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Mughal era coins

2025 excavations

January 25, 2025: The Times of India

The clink of a labourer’s spade led to the stunning discovery of a Mughal era pot of treasure in MP’s Bhind on Thursday. Labourers were digging for a water pipeline project in Gohad town, when they found the earthen pot containing 113 silver coins. Archaeologists are examining the coins that have Urdu and Persian inscriptions. The house where the pot was found has been in the same family for generations. ‘Jalavardhan Yojana’ work was on near Kaliyakanth temple in Ward 11 of the town when a shovel struck an earthen pot. Intrigued, workers gathered and removed pebbles and earth to find a sealed pot. When they lifted it above ground, it had the unmistakable jangle, and sure enough, there were handfuls of silver coins. As news spread, local resident Ramkumar Gurjar took the pot of coins home. Officials arrived, questioned the workers and recovered the pot of coins from Gurjar’s house. 

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