Smoking and the law: India

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The law

Hukkahs in public spaces

SC revokes hookah ban ordered by Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Chennai High Courts

The Times of India

Swati Deshpande, December 09 2014

The Supreme Court on Monday struck down the ban on sale and use of hookahs in hotels, restaurants and even airports where smoking is otherwise permitted. It has set aside rulings by three HCs three years ago that upheld such prohibitions brought in by civic bod ies and police in Mumbai, Ahmedabad and Chennai. A bench of Justices Ranjan Gogoi and Rohinton Nariman pointed out that the definition of smoking under the Cigarettes Act included smoking tobacco in any form with the help of a pipe, wrapper or any other instrument, which would include a hookah and the expression, “no other service shall be allowed“, referred to services other than hookahs.

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