Pet shops: India
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Registration is essential
Vishwa Mohan, Registration a must for pet shops: Centre, September 13, 2018: The Times of India

From: Vishwa Mohan, Registration a must for pet shops: Centre, September 13, 2018: The Times of India
Govt To Earn Revenues From All Transactions
Keeping pace with the mushrooming demand for pets and rampant commercialisation which has often caused harm to these creatures and agony for their owners, the Centre has notified new rules for pet shops, making it mandatory for owners to get such establishments registered and follow the ‘do’s and don’ts’ as per specified standards for animal housing and care in the country.
Registration and subsequent monitoring by the State Animal Welfare Board will not only lead to a humane approach to pet trade but also pave the way for the government to earn revenues from such transactions as pet shops are commercial establishments.
Under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Pet Shop) Rules, 2018, notified by the environment ministry on September 6, no person can now operate a pet shop or carry on with the business of trade in pet animals without being registered with the Board.
The ‘pet animals’, under the Rules, include dog, cat, rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, rodents of the rat or mice category, pet birds and “such other type of animals, the ownership of, and trade in which, is not prohibited by any other law, rules or regulations”.
“The notification of these rules is half the battle won, and what we now await is a thorough implementation of these rules to ensure that no pet shop owner is allowed to thrive illegally,” said Gauri Maulekhi, trustee at the People for Animals (PFA) — an animal rights organisation led by Union minister Maneka Gandhi.