Kyabje Rigyal Rinpoche

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Kyabje Rigyal Rinpoche

Enthronement Ceremony of Kyabje Rigyal Rinpoche

By Stanzin Angmo, Monday, July 22, 2013

Reach Ladakh

Kyabje Rigyal Rinpoche

Phyang: A grand and formal enthronement ceremony of Kyabje Rigyal Tsang Konchok Tenzin Rigpa Dorjay was celeberated at Drikung Kagyut Gaon Tashi Chozong ( Phyang monastery) on 17 July 2013. Rigyal Rinpoche is the seventh reincarnation of Drikung Kagyu lineage master Rinchen Gyaltsen, one of the thirty seven direct students of Drikung Kyoba Jigten Sumgon (The founder of Drikung kagyu lineage). The 29 years old Rinpoche was born to parents Mrs Norzin Wangmo & Mr Tsering Wangchuk of (Lachumir) family of Ladakh.

He completed his basic education from Drikung Kagyu Institute (Dehra Dun) after which he went to Almora for a retreat ‘lo-sum chos-sum,’ a meditating period for three years, three months and three days. From 2009 Rinpoche started to give teachings in Ladakh as well as South-East Asian countries and currently he is leading a project of Drikung Kagyu nunnery Takmachik and also a project by Hannu Beama sports association for awareness against drugs and alcoholism amongst young Aryans. Rinpoche is the head lama of Shang monastery and recently appointed as a head lama of Phyang monastery by His Holiness The Drikung Chabgyon Chetsang Rinpoche.

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