Organisation of Islamic Cooperation- India relations
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From: Omer Farooq Khan , After 50 yrs, Pak ‘boycotts’ OIC over India’s presence, March 2, 2019: The Times of India
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OIC and India: What happened in 1969?
From Tehran to Riyadh/ As in 2006
India’s bumpy ride from Tehran to Riyadh
Dawn Jan 2006
DEATH TO AMERICA, Death to Israel, Death to Saddam Hussein and Death to the Soviet Union — these are slogans as old as the Iranian revolution. Every Friday a huge congregation at Tehran University would end its prayers with loud chants of the nation’s battle cry, sometimes led by Hashemi Rafsanjani, sometimes by Mohammad Khatami, sometimes by the spiritual leader, Ali Khamenei, himself.
Two of the slogans have found their target. The Soviet Union and Saddam have passed into history. In the case of the Soviets, an entire nation that once strutted about as a superpower simply disappeared from the world. As for the former dictator of Iraq, he looks chastised, to put it mildly. The Western world applauded the spotless erasure of the Soviet Union and also the contrived end of Saddam’s rule. Iran may have had little or no hand in these episodes, but it must be satisfied that at least part of its prayers have been answered.
In recent days some people have expressed concern at Iran’s verbal diatribes against Israel as though these shrill warnings are something new. They should look again. These slogans were shouted by the West’s very own preferred ‘liberal’ Iranian president Mohammad Khatami whenever he found time to lead the prayers at Tehran University. And, again, Iran is merely shouting on television something to the effect that a new Israel should be created in Europe, arguably because Jews were persecuted in Europe. It’s a provocative argument even if it has many listeners.
Yet, when it comes to actually making nations disappear from the face of the earth, as opposed to the Iranian mullahs’ mere theories, is there any equal to the West? Where is Yugoslavia today? And where is Iraq headed with the active connivance of Washington’s occupation army to divide its people?
This is the background that the Saudi king and the Indian prime minister would need to bear in mind this week when they have a landmark meeting to discuss bilateral relations and key regional issues. Some would say the discussions are a cover for India’s diplomatic transition from Tehran to Riyadh via Washington. There is something else the two leaders would be well advised to do. They should read Patrick Bishop’s report from Damascus in Saturday’s Telegraph.
Instead of brooding farcically over Iran’s facetious comments on Israel, or speculating over Tehran’s wildly alleged nuclear weapons programme, the report highlights an unexplored area of interest to the world. It says: “The Arab street has a new poster boy. Whatever Europe and America may think of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president’s anti-western rhetoric is winning him heroic status among the Middle East’s masses.
“Strong men loom large in the recent history of the region. The prototype was Gamal Abdel Nasser, the Egyptian who inspired a generation of Arab nationalists.
“Then there was Saddam Hussein, whose defiance of America won admirers even among Arabs who detested his tyranny. The position of Middle East strongman is currently vacant. Mr Ahmadinejad may be a Persian, but that does not appear to disqualify him from the job.”
It is no coincidence that America’s biggest bugbears today — Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden — were once its key allies. If India were to follow Washington’s lead on global issues, particularly in the Middle East, it could end up being similarly trapped in a duplicitous bargain, most likely on the losing end of it. There are other good reasons to doubt the public postures of both Iran and the United States, particularly when they seem to be locked in a life-threatening standoff.
The Iran-Contra scandal was not the only occasion when the two were clandestinely cooperating while the rest of the world was jostling to take sides in an imaginary diplomatic war.
The Iran-Contra scandal can be traced to the 1980 presidential election between incumbent Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan. In the fall of 1980, Carter was marginally leading Reagan in the polls with the election right round the corner. The release of hostages before election day presumably would have ensured the election for Carter.
The Reagan team conspired to negotiate a deal with Ayatollah Khomeini. Campaign manager William Casey and George Bush, who went on to become vice-president and president, met President Bani-Sadr in Paris in October, only weeks before the US election. At that time Carter had a slight lead over Reagan.
Part of the deal cut between the Reagan team and Iran was to provide military weapons which Iran desperately needed in its war with Iraq. As it turned out, the 52 American hostages remained captive in Tehran. Carter’s popularity continued to plummet, enabling Reagan to be elected in November, and ironically the hostages were returned at 12 noon on January 20, 1981 when Reagan was inaugurated.
So where would India figure in it if this duplicitous game of name-calling for public consumption and secret deal-making were to be repeated yet again?
In this game of wheels within wheels who is to be trusted more? Does the world have a full measure of what lies behind the veneer of either President Bush or President Ahmedinejad in their verbal duel with each other?
We were not privy to the deal between Bush Sr. and Bani-Sadr, but according to credible American accounts, while in Paris, the Republican team gave $40 million to the Iranian government as a gesture of good faith that the Reagan team was serious in dealing with the Khomeini government. The terms required that the American hostages should remain captive until after the November election. Therefore, consider the following fact. The Iranian New Year’s Day or Nowroze falls between March 19-21. On Nowroze of 2000 then US secretary of state Madeleine Albright was attending a party thrown by Iranian expatriates in Washington DC amid hopes of an early thaw with Iran.
Even at that time Iranian worshippers were chanting Death to America and Death to Israel. Also at that time Iranian scientists were carrying out their research on nuclear technology in their secret bunkers. What, if anything, has changed for to kick up the brouhaha today?
ON JANUARY 24, when he arrives as chief guest for India’s Republic Day parade, King Abdullah would become the first Saudi monarch to visit New Delhi in 50 years. That is almost as old as the Kashmir issue between India and Pakistan has been raging. It could be a coincidence, and an important one for India, that the organizers of the parade are planning to stage a moving tableau depicting the Karavan-i-Aman (caravan of peace), the name given to the Muzafarbad-Srinagar bus. The tableau will have dancers and musicians from Kashmir and offer a clear opportunity to Indian President A. P. J. Abdul Kalam to elaborate on India’s peace efforts with Pakistan with his honoured guest.
Foreign Minister Pulls Out, Will Send Officials
Angry over the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC) refusal to rescind its invitation to India, Pakistan’s foreign minister skipped the meeting of the Islamic grouping which began in Abu Dhabi.
Though Pakistan was represented by a delegation, this was the first time in the OIC’s 50-year history that the country’s foreign minister had stayed away from the meeting of the important Islamic grouping.
Pakistan, one of the founding members of OIC, is upset that its insistence to keep India out was not heeded by other members of the group.
Incidentally, 50 years ago, the then Pakistan president, General Yahya Khan, had walked out of the OIC summit which was held in Morocco’s capital Rabat over the same issue — inclusion of India at the meet.
Yasin Malik
May 28, 2022: The Times of India
New Delhi: In another run in with the OIC, the government on Friday described as unacceptable the comments made by OIC-IPHRC (Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission) criticising India for the judgment in the case of J&K separatist leader Yasin Malik.
Through these comments, said the MEA in its response, the OIC-IPHRC had implicitly expressed support for the terrorist activities of Malik, which were documented and presented in the court. “The world seeks zero tolerance of terrorism and we urge OIC not to justify it any manner,” said spokesperson Arindam Bagchi.
The general secretariat of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation had expressed concern over pronouncement of life sentence for “one of the most prominent Kashmiri leaders”, Yasin Malik, who has been leading a “peaceful” freedom struggle for decades. “. . . the general secretariat urges international community to ensure that the legitimate struggle of Kashmiris for realisation of their rights must not be equated with terrorism,” it said.
Jammu & Kashmir
2020 Aug: Snubbed by OIC, Pakistan threatens to revolt
Snubbed by OIC on J&K, Pak threatens to revolt, August 8, 2020: The Times of India
New Delhi: With the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) not acceding to Pakistan's request for a meeting of foreign ministers on the Kashmir issue, Islamabad has threatened to break ranks with the organisation which calls itself the collective voice of the Muslim world, indicating the lack of traction over the changes in Jammu & Kashmir a year after they were implemented.
While calling for a meeting of the council of foreign ministers in keeping with Pakistan’s expectations, foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said this week that Islamabad could look at seeking a separate meeting with Islamic countries which supported Pakistan on the issue. “If you cannot convene it, then I’ll be compelled to ask Prime Minister Imran Khan to call a meeting of Islamic countries that are ready to stand with us on the issue of Kashmir,” he said.
While there was limited resonance for Pakistan’s arguments even last year, this time the global preoccupation with Covid-19 and the concerns arising from China’s aggressive actions in its neighbourhood and its deepening confrontation with the US has meant that there is no mindspace for Islamabad's bid to flog the Kashmir issue and the nullification of Article 370.
Except for Turkey, Pakistan has found little public support even from countries which it claims to have on its side. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was the only leader to again express support for Pakistan’s position on Kashmir. There has also been scant support for Pakistan elsewhere, with a few routine statements emanating from Europe. Even US congressional committees, while noting the absence of normalcy in J&K, have acknowledged that there are serious security and counter-terrorism challenges.
India has described Turkey’s remarks as factually incorrect, biased and unwarranted. “We would urge Turkey to get a proper understanding of the situation on the ground and refrain from interfering in matters internal to India,” MEA spokesperson Anurag Srivastava said.
The main reason behind the OIC’s inaction is said to be Saudi Arabia’s reluctance to accept Pakistan’s request for the meeting. Riyadh’s support is crucial for any move at the OIC, which is dominated by Saudi and other Arab countries. Another key member, the UAE, has also been cold to Pakistan’s pleas. During a virtual meeting of the OIC contact group on J&K held “on the request of Pakistan” on June 22, Qureshi had urged the grouping to “step up its efforts” to resolve the Kashmir issue.
2020 Nov: Pakistan snubbed again
OIC snubs Pak, Kashmir not on agenda The upcoming 47th session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers didn’t mention the Kashmir issue in the agenda for the meeting in what was seen by some as a snub to Pakistan. Pakistan’s ‘Dawn’ newspaper quoted a diplomatic source to say that host Niger had declined Pakistan’s request for a meeting of the OIC Contact Group on Kashmir because of Covid-19. It said that in addition to the Palestinian cause, the fight against “violence, extremism and terrorism, Islamophobia and defamation of religious (sic)”, the council will discuss the situation of Muslim minorities and communities in non-member states, fundraising for the Rohingya case at the International Court of Justice. There was speculation in Pakistan media that OIC skipping Kashmir might have something to do with strained ties between Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Indian government officials didn’t comment saying the government will wait to see the outcome of the meeting. It will also closely watch what the 57-member body has to say on alleged Islamophobia in India.
India slams OIC over 'unwarranted references' to J&K
November 29, 2020: The Times of India
India hits out at OIC over 'unwarranted references' to J&K
NEW DELHI: India on Sunday lashed out at Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) and rejected unwarranted references about Jammu & Kashmir made in resolutions adopted at the 47th Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) session.
"We strongly and categorically reject the factually incorrect, gratuitous and unwarranted references to India in resolutions adopted by the Organisation of Islamic Conference at the 47th CFM Session in Niamey, Republic of Niger, held on November 27-28," ministry of external affairs said in a statement. The MEA said that OIC has "no locus standi in matters strictly internal to India, including that of Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir".
"It is regrettable that OIC continues to allow itself to be used by a certain country, which has an abominable record on religious tolerance, radicalism and persecution of minorities, to indulge in anti-India propaganda. We strongly advise the OIC to refrain from making such references in future, the MEA added.
2021: India rejects OIC’s J&K reference
August 6, 2021: The Times of India
After the OIC again raised the J&K issue, India on Thursday rejected what it described as yet another unacceptable reference to the Union Territory saying the grouping has no locus standi on matters relating to what is an integral part of India.
“It is reiterated that the OIC General Secretariat should refrain from allowing vested interests to exploit its platform for comments on internal affairs of India,” said the MEA spokesperson. India has repeatedly asked OIC to not allow Pakistan to use it for baseless propaganda on the Kashmir issue.
The comments by MEA followed a statement issued by the General Secretariat of the OIC on the second anniversary of the withdrawal of the special status of Jammu and Kashmir.
The OIC General Secretariat reiterated its “call to revoke all these steps”. It also emphasised on its call on the international community to increase its efforts to resolve the J&K issue in accordance with “relevant UNSC resolutions”. TNN
2022: Delimitation
May 17, 2022: The Times of India
New Delhi: With the OIC criticising the delimitation exercise in Jammu & Kashmir, the government slammed the group saying it was dismayed that the OIC secretariat had once again made unwarranted comments on the internal affairs of India. “As in the past, the government categorically rejects the assertions made by OIC secretariat on the UT of J&K which is an integral part ofIndia,” it said.
“OIC should refrain from carrying out its communal agenda vis-a-vis India at the behest of one country,” it added, without naming Pakistan. India has in the recent past repeatedly accused OIC of allowing its agenda to be hijacked by Pakistan. Islamabad had last week written to UNSC saying India was trying to make demographic changes in the J&K through the delimitation exercise. The Delimitation Commission, tasked with redrawing parliamentary and assembly constituencies in J&K, notified its final report earlier this month.
Article 370
Dec 14, 2023: The Times of India
New Delhi : India rejected a statement issued by the general secretariat of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Supreme Court judgment on J&K saying it is both ill informed and ill intended.
“That OIC does so at the behest of a serial violater of human rights and an unrepentant promoter of cross-border terrorism makes its action even more questionable. Such statements only undermine OIC’s credibility,” said the external affairs ministry spokesperson without naming Pakistan.
The judgment had upheld the 2019 revocation of the special status to Jammu & Kashmir. On Tuesday, the OIC general secretariat expressed concern over the Supreme Court verdict. In a statement, it also reaffirmed its solidarity with the people of J&K. TNN
Other issues
Hijab: 2022
February 16, 2022: The Times of India
New Delhi: India had another run-in with Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, accusing the grouping of harbouring a “communal mindset” after it expressed “deep concerns” over the ongoing hijab controversy in Karnataka and “continued attacks targeting Muslims and their places of worship” in India.
In a sharp statement, India said the organisation continues to be hijacked by vested interests to further “their nefarious propaganda against India”.
India believes the OIC is allowing itself to be manipulated by Pakistan on issues related to Jammu and Kashmir and the alleged threat to Muslims in India.
“We have noted yet another motivated and misleading statement from the general secretariat of the OIC on matters pertaining to India. Issues in India are considered and resolved in accordance with our constitutional framework and mechanisms. . . democratic ethos and polity,” said external affairs ministry spokesperson Arindam Bagchi.
OIC has only harmed its reputation: MEA PTI
The communal mindset of the OIC secretariat does not allow for a proper appreciation of these realities. The OIC continues to be hijacked by vested interests to further their nefarious propaganda against India. As a result, it has only harmed its own reputation,” he added.
After remarks earlier by Pakistan and the US ambassador for religious freedom on the Karnataka issue, the government had said last week that motivated comments on India’s internal issues are not welcome. The OIC general secretariat had expressed deep concern over “recent public calls for genocide of Muslims by the ‘Hindutva’ proponents in Haridwar in Uttarakhand and reported incidents of harassment of Muslim women on social media sites as well as banning of Muslim girl students from wearing hijab in the state of Karnataka”.
“The continued attacks targeting Muslims and their places of worship, the recent trend of anti-Muslim legislations in different states and rising incidents of violence against Muslims on flimsy pretexts by ‘Hindutva’ groups with impunity, are indicative of the growing trend of Islamophobia,” it had said.
In September last, on the sidelines of the 76th UN General Assembly, the OIC had asked India to reverse its decision of scrapping Article 370 which gave special status to the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir. In response, India had asked OIC to refrain from commenting on the country’s internal matters.