Gujarat: Reefs

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Coral reef restoration project

The Times of India, Aug 10 2015

Restoration of reefs, Gujarat; Graphic courtesy: The Times of India, Aug 10 2015

Oppili P

Branching corals from gulf of mannar were successfully transplanted to regenerate one of the most diversified ecosystems along the west coast.

A key marine wealth that disappeared from the face of Gujarat coast has made a spec tacular comeback due to the efforts of Zoo logical Survey of India (ZSI). In what is perhaps the largest coral reef restoration project in the world, ZSI has been successful in regenerating the unique `branching corals' from the southern tip of Gulf of Mannar to Gulf of Kutchch in Gujarat. The region, which once had a thriving population of branching corals belonging to the genera Acropora and Montipora, has been subjected to massive degradation due to human activity . Several attempts were made to transport the fragile corals from other areas, but they kept withering even before reaching the destination. Therefore, it was no mean achievement for ZSI to safely transport, transplant and regenerate the corals in Kutchch after a sustained and dedicated work of two years. Researchers say that under favourable conditions, these branching corals are known to dominate and grow faster across the world reefs.

“ZSI carried out surveys in Gulf of Kutchch and found that Acropora coral had become extinct in the region over the past 15 years. Around 1,000 sq m area has been earmarked for this project,“ ZSI director K Venkataraman told TOI.

Kutchch National Park director Shyamal Tikadar told TOI: “The corals transplanted from Gulf of Mannar are growing well on different islands in Kutchch. Corals in the inter-tidal area are bleached due to heavy sedimentation and high temperature. Those transplanted in the sub-tidal area are fine and the regeneration is good.“

ZSI has identified Pirotan, Narara, Poshitra and Mithapur islands in Kutchch for the project. So far, Mannar corals have been transplanted on three occasions. First, on December 12, 2013; four months later on April 27 and then on September 13. After monitoring the sustained progress of the project over the next few years, ZSI will take the next step.

Venkataraman said the ZSI process involves four steps: transporting and transplanting the corals, monitoring and regeneration. The corals from Mannar are raised in a nursery on Pirotan island and Narara island is used as a quarantine space to keep the corals.

According to the ZSI director, this was the first-of-its-kind attempt in the world where successful regeneration of corals has been achieved in a highly sedimented area. He explained that reef-building corals need sufficient sunlight to grow since a major part of their feeding is through a symbiotic relationship with microscopic plants known as zooxanthellae. In Gulf of Kutchch due to high sedimentation and high tidal amplitude zooxanthellae could not survive.Therefore, traditional methods proved unsuccessful.

Monitoring coral growth is recorded by ZSI researchers, who visit the areas twice a week. They clean the siltsand and clear the sea weeds settling on the transplants.

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