nursing home did not have an ICU facility. The Supreme Court's ruling in a case, based on a plea filed by a man who lost his wife due to alleged medical negligence of a doctor who had conducted a surgery on her at a Kolkata nursing home which didn't have an ICU, has implications for beleaguered homebuyers of Jaypee Infratech projects.
The petitioner, Bijoy Kumar Sinha, died while fighting a lengthy 23-year-long litigation over his wife's death, in consumer forums before his son Soumik pursued the case to get justice for his mother in the Supreme Court.
The SC said that the Consumer Protection Act was an additional remedy , thereby indicating that proceedings against a realtor under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 2016 wouldn't bar recourse to parallel action in consumer forums. This will boost hopes of all homebuyers facing harassment at the hands of truant realtors.
A bench of Justices Adarsh Kumar Goel and U U Lalit said, “Provisions of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986, are in addition to and not in derogation of any other law. Thus, the Act provides for additional remedies. The authorities under the Act exercise quasi-judicial powers.The award of damages (in the case filed by Sinha) is aimed at bringing about qualitative change in the attitude of service providers.“
While absolving Dr Biswanath Das of medical negligence for deciding to perform surgery on Sinha's wife, the court awarded a compensation of Rs 5 lakh to Soumik.
This ruling means that even if a realtor has been proceeded against under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, people won't be barred from taking recourse to consumer forums to claim relief for deficient services.
The apex court said though an alternative dispute redressal mechanism for settlement of disputes outside courts was applicable only to civil cases, “there is no reason to exclude its applicability to consumer fora“.
“It will be open to the national commission and the state commissions to coordinate with the national legal services authority and state legal services authorities for settlement of disputes by resorting to alternative dispute redressal mechanism,“ the Supreme Court said.
Techniques used
Digital interaction
The Times of India, Jan 30 2016

`Most doctors now prefer digital interaction'
Rupali Mukherjee
Over 60% of doctors in the country now prefer, one out of three times, digital interaction with their patients as against the traditional face-to-face interaction, indicating a trend where WhatsApp, text messages and emails are increasingly being used for consultations.This is slightly lower, but in keeping with the trend in the US, Japan and China, where a greater number of healthcare professionals (HCPs) -in certain markets, over 90% -have switched to the digital medium, using WeChat, blogs, email and text messaging to engage with patients for follow-up consults. Also, a majority of doctors -globally 60% -de mand drug companies combine the use of digital tablets and iPads along with direct interaction when medical representatives (MRs) are detailing the portfolio of medicines. These findings are part of the Digital Savvy HCP (Healthcare Practitioner) 2015, an annual global survey on the digital habits of doctors across the US, Japan, China and India, by healthcare so utions firm Indegene, sha red exclusively with TOI.
The survey involved more than 1,600 healthcare profes than 1,600 healthcare professionals across the globe, with 67% speciality doctors, and the remaining 33% general practitioners. In India, over 300 doctors were part of the survey with more than 10 years of experience, practising in tier 1 and tier 2 places across the country .
The survey found that 76% doctors in the US prefer personal interaction (of field force) along with detailing with the tablet, while the corresponding figure in India is 90%. “Doctors in the US have a higher digital adoption rate, and are more comfortable with remote detailing channels (through Skype, etc).This also works well with pharmaceutical companies in terms of costs, as well as adherence to ethical marketing code,“ Gaurav Kapoor, EVP (emerging markets), Indegene, told TOI.
As against this, doctors in India prefer a face-to-face detailing with their digital tablets, wherein they meet MRs in their clinics and the latter are equipped with detailing on their tabletsiPads.
Dr Upendra Kaul, ED, academics and research (cardiology) in Delhi-based Fortis Escorts Hospital, says, “As doctors, our bandwidth is committed to treating more and more patients and improving their health outcomes.In this pursuit, technologyled information sharing on new drugs, new indications and peer information on emerging treatment protocols is of tremendous benefit to the medical fraternity . It frees up our time for patients and at the same time, keeps us updated on the latest medical information.“
Globally , drug companies are increasingly switching to digital channels like emails, websites, webinars, apps and text messages due to compliance requirements, the survey says, adding 34% of physicians globally value the smartphone as a key resource in seeking medical information. Other devices used by doctors are laptops, PCs and tablets. India sees less than half the global usage of smartphones (by doctors), while the most preferred device for doctors here is laptops (34%).
In terms of overall digital engagement across channels, globally pharma companies are far ahead, with MSD at the top, followed by GSK, AstraZeneca and Pfizer. In India, Abbott leads the pack as the top digital engager, who doctors believe is effectively leveraging technology to reach out to them for providing drug information. Abbott is followed by MSD, Pfizer, Novartis, GSK and Sanofi.
Most MNCs here use digital technology and have equipped their field staff with tablets to engage with physicians for scientific and product communication. “For instance, Abbott's `Knowledge Genie Portal' has a host of data that can be easily accessed by physicians at their convenience, across multiple therapy areas,“ Bhasker Iyer, VP, Abbott India, said.
Use of allopathy, on a rise
The Times of India, Jul 08 2015

Mahendra Singh
90% of Indians prefer allopathy over AYUSH
Alternative medicines more popular with urban men
Despite the government's attempt over the years to popularize AYUSH (ayurveda, yoga or naturopathy , unani, siddha and homoeopathy), the people at large are still inclined towards allopathy treatment both in rural and urban India. The NSSO survey has found higher inclination towards allopathy treatment-around 90%-in both rural and urban areas. Only 5 to 7% usage of `other' type of treatment including AYUSH has been reported both in rural and urban areas.
Interestingly , a higher usage (1.5 percentage point) of AYUSH treatment by urban males than their rural counterparts was noted, while less usage of the same (0.8 percentage point) by urban females as compared to rural females was observed.
The use of allopathy was also most prevalent in treating the hospitalized cases of ailments both in rural and urban settings of the country irrespective of gender. Surprisingly , use of AYUSH for hospitalized treatment in urban areas (0.8% for male and 1.2% for female) was more than rural areas (0.4% for male and 0.3% for female).
Moreover, un-treated spell was higher in rural (both for male and female) than urban.
The relationship between the percentages of untreated spells of ailments and level of living was also revealed. Untreated spell was less in those with usually higher monthly per capital expenditure for both rural and urban sector.
The survey found that private doctors were the most important single source of treatment in both rural and urban areas. More than 70% (72% in rural areas and 79% in urban areas) spells of ailment were treated in the private sector, consisting of private doctors, nursing homes, private hospitals and charitable institutions. The number of people reporting sick is more in urban India compared to rural areas, found the survey.

Trends, region-wise
2012-16: Delhi
See graphic

The Times of India, Apr 12, 2016
Mahendra K Singh
Urban India more sick than rural; pollution, bad diet blamed
The survey found that 13.5% of women, as compared to 10.1% of men, fell sick in urban areas.
Urban India is more sick than the rural hinterland despite the mushrooming of health and wellness clinics and super-specialty hospitals, besides better per capita earnings. And this could well be attributed to increasing pollution levels and unhealthy dietary habits.
A government health survey has revealed that around 11.8% of urban and 8.9% of rural population reported ailments during a 15-day reference period. Women were found to be more vulnerable to diseases in both cities and villages.
The survey found that 13.5% of women, as compared to 10.1% of men, fell sick in urban areas, while the figures were 9.9% and 8%, respectively, in rural India. What's worrisome is that a high chunk of the population (86% in rural and 82% in urban areas) remains outside any scheme of health expenditure support.
The NSSO survey released on Monday also reiterates that people rely more on private hospitals, with over 70% spells of ailment (72% in rural areas and 79% in urban areas) being treated in the private sector. Also, private institutions dominated both rural (58%) and urban areas (68%) in treating inpatients.
Allopathy remains the preferred treatment in rural as well as urban areas. The survey found that over 90% of rural and urban population relies on allopathic treatment despite the government's efforts to promote alternative medicine.
The survey found that around 97% of urban and 96% of rural population was administered some treatment, which included selfmedication, use of medicines taken on chemists' advice and AYUSH treatment. In previous surveys, 'treatment' administered on medical advice was considered as 'treatment'. It was found that financial constraints (57% in rural and 68% in urban) were the key reasons for going for treatment without any medical advice.
2015: EAG states improve
Sushmi Dey, Good news! Laggard states see huge progress in health, March 5, 2017: The Times of India

Bihar's Sex Ratio Among India's Top 5
Several of India's socio-economically backward, or Empowered Action Group (EAG), states, namely Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Odisha and Chhattisgarh, have made great strides over the last decade with regard to some of the key health indicators.
For instance, all EAG states (Bihar, Jharkhand, MP, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Rajasthan, UP and Uttarakhand), and Assam have witnessed an increase of over 40 percentage points in institutional births, according to the National Family Health Survey-4. A rise in the number of institutional deliveries is crucial as it helps reduce maternal and infant mortality , besides ensuring better health for women and children in the long run. This is also evident in the 20 percentage point drop in the infant mortality rate in Jharkhand, Rajasthan and Odisha. “As a step towards ensur ing equitable health services across regions that suffer from disparities, special efforts were made to allocate more resources in backward states and regions,“ a health ministry official said. In 2015, the health ministry had identified 184 poorly performing districts where more resources were infused and focused programmes launched to bring about sharper improvement in outcomes.
Though the survey findings, released by the health ministry earlier this week, do not contain data for pollbound UP on account of the model code of conduct, the state registered the maximum decline, 1.1 child per woman, in the total fertility rate over the last 10 years.
Among the five states with the highest infant mortality (death within one year of birth per 1,000 live births) and under-five mortality (risk of death by age five, per 1,000 live births) rates, four are EAG -Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Jharkhand. Though Bihar features among the top five states vis-a-vis sex ratio, it fares the worst in female literacy rate and financial inclusion of women.
2014: Delhi healthiest
The Times of India, May 20 2016
Delhiites are healthiest, says report
If the latest statistics on social consumption on health is anything to go by, people living in the capital are healthier than those residing in other parts of the country.According to the data for January-June 2014, 48 out of 1,000 people fell ill in rural areas and 50 in urban areas in Delhi. This is much lower than the national average of 89 for rural and 118 for urban areas.
Deputy CM Manish Sisodia said the comparative figure in urban areas of Punjab was 170, Haryana 75, Himachal Pradesh 51, Jammu and Kashmir 41, Rajasthan 83, Uttar Pradesh 91and Gujarat 103.
The report brought out by the directorate of economics and statistics of the Delhi government is based on the result of the National Sample Survey 71st round on health and morbidity . It said that proportion of ailing persons was highest among the 60-plus age group followed by persons falling in the 45-59 year age group.
The report said that out of total estimated births, 5.02% were reported in rural and 94.98% in urban areas. In Delhi, 62.5% of births were reported in public hospitals.
Sisodia said the old age dependency ratio in Delhi is 6.97 which indicates that every 100 people in the age group of 15 to 59 years were supporting, physically or otherwise, about seven aged persons in the year 2014.
All India Medical Service cadre
Brief history
Five decades on, govt may form medical service cadre|Jul 04 2017: The Times of India (Delhi)
Five decades on, govt may form medical service cadre
TIMES NEWS NETWORK More than five and a half decades after a central committee had recommended the setting up of an All India Medical Service cadre along the lines of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) or the Indian Police Service (IPS), the central government has moved a proposal to create such a cadre. Health being a state subject, the union health secretary has written to the chief secretaries of all states soliciting the views of the states. “The creation of an All India Medical Service under the All India Service Act 1951, like IAS, IPS, etc. for creating a body of professional doctors across the country has been under the consideration of the government for quite some time. Considering the fact that health is a state subject and the major requirement of health professionals is at the state level, it has been decided to solicit the views of all state governments on this issue,“ stated the letter sent to the states.
The letter, dated June 9, went on to state that doctors of the Central Health Service (a Group A service under the health ministry dealing with monitoring of various health programmesschemes) have never worked in the states and hence “do not have an appropriate perspective of the problems being faced by the state governments“. Creating the All India Medical Service could help bridge this gap and “improve technical leadership and management both at the Centre and state levels,“ the letter said.
The Health Survey and Planning Committee, better known as the Mudaliar Committee, which submitted its report in 1961 had observed that three areas -provisioning of adequate medical care, both preventive and curative; training of medical and paramedical personnel; and those for dental care and for research --were interlinked and that it was only through a coordinated programme of action in which centre and states cooperated “satisfactory and speedy results“ could be achieved.Hence it had recommended the formation of a central health cadre in which senior posts in the Central and state health ministries would be included.
Such a central cadre, which existed before independence, the Indian Medical Service (IMS), was abolished in August 1947. The committee's report noted that most of the highest administrative and specialist posts in the states were manned by officers of IMS, the Women's Medical Service and the Medical Research Department, who were officers of an all-India cadre.
More recently , in 2005, the report of the National Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (NCMH) had stated that it was necessary to take a bold decision “to constitute an All India Cadre of Public Heath Services, on lines like the IASIPS“.
“It is a great move if the government can pull it off.This is much needed, as those in the existing Central Health Services have no experience in the states and are often restricted to Delhi postings or to central government institutions in the states. They have no clue about rural health or how public health is delivered through the various tiers of the government health system. They get no training or an all-India perspective like the IAS or IPS officers receive in Mussoorie followed by their postings to rural districts,“ said former health secretary Sujatha Rao, who was also a member of the NCMH.
See also
Public Health And Vital Statistics: India
Public Health And Vital Statistics, 1909: India
Public Health And Vital Statistics, India: 2014-2016
Healthcare: India
Healthcare and public health: Delhi
...and on several other states