Chemical Plant Complex

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A backgrounder

Nuclear Threat Initiative

OTHER NAME: Dera Ghazi Khan Conversion Facility

LOCATION: Outside of Dera Ghazi Khan

SUBORDINATE TO: Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC)

SIZE: Appears to be a single building on a 200km² lot


The Chemical Plant Complex is located near Dera Ghazi Khan, close to the BC-1 Uranium Mill. The facility was supplied by CES Kalthof G.m.b.H of Freiburg, Germany, and began operations in 1980. Although imagery analysis shows expansion of facilities at the Dera Ghazi Khan site, Pakistani officials claim that the facilities closed following the Baghalchore mine closure. [3] However, if operations are continuing at the Chemical Plant Complex, they may involve processing and converting uranium ore from the Nanganai and Taunsa mines.

There have been attacks on the Dera Ghazi Khan site, including a 2003 ground attack and a 2006 mortar attack. The Balochistan Liberation Army, a separatist terrorist organization, is reportedly responsible for both attacks.

See also

Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission

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