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This is a collection of articles archived for the excellence of their content.
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(From People of India/ National Series Volume VIII. Readers who wish to share additional information/ photographs may please send them as messages to the Facebook community, All information used will be gratefully acknowledged in your name.)


Synonyms: Barai, Bariji, Barujibi [Orissa]

Barujibi [West Bengal]

Barai, Baraij, Baraji, Barajibi [H.H. Risley]

Subcastes: Barendra, Chaurasia, Jaiswar, Kota, Maghaya (in Behar),

Nathan, Rarhi (in Bengal),

Semerya, Sokhwa [H.H. Risley]

Khan, Majumdar, Sarkar [West Bengal]

Ain, Ash, Bawal, Bhadra, Bhoumik, Biswas, Chand, Choudhuri, Dam, Das, Dana, Deo, Dhar, Guha, Haldar, Hor, Kar, Khan, Khor, Kundu, Laha, Majumdar, Mallik, Mandal, Manna, Mantrini, Marik, Nag, Naha, Nandan, Nandi, Pal, Rakhit, Rudra, Sarkar, Sen in Bengal [H.H. Risley]

Behara, Das, Maharana, Nanda [Orissa]

Aon, Ash, Das, Datta, Dey, Hore, Khan, Kundu, Laha, Majumdar, Manna, Marik, Nag, Nandi, Pal, Rit, Sarkar, Sil [West Bengal]

Exogamous units/clans: Bishumahisi, Brahmarishi, Debarshi, Kashyap, Nagaswar [Orissa]

Exogamous units/clans (gotra): Adyarishi, Hansarishi, Kashyap, Madhukuliya, Sandilya [West Bengal]

Gotra: Goutama, Kashyap, Parasar [Orissa]

Sections: Aliman (in Bengal),

Bharadwaj, Chandramaharsi, Goutam, Jaimini, Kanva, Kashyap, Madhukuliya, Nag, Sandilya, Vatsya, Vishnu, Vyasa [H.H. Risley]

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