Ali Raza

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Ali Raza


Ali Raza

Ali Raza holds a Bachelor’s in Fine Arts from the NCA and a Master’s from the University of Minnesota. He has been in the US since 1998. He did a year-long stint with the Beaconhouse University, Lahore, where he taught painting, which is what he is doing as an assistant professor at the Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina.

Ali Raza is at ease in three different genres of visual arts - painting, printmaking and sculpture. One can find a happy combination of traditional imagery and contemporary icons in his art.

“The omnipresence of the military and militarisation infuse Ali Raza’s work, which earlier was more didactic. His mentor, Zahoorul Akhlaq, had been the touchstone for some of these works.The works in Desperately Seeking Paradise, however, are directly related to his experiences in Lahore.”

For Art Dubai, the following is the artist’s statement explaining his work:

Ali Raza

“My work evolves with an interaction of multiple ideas. It is a visual fusion of diverse themes from subjective histories to quotidian references. I quote images from a wide range of sources of visual culture such as the internet, newspapers, magazines, film posters, etc and arrange them in a way that my image refers to some of the real events as well as it fictionalises the unreal. My paintings are about the play of belief and doubt, in line with the aura that the media build up for us.”

Cleaning supplies, acrylic on canvas, 4ft x 6ft

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