Indian money in foreign banks
This is a collection of articles archived for the excellence of their content. |
Amnesties, Indian, to bring back money stashed abroad
1997: Voluntary disclosure of income scheme
The Times of India, Sep 25 2015
Pradeep Thakur
Over 3.5 lakh entities came clean in 1997
The government's black money and foreign assets disclosure window is just six days away from closing but until Wednesday , only 29 declarations worth a little over Rs 2,000 crore have been made, tax officials said.
Officials blamed lack of clarity on some of the issues for the slow response to the compliance scheme that opened on July 1, prompting several high net worth individuals (HNIs) to wait till the last moment. The government expects declarations to gather pace in the last few days since non-disclosure will result in stiff penalties and possible jail term.
This was only 30% in 1997 for individuals and 35% for corporates.
Banks preferred by Indian depositors
Most Indian deposits are with UBS and Credit Suisse
Two big banks have 2/3rd of all Swiss money of Indians
PTI | Jun 20, 2014 The Times of India
It is just two big banks — UBS and Credit Suisse — which appear to be accounting for almost two-third of the total money held by Indians in Swiss banking system, known for their famed secrecy walls.
According to the latest official data disclosed by Switzerland's central banking authority Swiss National Bank (SNB), Indians' money in Swiss banks rose by 43 per cent last year to 2.03 billion Swiss francs (nearly Rs 14,000 crore), despite growing global pressure on Switzerland to share client details of their banks.
A further analysis of SNB data shows that the "big banks" account for 68.2 per cent or about 1.4 billion Swiss francs (close to Rs 10,000 crore) of the total money belonging to the Indian clients of Swiss banks.
There are a total of 283 banks in Switzerland, out of which only two — UBS and Credit Suisse — have been classified as 'big banks' by Zurich-based SNB. There are also 93 foreign-controlled banks operating in the country.
However, the amount held by Indian clients in "savings and deposit accounts" of Swiss banks is comparatively less at about 63 million Swiss francs (less than Rs 500 crore) and account for just about three per cent of the total exposure of Indians to the Swiss banking system.
Swiss banks classify a major portion of their clients' money as "other amounts due to customers" and such funds due to their Indian clients stand at nearly 1.6 billion Swiss francs (over Rs 11,000 crore).
The "other" avenues through which clients park their funds with Swiss banks include "trading portfolios, financial investments and participating interests". Besides, banks are also said to be promoting "precious metals" among their clients for parking their funds.
A small portion of clients' money is also held by Swiss banks through other banks in the foreign countries. For Indian clients, such funds stood at about 94 million Swiss francs (about Rs 650 crore) at the end of 2013.
The total Indian money held in Swiss banks include 1.95 billion Swiss francs held directly by Indian individuals and entities, and another 77.3 million Swiss francs through 'fiduciaries' or wealth managers at the end of 2013.
The funds, described by SNB as "liabilities" of Swiss banks or 'amounts due to' their their clients, are the official figures disclosed by the Swiss authorities and do not indicate towards the quantum of the much-debated alleged black money held by Indians in the safe havens of Switzerland.
Countries preferred by Indian depositors
Fewer deposits in Swiss banks vs. Singapore, Hong Kong
Indians have 'rather few' deposits: Swiss banks, June 19, 2017: The Times of India
Indians have “few deposits“ in Swiss banks compared to other financial hubs like Singapore and Hong Kong, says a grouping of private bankers in Switzerland amid stepped-up efforts to check the black money menace.
Money held by Indians in Swiss banks declined to a record low of 1.2 billion Swiss francs or CHF (approx. Rs 8,392 crore) at the end of 2015, as per the latest available official data. No official data is available for money in the other hubs. Committing itself to the global framework for automatic exchange of tax information, Switzerland last week ratified the decision to implement this regime with India and 40 other jurisdictions.
The framework for automatic exchange of information requires strict adherence to data confidentiality , but the Geneva-based Association of Swiss Private Banks said it has no particular concern over India, where the rule of law seems to be properly upheld.
“There are also rather few deposits of Indian residents in Switzerland, as opposed to Singapore or Hong Kong for instance,“ the association's manager Jan Langlo said.
When asked about trends in terms of deposits from Indian residents, Langlo said it has not noticed any particular trend. “It is simply more practical for them to open an account in an Asian financial centre than in Switzerland,“ Langlo noted.
According to data from the Swiss National Bank, the funds held by Indians fell by CHF 596.42 million to CHF 1,217.6 million at the end of 2015.
2017: Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Bahrain, Malaysia
Hong Kong & Singapore are the new tax havens, Sep 14 2017: The Times of India

Offshore wealth held by Indians in tax havens has surged 90% since 2007 to $62.9 billion (about Rs 4 lakh crore) in 2015. That's about 3.1% of India's GDP in 2015, the latest year for which data is available.
Also, contrary to popular belief, Switzerland is no longer the preferred destination. Over 53% of this Indian wealth is now held closer home in Asian tax havens like Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Bahrain and Malaysia. Swiss banks hold 31% of Indian wealth abroad, down from 58% in 2007.
This trend has emerged from analysis of data released for the first time by the Basel-based Bank of International Settlements on bilateral foreign holdings. Till last year, BIS, which is the nodal data clearing house for all inter national financial transactions, did not disclose the country of origin of the data.
These new estimates for India show that the muchpublicised struggle against hoarding of black money in foreign banks is not making much headway . Analysing the new data for an NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research) paper, economist Gabriel Zucman of UCLA and his colleagues Annette Alstadsæter of the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and Niels Johannesen of the University of Copenhagen calculated that total offshore wealth in the world was $8.6 trillion, which is about 11.6% of world GDP.
It is up 54% since 2007.Non-financial assets like art or real estate are not included in these figures.
While Switzerland has become slightly more transparent, and leaks like the Panama Papers have exposed other tax havens, the outward flow has shifted to new pastures like Hong Kong and Singapore.
There is wide disparity among the countries in terms of what share of their GDPs is secreted away in offshore tax havens.
From just a few per cent of their GDP in Scandinavian countries, the wealth rises to 15% in Continental Europe, and to as much as 60% in Russia, Gulf states, and a number of Latin American countries. China has about $287 billion offshore wealth, which is 2.4% of their 2015 GDP.
Analysts say the reason these variations exist cannot be easily explained by tax rates or any institutional factors.
“Among countries with a large stock of offshore assets, one finds autocracies (Saudi Arabia and Russia), countries with a recent history of autocratic rule (Argentina and Greece), alongside old democracies (UK and France). Among those with the lowest stock of offshore assets, one finds relatively low-tax countries (Korea and Japan) alongside the world's highest tax countries (Denmark, Norway),“ Zucman and his colleagues write.
One important contribution of this analysis is that the wealth of the wealthiest section, the top 0.1% of the global population, needs to be recalculated by adding this offshore wealth to their existing wealth figures.This will likely further increase the inequality in their countries.
Dormant accounts
2019: Swiss banks
Nov 10, 2019: The Times of India
No claimants for dormant Swiss accounts of Indians; some may get liquidated soon
Key Highlights
No claimants have come forward for about a dozen dormant Swiss bank accounts linked to Indians
The funds lying in these accounts are now at the risk of getting transferred to the Switzerland government
Claim period for some of these accounts would expire next month, while a few others can still be claimed till the end of 2020
NEW DELHI/ZURICH: No claimants have come forward for about a dozen dormant Swiss bank accounts linked to Indians, leaving the funds lying in these accounts at the risk of getting transferred to the Switzerland government.
The Swiss government began making details of dormant accounts public in 2015 to allow their claimants submit necessary proof to get access to those funds, which included at least 10 accounts linked to Indians.
These included some accounts linked to Indian residents and nationals from the British rule era, but ironically not a single dormant account linked to an Indian has been successfully claimed in the last six years, as per the records available with the Swiss authorities.
The claim period for some of these accounts would expire next month, while a few others can still be claimed till the end of 2020.
Incidentally, some of the accounts linked to Pakistan residents have have been claimed since then, as is the case with several other accounts linked to residents from other countries including Switzerland itself.
The list included close to 2,600 dormant accounts when it was first made public in December 2015, which had around 45 million Swiss francs (over Rs 300 crore) lying unclaimed since at least 1955. There were also nearly 80 safety unclaimed deposit boxes when the list was first made public for claims from the real owners or their heirs.
More accounts are being added every year since then after they become dormant under the Swiss banking laws and the list now includes nearly 3,500 accounts.
While Swiss bank accounts have been a matter of heated political debate for many years in India due to suspicion that they were being used to hoard alleged black money, it has also been suspected that people linked to the erstwhile princely states had stashed some funds in banks in Switzerland.
Under global pressure over recent years, Switzerland has opened its banking system for regulatory scrutiny from abroad and it has also entered into pacts for automatic exchange of information on financial matters with a large number of countries, including India.
The first batch of details about accounts held by Indians in Switzerland-based financial institutions was given to India recently under this automatic information exchange information and the next such exercise would take place in September 2020.
In the meantime, the claims for dormant accounts are being managed by the Swiss Banking Ombudsman under cooperation from the Swiss Bankers Association.
As per the details available with the ombudsman, the dormant accounts linked to Indians that are waiting for their claimants include those included to at least two persons from the erstwhile Calcutta (now known as Kolkata), one from Dehradun, two from erstwhile Bombay (now known as Mumbai) and also some Indian settled in France and the UK.
The claim period for two such accounts -- which are in the names of Leila Talukdar and Prmatha N Talukdar -- would end next month on November 15, while the assets can be claimed till December this year for accounts in the names of Chandralata Pranlal Patel, Mohan Lal and Kishore Lall.
In case of two Bombay-residents -- Rosmarie Bernet and Pierre Vachek -- the claim period would expire next year in December 2020, while similar is the case for the account of Chandra Bahadur Singh from Dehradun and Yogesch Prabhudas Suchah, whose last recorded residence was in London.
Under the Swiss laws, a bank account is declared dormant after there is no customer contact for 60 years ago and details are made public for inviting claims for all such accounts having at least 500 Swiss francs or assets of unknown value.
These assets will be liquidated and transferred to the Swiss federal government if no beneficiary has submitted a justified request within a given time-frame and the same procedure applies to safe deposit boxes with a value of more than CHF 500 or unknown value.
Generally, the deadline for submitting requests is one year from the date of such dormant accounts being made public, but a larger time-frame of five years has been given for accounts that had the last customer contact in 1954 or earlier.
The claims can be submitted by the original account owner as also by his or her legal heir.
If no requests is received within the deadline, or if the bank finds the claims unjustified, the bank needs to hand over the assets to the Federal Finance Administration of Switzerland, thus making all rights of former customers null and void.
The extent of Indian money stashed abroad
2012: sharp decline in Indian deposits
At 9,000cr, Indian money in Swiss a/cs at record low
Zurich/New Delhi: Indians’ money in Swiss banks has fallen to a record low level of about Rs 9,000 crore (1.42 billion Swiss francs), as a global clampdown against the famed wall of secrecy of the Switzerland banking system made it unattractive for their international clients.
The total funds held by Indian individuals and entities included 1.34 billion Swiss francs held directly by Indian individuals and entities and another 77 million Swiss francs through ‘fiduciaries’ or wealth managers at the end of 2012, as per the latest figures released by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) in Zurich.
The official data, which forms part of SNB’s annual report on Swiss banks, further showed that the Indians’ money there fell by about 35% or Rs 4,900 crore in 2012. This was much steeper than a 9.1% fall in the funds held by entities from across the world in Swiss banks, which also hit an all-time low of 1.4 trillion Swiss francs ($1.5 trillion) at the end of 2012. PTI
2013: Rise in Indian deposits
Indian money in Swiss banks rises to over Rs 14,000 crore
PTI | Jun 19, 2014
ZURICH/NEW DELH: Indians' money in Swiss banks has risen to over two billion Swiss francs (nearly Rs 14,000 crore), despite a global clampdown against the famed secrecy wall of Switzerland banking system.
The funds held by Indians with banks in Switzerland rose by over 40% during 2013, from about 1.42 billion Swiss francs at the end of previous year, as per the latest data released today by the country's central banking authority Swiss National Bank (SNB).
In contrast, the money held in Swiss banks by their foreign clients from across the world continued to decline and stood at a record low of 1.32 trillion Swiss francs (about $1.56 trillion or over Rs 90 lakh crore) at the end of 2013.
During 2012, the Indians' money in Swiss banks had fallen by over one-third to a record low level.
The total Indian money held in Swiss banks included 1.95 billion Swiss francs held directly by Indian individuals and entities, and another 77.3 million Swiss francs through 'fiduciaries' or wealth managers at the end of 2013.
India has constituted a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to probe cases of alleged black money of Indians, including funds stashed abroad in places like Switzerland.
The funds, described by SNB as 'liabilities' of Swiss banks or 'amounts due to' their clients, are the official figures disclosed by the Swiss authorities and do not indicate towards the quantum of the much-debated alleged black money held by Indians in the safe havens of Switzerland.
SNB's official figures also do not include the money that Indians or others might have in Swiss banks in the names of entities from different countries.
There are a total of 283 banks in Switzerland, down from nearly 300 at the beginning of 2013. This include two banks (UBS and Credit Suisse) classified as big banks, while there are 93 foreign-controlled banks operating in the country. A total of close to 1.25 lakh staff work at these banks.
With regard to the money held by Indians in Swiss banks, it rose during 2013 after a sharp decline in 2012. Prior to that, Indian money in Swiss banks had risen during 2011 also.
The quantum of Indian funds in Swiss banks stood at a record high level of 6.5 billion Swiss francs at the end of 2006, but it declined by more than 4 billion Swiss francs after four straight years of fall till 2010.
2015: Dips 33% to Rs 8,392 crore
The Times of India, Jul 01 2016
Indian money in Swiss banks dips 33% to Rs 8,392cr
Money held by Indians in Swiss banks has fallen by nearly one-third to a record low of 1.2 billion franc (Rs 8,392 crore), although this could simply mean that black money is moving to other hideaways. The funds held by Indians with banks in Switzerland fell by CHF 596.42 million to CHF 1,217.6 million at the end of 2015, as per the latest data released on Thursday by Swiss National Bank.
2016: Rs 13,000 crore, mainly from HSBC
The Times of India, Jun 27 2016
Pradeep Thakur
The government's crackdown on those stashing undeclared income in overseas bank accounts has started yielding results with the Income Tax authorities having unearthed more than Rs 13,000 crore from just two sets of information received in 2011 and 2013. In at least 400 cases of Indians with deposits in HSBC, Geneva, the details of which were received from the French government in 2011, the Income Tax (I-T) authorities have unearthed undisclosed income of Rs 8,186 crore, the highest disclosure ever from offshore bank accounts, and raised a tax demand of about Rs 5,377 crore against such account-holders till March 31, 2016, according to an I-T assessment report.
In the HSBC case, the government had received information about 628 bank accounts. Of these, at least 213 we re found “not actionable“ as they either had no money in them or they belonged to nonresident Indians. Also, in some cases, the entities remained untraceable. “Out of the actionable cases, assessments have been completed in 398 cases, including those settled by the I-T Settlement Commission as well as cases where assessment proceedings have been dropped,“ according to the I-T report. A HSBC spoke sperson declined to comment.
Based on another set of information disclosed in 2013 on the website of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), a Washington-based organisation, I-T officials have detected undisclosed income of Rs 5,000 crore in foreign bank accounts allegedly linked to 700 Indians.
So far, the I-T department has filed 55 prosecution complaints before criminal courts in the ICIJ cases on charges of wilful attempt to evade tax.The basis has been false statements made by these entities during the verification process. In the HSBC Geneva case, tax authorities have launched prosecution proceedings in 75 cases, a majority for wilful attempt to evade tax.The criminal courts have taken cognisance in most of these prosecution complaint cases, paving the way for the Enforcement Directorate to initiate actions under the stringent Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA).The recently enacted Black Money Undisclosed Foreign Income and Assets Act has made the “wilful attempt to evade tax“as a predicate offence under the PMLA, giving the ED powers to attach and confiscate properties of an accused equivalent to the amount stashed abroad.
The I-T report said many Indians whose names appeared in the ICIJ cases had filed declarations under the black money declaration window scheme, which the government had launched for a limited period during 2015. However, those individuals against whom the department had already launched probe were not eligible for any relief.
Laws, Indian
Switzerland: India's data security, confidentiality laws “adequate"
Switzerland found India's data security and confidentiality laws "adequate" for entering into an automatic exchange of information pact.
The Swiss Federal Council in June ratified automatic exchange of financial account information with India and 40 other jurisdictions.
NEW DELHI/BERNE: Switzerland found India's data security and confidentiality laws "adequate" for entering into an automatic exchange of information pact, which will open a continuous access to details about alleged black money+ hoarders in once-all-secret Swiss banks.
In a detailed notification and fact sheet published in its official gazette for introduction of "automatic exchange of information relating to financial accounts with India", the Swiss government has also cited decisions by other financial centres like Liechtenstein and Bahamas to enter into similar pacts. Besides, Switzerland also took note of the US tax authority, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), recognising India among the countries that provide an "adequate degree" of data protection for mutual exchange of tax information.
The fact sheet and the notification, published in German, also talks about Switzerland looking to explore greater access to Indian market, including the reinsurance sector and other financial services.
The Swiss Federal Council, the top governing body of the European nation, in June ratified automatic exchange of financial account information with India and 40 other jurisdictions to facilitate immediate sharing of details about suspected black money even as it sought strict adherence to confidentiality and data security.
Taking the decision forward, the Swiss government has now notified the decision and the notification authorises the Council to notify India about the exact date when such automatic exchange must take place.
The implementation is currently planned for 2018 and the first set of data should be exchanged in 2019. The decision is not subject to any referendum - which means there should be no further procedural delay in its implementation.
The issue of black money has been a matter of big debate in India, and Switzerland has been long perceived as one of the safest havens for the illicit wealth allegedly stashed abroad by Indians.
The notification follows hectic parleys between India and Switzerland for introduction of the AEOI (Automatic Exchange of Information) on tax matters under the guidance of G20, OECD and other global organisations.
In the fact sheet about India, which forms part of the notification about all 41 jurisdictions selected for AEOI by Switzerland, the Swiss government noted India showed its commitment for implementing the international pact with effect from 2016 itself and "adaptations of the internal laws necessary for the implementation were made in good time". Listing various changes to the tax laws and introduction of new laws for fighting black money stashed abroad as well as within the country, the Swiss government said, "The legal, administrative and technical framework for confidentiality and data security in India was deemed satisfactory by the Global Forum's panel of experts."
The Swiss Federal Department of Finance assessed this evaluation and found them to be "adequate", the notification said. It further said that India negotiated with the US a model intergovernmental agreement on FATCA for reciprocal exchange of information, which has entered into force after the IRS assessed the level of confidentiality and data security in India and found it "appropriate". "All agreements concerning the exchange of tax information concluded by India contain a confidentiality clause which corresponds to that of the model OECD agreement," it noted, while adding that the country's Income Tax Act contain other confidentiality provisions as well.
The notification also referred to the personal data protection measures provided in other laws of the country, incoming the Informational Technology Act and the Right to Information Act.
The Swiss government will prepare a situation report before the first exchange of data for which confidentiality and data protection requirements are to be strictly followed. On access to Indian market, the Swiss government said the Indian market is not one of the strategic markets targeted by Switzerland-based financial services providers for their cross-border activities, as "bureaucratic and prudential obstacles were generally more difficult to overcome".
Nonetheless, they are interested in taking advantage of improved governance conditions and greater legal certainty in the financial services sector, particularly in the reinsurance sector.
Switzerland said the two countries have committed to improve the framework conditions for cross-border business activities to give a boost to international investment and financial services segments.
The names of some Indian account holders
Govt starts disclosing foreign ac holders with 3 names
Dhananjay Mahapatra The Times of India Oct 28 2014
No Politicians In First List
After hinting at the involvement of top politicians in the black money case, the Centre on Monday revealed three business names –
Dabur's Pradip Burman,
bullion trader Pankaj Chimanlal Lodhiya and
Goa's Timblo Pvt Ltd.
It was the French authorities who informed India about Burman's alleged tax evasion and stashing of money abroad. Information about the other two -Lodhiya and Timblo Pvt Ltd -came from the German authorities. Timblo Pvt Ltd faces prosecution along with its directors Rad ha S Timblo, Chetan S Timblo, Rohan S Timblo, Anna C Timblo and Mallika R Timblo. The names of alleged black money account holders were revealed by the Centre before the Supreme Court in an affidavit filed 24 hours before the scheduled hearing in the case. It said: “Several more cases are under process and the names of persons prosecuted will become public in due course.“
But the Centre's commitment to reveal names came with a caveat.
“Government is committed to disclose names of persons holding illegal money abroad. However, every account held by an Indian in a foreign country may not be illegal and the fundamental right of citizens to privacy under Article 21 of the Constitution cannot be ignored,“ said the affidavit mentioned by attorney general Mukul Rohatgi before a bench headed by Chief Justice H L Dattu.
The Centre said double taxation avoidance agreements (DTAAs) and similar treaties with other countries are vital sources of information on Indians stashing ill-gotten money in foreign banks and that the agreements and treaties mandate that information provided under these could be revealed only after court proceedings were initiated against them on completion of a proper investigation about the financial illegality committed by the person.
It told the SC, “Names of persons found to have stashed illegal money abroad, as also information and documents received from foreign countries relating to off-shore tax evasion and avoidance will be dis closed after following the procedure prescribed in the legal instruments through which the information has been received.“ The German authorities had provided names of 12 trustsentities involving 26 Indians who had accounts with LGT Bank in Liechtenstein. The government after completion of investigation concluded that 18 cases merited investigation. The names of the 18 were revealed to the court and petitioner Ram Jethmalani.
But, it contested the SC's May 1 order directing the Centre to reveal the names of the other eight where no illegality was found. Revealing their names would not only breach bilateral agreements but also send a wrong signal to other countries with which India was on the verge of signing DTAAs, which it termed as an important means to get information on black money deposited in foreign banks.
The Centre said: “India is on the verge of entering into bilateral and multilateral agreements for automatic exchange of information that will greatly help in our fight against black money stashed in financial accounts and assets maintained overseas by Indian tax payers.“
Efforts to obtain information about undisclosed money held by Indians abroad also include entering into new treaties and agreements as per the new global standards on automatic exchange of information.
2015: ICIJ/ Indian Express' list of HSBC a/c's
See Indian money in HSBC, Switzerland
Neo Corp International Ltd, Indore
The Times of India, Sep 09 2015
Black money: Swiss govt reveals name of MP firm
In a fresh disclosure on black money cases being probed by Indian tax authorities , Switzerland said it has received a request for information on Indore-based textiles firm Neo Corp International Ltd. Neo Corp, which began as a small woven sack maker in 1985, had faced income tax searches on its various premises in February .
In Indore, I-T commissioner, Prashant Jha told TOI, “We conducted raids at Neo Corp in February and after that a request was sent to Switzerland government to get details on financial transaction of the company .“ “We recovered some Global Deposit Receipt (GDR) of the company in which they claimed to raise funds for investing in the company . All details of financial transaction were mentioned on their balance sheet and they shared this information with RBI as well,“ said Jha.
Chairman and managing director of Neo Corp, Sunil Trivedi said, “ An official account of our company was opened in Investec Bank of Switzer land in 2011-12 to raise capital. But incidentally this account was not used and another account in a bank in Singapore was used for raising funds. No transaction was done through bank account in Switzer land, which was closed in 2015.“
“It is part of standard procedure in which requests are sent to get details verified from respective countries. We raised Rs 104 crore from the international market for investing in the company and we informed RBI about it,“ he said.
Yash Birla, Gurjit Singh Kochar, Sayed and Chand Kauser Mohamed Masood, Sneh Lata Sawhney and Sangita Sawhney and Ritika Sharma
The Times of India, May 27 2015

Pradeep Thakur
Yash Birla in fresh list of Indian bank account holders disclosed by Swiss
Swiss tax authorities have disclosed more names of Indians having accounts in their jurisdiction, marking a success for the government's efforts to persuade them to share information on at least those against whom the income tax department has collected credible evidence of non-reporting. A day after two names -Sneh Lata Sawhney and Sangita Sawhney , linked to the own ers of Sawhney Tyres -were disclosed, more identities of Swiss account holders from India became public. These included industrialist Yash Birla, Sayed Mohamed Masood and Chand Kauser Mohamed Masood, Gurjit Singh Kochar and Ritika Sharma. The Mumbai-based Masoods are facing various investigations for their alleged involvement in what is known as the City Limousine scam. Kochar, an NRI, is the son-in-law of the late Ponty Chadha, a real estate, sugar and liquor tycoon. Swiss tax authorities told TOI that the names were disclosed because the individuals concerned had not provided valid addresses. They did not rule out putting out more Indian names. A spokesperson of the Swiss Federal Tax Authority emphasized that account details of those whose names have been disclosed would be shared with the India if the individuals did not respond or appeal within 10 days.
The spokesperson said in an email to TOI, “The names published in the Swiss Federal Gazette about Indians are exceptional cases where we don't have valid addresses and these people could not be informed... It is an opportunity to respond before information is shared with India.They are not necessarily cases of tax evasion... (it is) difficult to say how many names will be published in the gazette.“
Indian authorities celebrated the development, seen as a breakthrough after sustained efforts to persuade the Swiss to breach what finance minister Arun Jaitley said was their “banking secrecy“.Politically, the disclosures could not have been timed better, coming on the first anniversary of the Modi government, which was under pressure for not redeeming its pledge to recover black money . Jaitley told reporters that the cooperation fructifying around the NDA 's anniversary made him even happier.
Sources said while the Sawhneys were among those on the list of account holders in HSBC's Geneva branch, the Swiss had stonewalled India's requests for information on them. They had argued that the HSBC list was based on “stolen“ data and Swiss law barred them from making it public. It was after three rounds of discussions -including two at the level of the Indian finance minister -that they agreed to act in cases where the government submitted evidence against individuals. Sources said the disclosure about the Sawhneys followed submission of evi dence gathered during I-T searches on their premises.
Considering that the I-T department has launched prosecution in 121 cases linked to the HSBC list, more disclosures are likely . The cases of the Masoods and Kochar show that Swiss help has stretched beyond the HSBC list. Data on them was provided on the basis of I-T probe.
The relative rank of India
2012: vis-à-vis China, India and Pakistan
Swiss money: India slips to 70th position; UK on top Sri Lanka Swiss banks PTI | Jun 23, 2013,
The latest official data released by Switzerland's central bank shows that the money they owed to Indian clients at the end of 2012 was 1.42 billion Swiss francs (about Rs 9,000 crore).
ZURICH/ NEW DELHI: India has slipped to 70th position in terms of foreign money lying with the Swiss banks and accounts for a meagre 0.10 per cent of total global wealth held in the Switzerland banking system.
While the UK continues to account for the largest chunk of such funds, India has now slipped lower to 70th position -- the lowest rank among all major economies of the world, shows an analysis of annual data released by Swiss National Bank (SNB) on all the banks present in the European country. India was ranked 55th for such funds a year ago with a total amount of 2.18 billion Swiss francs belonging to the Indian individuals. Among the top-ten jurisdictions in terms of source of money with Swiss banks, the UK is now followed by the US, West Indies, Jersey, Guernsey, Germany, France, Bahamas, Cayman Islands and Hong Kong.
The major countries ranked among the top-25 include include Singapore, Japan, Italy, Australia, Russia, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia and Cyprus. Besides, China was ranked 26th, Canada 28th, Brazil at 39th and South Africa at 50th. India's neighbouring country Pakistan was also ranked one place higher at 69th, although countries like Mauritius, and Sri Lanka are positioned below India.

See graphic, ' India'was no.58 at the end of 2013… '
2017: Indians 88th in terms of deposits
Stash by desis drops to 0.04% of foreign funds in Swiss banks
ZurichNew Delhi
India has slipped to 88th place in terms of money parked by its citizens with Swiss banks, while the UK remains on the top. Also, the money officially held by Indians with banks in Switzerland now accounts for a meagre 0.04% of the total funds kept by all foreign clients in the Swiss banking system, as per an analysis of the latest figures compiled by the SNB (Swiss National Bank) as on 2016-end.
India was placed at 75th position in 2015 and at 61st in the year before that, though it used to be among top-50 countries in terms of holdings in Swiss banks till 2007. The country was ranked highest at 37th place in the year 2004.
The latest data from Zurich-based SNB comes ahead of a new framework for automatic exchange of information between Switzerland and India to check the black money menace. SNBs official figures do not include the money that Indians, NRIs or others might have in Swiss banks in the names of entities from different countries.
There is a view that the Indians alleged to have parked their illicit money in Swiss banks in the past may have shifted the funds to other locations after a global clampdown began on the mighty banking secrecy practices in Switzerland.
Swiss banks have also said Indians have “few deposits“ in them compared to other global financial hubs like Singapore and Hong Kong amid stepped-up efforts to check the black money menace.
The UK accounted for the largest chunk at about CHF 359 (over 25%) of the total foreign money with Swiss banks. The US came second with nearly CHF 177 billion or about 14%. Indians' share not even one-hundredth of the total money . India is now ranked 88th with 676 million Swiss francs (about Rs 4,500 crore).
Tax treaties (multilateral, Swiss, US) and confidentiality
Black money: Switzerland reminds India of terms for sharing bank information
TNN & Agencies | Oct 31, 2014 The Times of India
Confidentiality provisions of treaty with Switzerland
NEW DELHI: The finance ministry has declined to share Swiss bank accounts details of Indians saying it is covered under "confidentiality provisions" of a tax treaty signed between India and Switzerland.
In reply to an RTI query, the ministry also refused to disclose the details of black money received from other foreign countries.
"Information exchanged under such tax agreements is covered under confidentiality provisions of respective agreements. Thus, disclosure of tax related information and information sought/obtained from foreign governments is exempted under section 8 (1) (a) and 8 (1) (f) of the Right to Information (RTI) Act," it said in response to the RTI application filed by this PTI journalist.
The section 8 (1) (a) bars disclosure of information "which would prejudicially affect the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security, strategic, scientific or economic interests of the State, relation with foreign State or lead to incitement of an offence".
The other section exempts disclosure of "information received in confidence from foreign government".
The ministry was asked to provide the details of information received from Switzerland related to accounts of Indians in banks there. It was also asked to provide the details of information received from foreign countries on black money, including details of such cases shared with India.
India had in September got the first set of Swiss bank account details of its nationals under a new automatic information exchange pact.
India is among 75 countries with which Switzerland's Federal Tax Administration (FTA) has exchanged information on financial accounts within the framework of global standards on AEOI or Automatic Exchange of Information.
It is feared that many Indians might have closed their accounts after a global crackdown on black money led to Switzerland buckling under international pressure to open its banking sector for scrutiny to clear the long-held perception of Swiss banks being safe haven for undisclosed funds.
Switzerland agreed to AEOI with India after a long process, including review of necessary legal framework in India on data protection and confidentiality.
The National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), that was one of the three institutes commissioned in 2011 by the then UPA government to conduct a study on black money, has estimated wealth accumulated outside India between $384 billion and $490 billion during the period 1980 to 2010.
Another institute -- National Institute of Financial Management (NIFM) -- had in its findings said the results of estimation suggest that total illicit outflow at the present value (including opportunity cost) from India in the reform period (1990-2008) is Rs 9,41,837 crore ($216.48 billion). Importantly, illicit outflows from the country are estimated on average to 10 per cent of the estimated unaccounted income.
During the period 1997-2009, illicit financial flows out of the country have been in the range of 0.2% to 7.4% of GDP, according to the National Institute of Public Policy and Finance (NIPFP).
These study reports of the NIPFP, NCAER and NIFM were received by the government on December 30, 2013, July 18, 2014, and August 21, 2014, respectively. The findings of these reports were made public by the Standing Committee on Finance in its preliminary report submitted in the Parliament in March this year.
Swiss double taxation agreement with India
Swiss authorities are worried about sharing information and made comments to this effect at a time when a Supreme Court-monitored SIT is probing alleged stashing of black money by Indians aboard.
In Oct 2014 Switzerland said that information exchanged with India under its tax treaty can't be disclosed "in principle" to a court or any other body outside the proceedings of a "specific and relevant" case.
Explaining the treaty provisions about disclosure of such 'secret' information, a Swiss finance ministry spokesperson told PTI from Berne that authorities from the two countries have "regular contacts on bilateral tax matters" but refused to comment on particular cases.
The exchange of information on tax matters between India and Switzerland is based on the double taxation agreement (DTA) and the protocol that was signed in 2010 between the two countries. It has been in force since October 2011. "This agreement is in line with the international standards and provides for exchange of information on request," the spokesperson said.
"Accordingly, the information exchanged under the terms of the DTA can be provided to a court in situations where it is dealing with a specific case related to tax matters for which this information is relevant. Conversely, information cannot be disclosed in principle to a court or another body outside of such proceedings," the official added. The spokesperson, however, declined to comment on "particular cases", citing the confidentiality provisions of the Swiss-Indian DTA.
There has been a heated debate on whether the disclosure of names, without prosecution, could violate tax treaties under which these names and other details are shared by foreign countries.
Replying to queries in this regard, the Swiss Federal department of finance spokesperson said the protocol to Swiss-Indian Double Taxation Agreement states that any information received "by a contracting state shall be treated as 'secret' in the same manner as information obtained under the domestic laws of that state..."
The treaty further provides that any such information "shall be disclosed only to persons or authorities (including courts and administrative bodies) concerned with the assessment or collection of (information), the enforcement or prosecution in respect of, or the determination of appeals in relation to the taxes ... or the oversight of the above."
The Swiss finance ministry spokesperson further said the treaty states that "such persons or authorities shall use the information 'only' for such purposes. They may disclose the information in public court proceedings or in judicial decisions".
Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement
This Swiss clarification came a day after the government was ordered by the Supreme Court to hand over all the 627 names of Indian account holders in HSBC Bank, Geneva, forcing the government to opt out from the signing of an international treaty on exchange of financial information.
Officials in India said that all countries which have legally shared information with India have done so under treaties, which contain a confidentiality clause. "That's the way business is done internationally. We have to follow the same practice," an official said.
India's last minute withdrawal from the Multilateral Competent Authority Agreement — which provides for automatic information exchange, starting 2017 — is bound to choke the flow of vital data to tax authorities and hinder attempts to act against unaccounted funds parked in overseas accounts. India can still sign the pact. Currently, it is awaiting clarity from the court.
Inter-Governmental Agreement with the US
The source pointed out that India also has to sign the Inter-Governmental Agreement with the US for automatic exchange of information, which also comes with a confidentiality clause. Officials said that in case of a delay beyond December 31, 2014 all remittances from the US will face a 30% withholding tax.
"For signing the agreement, the government has to give a commitment that it will follow international standards for the information received. But we could not give an assurance due to Supreme Court's interpretation of confidentiality, which is critical for all governments to exchange information," said a government official.
Switzerland or Swiss banks
Indians 88th in terms of deposits/ 2017
India has slipped to 88th place in terms of money parked by its citizens with Swiss banks, while the UK remains on the top. Also, the money officially held by Indians with banks in Switzerland now accounts for a meagre 0.04% of the total funds kept by all foreign clients in the Swiss banking system, as per an analysis of the latest figures compiled by the SNB (Swiss National Bank) as on 2016-end.
India was placed at 75th position in 2015 and at 61st in the year before that, though it used to be among top-50 countries in terms of holdings in Swiss banks till 2007. The country was ranked highest at 37th place in the year 2004.
The latest data from Zurich-based SNB comes ahead of a new framework for automatic exchange of information between Switzerland and India to check the black money menace. SNBs official figures do not include the money that Indians, NRIs or others might have in Swiss banks in the names of entities from different countries.
There is a view that the Indians alleged to have parked their illicit money in Swiss banks in the past may have shifted the funds to other locations after a global clampdown began on the mighty banking secrecy practices in Switzerland.
Swiss banks have also said Indians have “few deposits“ in them compared to other global financial hubs like Singapore and Hong Kong amid stepped-up efforts to check the black money menace.
The UK accounted for the largest chunk at about CHF 359 (over 25%) of the total foreign money with Swiss banks. The US came second with nearly CHF 177 billion or about 14%. Indians' share not even one-hundredth of the total money . India is now ranked 88th with 676 million Swiss francs (about Rs 4,500 crore).
2017: Indian money in Swiss banks rose 50%
Money of Indians in Swiss banks rise 50% to over Rs 7,000 crore, June 28, 2018: The Times of India
The surge in Indian money held with Swiss banks comes as a surprise given India's continuing clampdown on suspected black money stashed abroad
The money of Indians in Swiss banks had fallen by 45 per cent in 2016
Money parked by Indians in Swiss banks rose over 50 per cent to CHF (Swiss franc) 1.01 billion (Rs 7,000 crore) in 2017, reversing a three-year downward trend amid India's clampdown on suspected black money stashed there.
In comparison, the total funds held by all foreign clients of Swiss banks rose about 3 per cent to CHF 1.46 trillion or about Rs 100 lakh crore in 2017, according to the official annual data released today by Swiss National Bank (SNB), the central banking authority of the Alpine nation.
The surge in Indian money held with Swiss banks comes as a surprise given India's continuing clampdown on suspected black money + stashed abroad, including in banks of Switzerland that used to be known for their famed secrecy walls for years.
The Indian money in Swiss banks had fallen by 45 per cent in 2016, marking their biggest ever yearly plunge, to CHF 676 million (about Rs 4,500 crore) — the lowest ever since the European nation began making the data public in 1987.
According to the SNB data, the total funds held by Indians directly with Swiss banks rose to 999 million Swiss franc (Rs 6,891 crore) in 2017, while the same held through fiduciaries or wealth managers increased to CHF 16.2 million (Rs 112 crore). These figures stood at CHF 664.8 million and CHF 11 million, respectively, at the end of 2016.
As per the latest data, the Indian money in Swiss banks included CHF 464 million (Rs 3,200 crore) in the form of customer deposits, CHF 152 million (Rs 1,050 crore) through other banks and CHF 383 million (Rs 2,640 crore) as 'other liabilities' such as securities at the end of 2017.
The funds under all three heads have risen sharply, as against a huge plunge across all categories in the previous year, the SNB data showed.
The funds held through fiduciaries alone used to be in billions till 2007 but began falling after that amid fears of regulatory crackdown.
The total funds held by Indians with Swiss banks stood at a record high of CHF 6.5 billion (Rs 23,000 crore) at 2006-end, but came down to nearly one-tenth of that level in about a decade.
Since those record levels, this is only the third time when there has been a rise in Indians' money in Swiss banks — in 2011 (12 per cent), 2013 (43 per cent) and now in 2017 by 50.2 per cent — the maximum increase since 56 per cent way back in 2004.
The latest data from Zurich-based SNB comes months after a new framework having been put in place for automatic exchange of information between Switzerland and India to help check the black money menace.
While Switzerland has already begun sharing foreign client details on evidence of wrongdoing provided by India and some other countries, it has agreed to further expand its cooperation on India's fight against black money with a new pact for automatic information exchange.
There were several rounds of discussions between Indian and Swiss government officials on the new framework and also for expediting the pending information requests about suspected illicit accounts of Indians in Swiss banks.
The funds, described by SNB as 'liabilities' of Swiss banks or 'amounts due to' their clients, are the official figures disclosed by the Swiss authorities and do not indicate to the quantum of the much-debated alleged black money held by Indians there.
SNB's official figures also do not include the money that Indians, NRIs or others might have in Swiss banks in the names of entities from different countries.
Amid a decline seen in Indian money over the previous three years, there was a view that Indians who had allegedly parked their illicit money in Swiss banks in the past may have shifted the funds to other locations after a global crackdown began on the mighty banking secrecy practices in Switzerland.
Swiss banks have earlier said Indians have "few deposits" in Swiss banks compared to other global financial hubs like Singapore and Hong Kong amid stepped-up efforts to check the black money menace.
On directions of the Supreme Court, India had constituted a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to probe cases of alleged black money of Indians, including funds stashed abroad in places like Switzerland.
A number of strategies were deployed by the government to combat the stash-funds menace, in both overseas and domestic domain, which included enactment of a new law, amendments in the Anti-Money Laundering Act and compliance windows for people to declare their hidden assets.
The Tax department had detected suspected black money running into thousands of crores of rupees post investigations on global leaks about Indians stashing funds abroad + and has launched prosecution against hundreds of them, including those with accounts in the Geneva branch of HSBC.
The issue of black money has always been a matter of big debate in India and Switzerland has been long perceived as one of the safest havens for such funds.
Earlier in 2015, the money held by Indians in Swiss banks had fallen by nearly one-third to CHF 1,217.6 million (over Rs 8,000 crore). Prior to that, these funds fell by 10 per cent to CHF 1.8 billion in 2014, after a rise of 43 per cent in 2013 to CHF 2.03 billion.
The total assets of Swiss banks in India, however, fell by about 18 per cent in 2017 to CHF 3.2 billion in second consecutive year of decline. This does not include any tangible assets like real estate and properties.
The amount owed by Indian clients to Swiss banks fell by 48 per cent in 2017 to CHF 210 million.
2017: Swiss banks: India moves from no.88 to 73; Pakistan 72
July 1, 2018: The Times of India
Pakistan is now placed one place higher than India at 72nd position
India had slipped to 88th place with a 44% plunge in such funds during 2016
The latest data from the Swiss National Bank shows an increase of over 50% during 2017 to CHF 1.01 billion
India has moved up to 73rd place in terms of money parked by its citizens and companies with Swiss banks, while the UK remains on the top.
India had slipped to 88th place with a 44 per cent plunge in such funds during 2016, but the latest data from the Swiss National Bank (SNB) shows an increase of over 50 per cent during 2017 to CHF 1.01 billion (about Rs 7,000 crore).
Pakistan is now placed one place higher than India at 72nd position, down one slot, after 21 per cent dips in funds from that country in Swiss banks during 2017.
The funds, described by SNB as 'liabilities' of Swiss banks or 'amounts due to' their clients, are official figures disclosed by Swiss authorities and do not indicate to the exact quantum of the much-debated alleged black money held in famed safe havens of Switzerland.
The official figures, disclosed annually by Switzerland's central bank, also do not include the money that Indians, NRIs or others might have in Swiss banks in the names of entities from different countries.
It has been often alleged that Indians and other nationals seeking to stash their illicit wealth abroad use multiple layers of various jurisdictions, including tax havens, to shift the money in Swiss banks.
Also, with Switzerland putting in place an automatic information exchange framework with India and various other countries, the famed secrecy walls of Swiss banks are said to have crumbled. India will start getting this automatic data from next year, while it has already been getting information on accounts where proof of illicit funds can be furnished.
However, the increase in Indians' money in Swiss banks has already triggered a sharp opposition attack on the government, which in turn has said that it would be wrong to assume that all funds deposited in Swiss banks were 'black money' and strong action would be taken against wrongdoers.
The funds officially held by Indians with banks in Switzerland now accounts for only 0.07 per cent, though up from 0.04 per cent a year ago, of the total funds kept by all foreign clients in the Swiss banking system, as per an analysis of the latest figures compiled by the SNB (Swiss National Bank) as on 2017-end.
India was placed at 75th position in 2015 and at 61st in the year before, though it used to be among top-50 countries in terms of holdings in Swiss banks till 2007. The country was ranked highest at 37th place in the year 2004.
The total money held in Swiss banks by foreign clients from across the world rose by about 3 per cent to CHF 1.46 trillion (about Rs 100 lakh crore) in 2017.
In terms of individual countries, the UK continued to account for the largest chunk at about CHF 403 billion (over 27 per cent) of the total foreign money with Swiss banks. The UK saw an increase of over 12 per cent in such funds.
The US remains on the second position despite a dip of about 6 per cent in such funds to CHF 166 billion (11 per cent share of all foreign funds). No other country accounted for a double-digit percentage share, while others in the top-ten included West Indies, France, Hong Kong, Bahamas, Germany, Guernsey, Luxembourg and Cayman Islands.
Among BRICS countries, India remains to rank the lowest -- China at 20th place (CHF 160 billion with an increase of 67 per cent during 2017), Russia at 23rd (CHF 135 billion after 13 per cent fall), Brazil 61st (CHF 1.9 billion after 28 per cent fall) and South Africa 67th (CHF 1.5 billion after 31 per cent dip). Among these five, only China and India saw an increase in their funds.
Others ranked higher than India are: Singapore, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Panama, Japan, Jersey, Australia, Netherlands, Italy, Belgium, Cyprus, Israel, Mexico, Bermuda, Turkey, Kuwait, Marshall Islands, Canada, Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, Belize, Isle of Man, Indonesia, Seychelles, Gibraltar, Samoa, New Zealand, Philippines, Iran, Kazakhstan and Ukraine.
Those ranked below India were Mauritius (77th place), Bangladesh (95th), Sri Lanka (108th), Nepal (112th), Vatican City State (122nd), Iraq (132nd), Afghanistan (155th), Burkina Faso (162nd), Bhutan (203rd), North Korea (205th) and Palau was last at 214th place.
The total money belonging to the developed countries rose 10 per cent to CHF 876 billion, while those from developing nations rose marginally to CHF 209 billion. The offshore financial centres actually saw a dip of 3 per cent to CHF 378 billion.
India was ranked in top-50 continuously between 1996 and 2007, but started declining after that -- 55th in 2008, 59th in 2009 and 2010 each, 55th again in 2011, 71st in 2012 and then to 58th in 2013.
In terms of percentage increase, India's 50 per cent rise was 23rd highest. The maximum increase of as much as 4,000 per cent was seen by Solomon Islands, followed by over 2,200 per cent for Faroe Islands and 1,200 per cent for British Indian Ocean Territory.
The increase was more than 100 per cent for Maldives, Grenada, Turkmenistan, Laos, Lesotho, Qatar, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Federated States of Micronesia, Equatorial Guinea; and Sao Tome and Principe.
Others with higher increase than India's were Guyana, Mongolia, Barbados, Cote d'Ivoire, South Sudan, Bahrain, Kuwait and Ireland.
The jurisdictions that saw the maximum decline in such funds included Palau, St Helena and Gambia, while North Korea, Bhutan, Macao, Burkina Faso and Iraq also recorded significant dips.
2015>17: No claimants for Indian accounts holding around ₹300 crore
The list of over 3,500 dormant accounts continues to have at least six with Indian links since December 2015, as no successful claimant has come forward for them. Recent data shows that Indians have about Rs 7,000 crore in Swiss banks.
It is the third year since Swiss banks made public a list of accounts lying dormant without any trace of owners and no claimant has come forward for those with Indian links, even as a political slugfest continues in India over alleged black money parked there.
The list of all such accounts -- of Swiss citizens and foreigners including from India -- was first published by the Switzerland Banking Ombudsman in December 2015 and it keeps getting updated as and when an account is declared dormant.
This is to allow real owners of the accounts or their legal heirs to stake a claim with necessary proof.
The details get deleted from the list when a successful claim is made and this was the case for as many as 40 accounts and two safe deposit boxes in the year 2017 itself, as per the latest information shared by the Ombudsman.
However, the list of over 3,500 such accounts continues to have at least six with links to India since December 2015, as no successful claimant has come forward for them. Switzerland was perceived to be among the safest havens globally for financial assets for many years before a global crackdown on alleged tax evasion by using such strong banking privacy practices as prevalent in Swiss banks led to Switzerland agreeing to tighten its rules.
Subsequently, Switzerland has framed new laws for greater cooperation with several other countries on exchange of information and for stricter clampdown on illicit activities like money laundering and tax frauds.
India is one of the countries with which Switzerland has inked an automatic exchange of information pact on financial matters, while the Alpine nation has already been providing details on bank accounts in cases where Indian authorities have been able to provide proof of wrongdoings.
As per the latest data released by the Swiss National Bank (SNB), funds parked by Indians with Swiss banks rose 50 per cent to CHF 1.01 billion (about Rs 7,000 crore) in 2017.
The funds, described by SNB as 'liabilities' of Swiss banks or 'amounts due to' their clients, are official figures disclosed by Swiss authorities and do not indicate to the exact quantum of the much-debated alleged black money held in the famed safe havens of Switzerland.
The official figures, disclosed annually by Switzerland's central bank, also do not include the money that Indians, NRIs or others might have in Swiss banks in the names of entities from different countries.
It has been often alleged that Indians and other nationals seeking to stash their illicit wealth abroad use multiple layers of various jurisdictions, including tax havens, to shift the money in Swiss banks.
Also, with Switzerland putting in place an automatic information exchange framework with India and various other countries, the famed secrecy walls of Swiss banks are said to have crumbled. India will start getting this automatic data from next year.
However, the increase in Indians' money in Swiss banks has already triggered a sharp opposition attack on the government, which in turn has said that it would be wrong to assume that all funds deposited in Swiss banks were 'black money' and strong action would be taken against wrongdoers.
The funds officially held by Indians with banks in Switzerland accounts for only 0.07 per cent of the total funds kept by all foreign clients in the Swiss banking system, as per the SNB data.
In terms of the dormant accounts, at least three individuals from India and three others of Indian origin -- but resident of other countries -- continue to figure on the list of unclaimed bank accounts made public by Switzerland since December 2015.
While specific figure for India-linked dormant accounts is not known, the total holding in all such accounts is estimated at about 44 million Swiss franc (about Rs 300 crore).
Of the six with Indian links, place of residence of three has been mentioned as India, while it is Paris (France) for one and London for another. The place of residence for the sixth person was not disclosed.
These are Pierre Vachek and Bernet Rosmarie from 'Bombay', the earlier name of Mumbai, Bahadur Chandra Singh from Dehradun, Dr Mohan Lal from Paris, Suchah Yogesch Prabhudas from London. Kishore Lall is the person whose place of residence was not disclosed.
The date of birth has also been disclosed in one case that is for Vachek as January 1, 1908.
All these accounts were added to the public list in December 2015 and would remain there till December 2020, unless a successful claim is made for the money.
There are also some such accounts from Pakistan, including of one Nawaz Haq of Wazirabad, which was added to the list in November 2017.
The list is aimed at giving their owners or their legal heirs a chance to claim the funds in these accounts. Only those accounts form part of the list which have got at least 500 Swiss francs and have remained unclaimed for at least 60 years.
The list contains a large number of people from Switzerland itself, as also from Germany, France, the UK, the US, Turkey, Austria and various other countries. If no legitimate party claims the assets that have been published within one year of publication, the banks can transfer the assets in question to the government.
The claim deadline for potential legitimate claimants is five years if the assets in question have been dormant since at least 1954.
2013> 2017: Indians’ deposits down 35%
‘Indians’ deposits in Swiss banks down 35% in 2017’, July 25, 2018: The Times of India
Goyal Quotes Swiss Officials, Slams Rahul
Deposits by Indians in Swiss banks declined by 34.5% in 2017 and by 80.2% between 2013 and 2017, finance minister Piyush Goyal said quoting data from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) as he rebutted reports that said deposits by Indians in Swiss banks had shot up by 50% in 2017.
A report on the increase in Indian deposits in Swiss banks had triggered a political slugfest. Goyal referred to data to set the record straight.
Quoting Swiss authorities, Goyal told Rajya Sabha the figures in the report were wrongly interpreted. “The Swiss Authorities say the figures published by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) are regularly mentioned by the Indian media as a reliable indicator of the amount of assets held with Swiss financial institutions in respect of Indian citizens. They clarify how this is wrong. They say more often than not, the media reports have not taken into account the way the figures have to be interpreted, which has resulted in misleading headlines and analysis. This is (the Swiss) government response,” he said.
Swiss authorities say the right data to identify Indian residents’ deposits in Switzerland is published by BIS, which collects Locational Banking Statistics (LBS) in collaboration with SNB. LBS measures international banking activity from a residence perspective, focusing on the location of banking office and captures about 95% of all cross-border banking activity.
Congress chief Rahul Gandhi had cited the report about alleged increase in deposits in Swiss banks by Indians to attack the government, saying the Modi government’s claim of a successful campaign against black money had been exposed. On Tuesday, Goyal seized upon the BIS figures to hit out at Gandhi for embarrassing the country by relying on baseless reports and making ignorant claims.
“I think Rahul Gandhi should reply to the nation why he is maligning the image of the country on the baseless report,” Goyal said. “Of course, he has a habit of saying things without knowing the facts. Even during the noconfidence motion, we have seen claims of Congress being demolished,” he added.
BIS data shows non-bank loans and deposits — which include individual and corporate deposits and excludes interbank transactions — have contracted by 34.5% in 2017 to $524 million compared to $800 million in 2016. Goyal said the government was committed to continue its fight against black money.
“Further, there has been a significant reduction in Swiss non-bank loans and deposits of Indians by 80.2% between 2013 and 2017,” he said, adding that the figure in 2013 was $2.6 billion which came down to $2.3 billion in 2014 and $1.4 billion in 2015.
“Moreover, it is frequently assumed that any assets held by Indians are undeclared,” he said. “So if you want to know the deposits of Indian residents in Switzerland, the correct data source is called locational banking statistics.”
India also signed an agreement with Switzerland on December 21, 2017. Both countries started collecting data in accordance with global standards on January 1 2018, and will start the exchange of data from September 2019 on an annual basis.
Goyal cited figures from the Bank for International Settlements to hit out at Rahul Gandhi for embarrassing the country by relying on baseless reports and making ignorant claims
2019: India slips to 74th place
June 30, 2019: The Times of India
Money in Swiss banks: India slips to 74th place, UK remains on top ZURICH/NEW DELHI: India has moved down one place to 74th rank in terms of money parked by its citizens and enterprises with Swiss banks, while the UK has retained its top position, as per data released by the central banking authority of the Alpine nation.
India was ranked 73rd last year, after jumping 15 places from its 88th position a year ago. An analysis of the latest annual banking statistics released by the Swiss National Bank (SNB) shows that India remains ranked very low when it comes to money parked by Indian individuals and enterprises in Swiss banks, including through their India-based branches, while accounting for just about 0.07 per cent of the aggregate funds parked by all foreign clients of Switzerland-based banks.
In comparison, the top-ranked UK accounted for more than 26 per cent of the total foreign funds parked with Swiss banks at the end of 2018.
Among the top-ranked jurisdictions, the UK is followed by the US, West Indies, France and Hong Kong in the top five.
The top-five countries alone account for more than 50 per cent of the aggregate foreign funds parked with the Swiss banks, while the top-10 account for nearly two-thirds.
The top-15 countries account for nearly 75 per cent of all foreign money in Swiss banks, while the contribution of the top-30 is almost 90 per cent.
The top-10 countries also include Bahamas, Germany, Luxembourg, Cayman Islands and Singapore.
Among the five-nation BRICS block of emerging economies, India is ranked the lowest while Russia is ranked the highest at 20th place, followed by China at 22nd, South Africa at 60th and Brazil at 65th place in terms of amount of money parked by their residents and enterprises at the end of 2018.
The countries ranked higher than India also include Mauritius (71st), New Zealand (59th), the Philippines (54th), Venezuela (53rd), Seychelles (52nd), Thailand (39th), Canada (36th), Turkey (30th), Israel (28th), Saudi Arabia (21st), Panama (18th), Japan (16th), Italy (15th), Australia (13th), UAE (12th) and Guernsey (11th).
However, several of India's neighbouring nations are ranked lower, with Pakistan ranking 82nd, Bangladesh 89th, Nepal 109th, Sri Lanka 141st, Myanmar 187th and Bhutan 193rd.
This is the first time in the last four years that the funds linked to Pakistan in Swiss banks have slipped below that of Indians.
A number of other major countries also saw their funds falling in Swiss banks amid a global clampdown against the erstwhile banking secrecy walls in the Alpine nation.
The funds, described by SNB as 'liabilities' of Swiss banks or 'amounts due to' their clients, are official figures disclosed by Swiss authorities and do not indicate the exact quantum of the much-debated alleged black money held in famed safe havens of Switzerland.
The official figures, disclosed annually by Switzerland's central bank, also do not include the money that Indians, NRIs or others might have in Swiss banks in the names of entities from different countries.
It has been often alleged that Indians and other nationals seeking to stash their illicit wealth abroad use multiple layers of various jurisdictions, including tax havens, to shift the money to Swiss banks.
Also, with Switzerland putting in place an automatic information exchange framework with India and various other countries, the famed secrecy walls of Swiss banks are said to have crumbled. India will start getting this automatic data from this year, while it has already been getting information on accounts where proof of illicit funds can be furnished.
The funds officially held by Indians with banks in Switzerland now accounts for only 0.07 per cent of the total funds kept by all foreign clients in the Swiss banking system, almost same as the level seen at 2017-end after a modest increase from 0.04 per cent a year before that, as per an analysis of the latest figures compiled by the SNB (Swiss National Bank) as on 2018-end.
India was placed at 75th position in 2015 and 61st in the year before, though it used to be among the top-50 countries in terms of holdings in Swiss banks till 2007. The country was ranked highest at 37th place in the year 2004.
The total money held in Swiss banks by foreign clients from across the world fell by about 4 per cent to CHF 1.4 trillion (about Rs 99 lakh crore) in 2018.
In terms of individual countries, the UK continues to account for the largest chunk at about CHF 372 billion (down from CHF 403 billion a year ago), which remains more than 26 per cent of the total foreign money with Swiss banks.
The US remains on the second position despite a dip to about CHF 144 billion (from CHF 166 billion a year ago), accounting for nearly 10.3 per cent of all foreign funds. The share is more than 1 per cent only for 21 jurisdictions.
India was ranked in the top-50 continuously between 1996 and 2007, but its rank started declining after that -- 55th in 2008, 59th in 2009 and 2010 each, 55th again in 2011, 71st in 2012 and then to 58th in 2013.
Money parked by Indian clients fell by nearly 6 per cent in 2018 to 955 million Swiss francs (about Rs 6,757 crore) to hit its second-lowest level in over two decades.
2019: a 6% decline
NEW DELHI/ZURICH: Funds parked by Indian individuals and enterprises in Swiss banks, including through India-based branches, fell nearly 6 per cent in 2019 to 899 million Swiss francs (Rs 6,625 crore), annual data from Switzerland's central bank showed on Thursday.
This marks the second consecutive year of decline in aggregate funds of Indian clients with all Swiss banks, taking the figure to the third lowest level in more than three decades since 1987 when the Swiss National Bank (SNB) began compiling the data. The total amount of CHF 899.46 million, described by the SNB as aggregate 'liabilities' of Swiss banks or 'amounts due to' their Indian clients at the end of 2019, included CHF 550 million (over Rs 4,000 crore) of customer deposits; CHF 88 million (Rs 650 crore) held via other banks; 7.4 million (Rs 50 crore) through fiduciaries or trusts; and CHF 254 million (Rs 1,900 crore) as 'other amounts due to customers' in form of securities and various financial instruments.
All the four components declined during 2019.
These are official figures reported by banks to the SNB and do not indicate the quantum of the much-debated alleged black money held by Indians in Switzerland. These figures also do not include the money that Indians, NRIs or others might have in Swiss banks in names of third-country entities.
According to the SNB, its data for 'total liabilities' of Swiss banks towards Indian clients takes into account all types of funds of Indian customers at Swiss banks, including deposits from individuals, banks and enterprises. This includes data for branches of Swiss banks in India, as also non-deposit liabilities.
Indian and Swiss authorities have earlier said that a more reliable measure for deposits by Indian individuals in Swiss banks is given by the 'locational banking statistics' of the Bank for International Settlement (BIS), which showed a marginal increase of 0.07 per cent in 2019 to $90.6 million (nearly Rs 646 crore).
This figure takes into account deposits as well as loans of Indian non-bank clients of Swiss-domiciled banks and had shown a decline of 11 per cent in 2018 and of 44 per cent in 2017. It peaked at over $2.3 billion (over Rs 9,000 crore) at the end of 2007.
Swiss authorities have always maintained that assets held by Indian residents in Switzerland cannot be considered as 'black money' and they actively support India in its fight against tax fraud and evasion.
While an automatic exchange of information in tax matters between Switzerland and India has been in force since 2018. Under this framework, detailed financial information on all Indian residents having accounts with Swiss financial institutions since 2018 was provided for the first time to Indian tax authorities in September 2019 and this is to be followed every year.
In addition to this, Switzerland has been actively sharing details about accounts of Indians suspected to have indulged in financial wrongdoings after submission of prima facie evidence. Such exchange of information has taken place in hundreds of cases so far.
According to the SNB data available since 1987, the lowest level of funds held by Indians in Swiss banks was seen in 1995 at CHF 723 million, while the second lowest was in 2016 at CHF 676 million. The amount had peaked at CHF 6.5 billion in 2006, before declining for five consecutive years. Since those record levels, there has been a rise only three times -- in 2011 (12 per cent), 2013 (43 per cent) and then in 2017.
Overall, customer deposits in all Swiss banks rose marginally by 0.3 per cent to CHF 1.8 trillion (more than Rs 130 lakh crore). Of this, domestic customer deposits rose by CHF 25.3 billion to CHF 1.25 trillion, while foreign customer deposits declined by CHF 20.5 billion to CHF 567.6 billion (nearly Rs 42 lakh crore).
Aggregate liabilities of Swiss banks, including amount due to customers and banks and through holding of various securities, rose by 2.9 per cent to CHF 3.3 trillion (over Rs 240 lakh crore). This included CHF 1.3 trillion (nearly Rs 95 lakh crore) towards their foreign clients, which rose by nearly 2 per cent.
The countries for which Swiss banks reported rise in amounts due to clients from there included the US and UK, while the money parked by individuals and enterprises from Pakistan and Bangladesh also declined during 2019.
Just like India, the issue of alleged black money in Swiss banks has been a political hot potato in the two neighbouring countries as well.
While Pakistani money in Swiss banks declined by nearly 45 per cent to CHF 410 million (about Rs 3,000 crore), the figure for Bangladesh fell 2 per cent to CHF 605 million (Rs 4,500 crore).
As per the SNB, there were 246 banks in Switzerland at the end of 2019. Of these, 216 reported profit totalling of CHF 13.1 billion, while the remaining 30 reported losses amounting to CHF 12.3 billion, resulting in aggregate profit of CHF 752 million (Rs 5,500 crore) -- reflecting a huge decline of over 93 per cent from the 2018 levels.
The aggregate balance sheet total for all banks in Switzerland rose by 2.9 per cent to CHF 3.3 trillion.
Customer holdings of securities in bank custody accounts increased by 15.9 per cent to nearly CHF 6.8 trillion, while fiduciary funds administered by banks were also considerably higher in 2019 and closed the year at CHF 197 billion with an increase of over 23 per cent.
The banks saw a pronounced rise of CHF 15.7 billion in fiduciary deposits invested in Swiss francs, increasing that currency's share from 2.5 per cent to 10 per cent.
The headcount of Swiss banks declined by 1,304 to 1,06,084, which the SNB said was mainly attributable to big banks having transferred staff to other group entities not included in the banking statistics.
See also
Indian money in foreign banks
Indian money in offshore entities: The ‘Paradise Papers’
Indian money in HSBC, Switzerland