Wildlife Crime Control Bureau: India

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2018: UNEP award

UNEP award for Wildlife Crime Control Bureau, November 23, 2018: The Times of India

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) has awarded the Wildlife Crime Control Bureau (WCCB) of India for its excellent work in combating trans-boundary environmental crimes. The Asia Environment Enforcement Award recognizes excellence in enforcement by government officials and institutions/teams combating trans-boundary environmental crimes in the continent. WCCB has been conferred this award for 2018 in ‘Innovation’ category for adopting techniques that have dramatically increased enforcement of trans-boundary environmental crimes in India, said the environment ministry in a statement. It said the Board has developed an online Wildlife Crime Database Management System to get real time data in order to help analyse trends in crime and devise effective measures to prevent and detect wildlife crimes across India. WCCB is a statutory multi-disciplinary body established by the government under the Environment Ministry to combat organized wildlife crime in the country.

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