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This is good news for the cellular phone makers who a...

The mobile phone is moving quickly from being only a product you utilize to create phone calls. It's continuously getting into the world of personal digital assistants (PDA's) and entertainment products. It is quite simple today to acquire a cellular phone which acts as a journal, phone, MP3 player, video player, word processor, and games console. In a nutshell its one system but with several features that you simply do not need to buy individually.

This really is good news for the mobile phone makers that are now classifying devices as multimedia computers. They are expecting taking business from organizations who so far have built individual goal gadgets such as MP3 music players. Curiously, Apple, who sell the market top music person, the iPod, have just announced they will create a mobile phone.

It is also good news for the mobile workers who sell the devices, simply because they can sell a far more high priced device with higher profit margins. They can also offer additional services such as music downloads over their mobile network.

The phone which I use is just a Nokia E61 which does most of the above issues. It's a keyboard allowing me to type notes or certainly articles like this one. I can download my MP3 files and play them using it is music player, and also download and play video files. You will find huge levels of games which it can perform, and it can be hooked by me around my office diary and email program. It weighs 144 grams and is approximately 12 cm by 7 cm with a depth of 1.5 cm. Therefore it fits easily in a pocket.

With earlier in the day devices which attempted these capabilities insufficient memory space for storing on the device was a critical limiting factor. However my phone can make use of a plugin memory card which can give up to 4GB of space for storing. In theory this could allow me to play several hours of shows on my phone!

You will find many other models of phones providing all or many of the above characteristics. Some make use of the normal phone keypad layout so aren't so good at typing large amounts of text. A stylus is used by others based feedback procedure for inputting text by writing on the screen.

Therefore be prepared to see people doing more and more with their cellular phone. In fact attempts are now designed to use devices as a form of smartcard for paying for things in place of money or charge cards. Therefore it may possibly not be well before your wallet is replaced by the mobile phone! interstitial ads

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