Praveen Kumar, high jumper

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A brief biography

As in 2024

Sabi Hussain & Ayantika Pal, TNN, Sep 7, 2024: The Times of India

Three months back, high jumper Praveen Kumar’s Paris Paralympics campaign was in the doldrums. He suffered an injury on his take-off leg (right) with scans revealing a 1mm gap in his toes. Doctors advised bed rest for a month, which meant Praveen couldn’t train or compete in events leading up to the Games.

The 21-year-old from Noida started his recovery under his coach Dr Satyapal Singh. To everyone’s surprise, he got back to his training base at the Jawaharlal Nehru stadium within 15 days. As TOI reported earlier, the man from Jewar is 5’4”, and has a limb deformity, both factors make it particularly difficult for anyone taking up the sport.

But just as his journey to become a para-athlete was fraught with challenges, Pra- veen overcame all odds with a record-breaking show in the men’s high jump T64 event, adding a Paralympic gold to his Tokyo Games silver.

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