Miss Arunachal

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Some Gyagars have painstakingly reconstructed the history
of the Miss Arunachal contest through volunteer effort.
Do you feel that these memories need to be preserved on the Web?
You can update or correct this article, and/ or send
the names/ dignified biographical details/ photographs of
any of the finalists, related to their lives before, during or
after this contest, to the Facebook page, Indpaedia.com.
All information used will be duly acknowledged.

Photos courtesy AmazingArunachal and Defence.pk

This page awaits text and photographs from readers.

Miss arunachal1.jpg
Miss arunachal2.jpg
Miss arunachal3.jpg
Miss arunachal4.jpg
Miss arunachal5.jpg



See also

Other articles about North-East Indian popular culture:


The link Cinema-TV-Pop at the bottom of this page will lead you to a fuller list of articles about the cinemas of North-East India (and other South Asian regions). Indpaedia has a large number of articles about Assamese and Manipuri cinema. Assamese cinema Manipuri Cinema North-Eastern cinema

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