Many parents hope that in finding a source of autism, this condition may be cured or prevented. However, boffins have yet to find a single reason children develop autism. It's possible that sometime autism will be connected to a gene abnormality, but the much more likely source isn't something, but a number of factors in a child's world. Autism cannot be prevented or cured, so the best we are able to do to help adults and autistic kids is be understanding and prepared to compromise to really make the world comfortable for ourselves and them.
To start, there are certain items that don't cause autism, and these misconceptions must be laid to rest immediately. Most significantly, poor parenting doesn't cause autism. Previously, mothers were charged for traumatizing their kiddies with cold parenting practices, that was believed to lead to autism. This really is simple incorrect. Autism is also maybe not due to malnutrition, while food allergies occur in my own autistic children and some autistic children do benefit from taking daily supplements.
There are lots of links between autism and the mind. Many people with autism have bigger heads and they're "wired" differently than a typical mind. Differences occur in many elements of the brain, so it can not be targeted to one specific brain malfunction general, but alternatively a brain malfunction generally speaking. Autistic kids also show signs of an immune deficiency. Research in this study is not yet strong, but analysis continues to be being done. Many autistic people have other health problems related to immune deficiencies. Total, these things all seem to point to genetics. Even though autism is not the parents' fault, it is most likely that autism was found elsewhere on your family tree, and it is not unusual for parents to boost multiple autistic child. Autism are often linked to vaccinations, although this really is still being very learned. The advantages of vaccinations greatly outweigh the risks of these creating autism, so you should not deny your son or daughter due to the fact you're terrified. Speak to you medical practitioner if you have concerns about vaccinations.
Nobody knows what causes autism. For that reason, we can do nothing to prevent and cure it, but rather we can only handle the autistic people in our lives with the best of our ability. Becoming informed in autism could be the key-the more you know about the disorder, the greater you can help individuals who have problems with it. Autism is just a complex issue, and as scientists develop new understandings of the way in which the body is affected by it, better treatment plans will become available, with the expectation that someday we will manage to cure this condition. autism jacksonville fl