Rahul Mishra

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'My first Paris fashion show'

Jan 1, 2017: The Times of India

`To show with Hermès, it was intimidating & exhilarating' Rahul Mishra | 37 Fashion designer

After winning the Woolmark Prize (an international award for emerging designers) in 2014, Mishra applied to participate in the Paris Fashion Week, something he'd dreamed of even before going to fashion school.“Then one evening in July -I remember it had just rained -I got the confirmation email.My show was at 3pm, sandwiched between Miu Miu and Hermès...between two super successful fashion brands. My budget for the entire collection would probably equal the cost of their one creation.It was intimidating, and exhilarating,“ recalls Mishra, who went on to win praise from tough critics like Suzy Menkes, not to mention orders from buyers across the world.

The collection which he put together in three months was titled Ferryman's Tale, and inspired by traditional Japanese stencil art and Chintz textile techniques.

While there were no glitches, there was last-minute panic.Mishra says he and his wife visited a Ganesha temple in Paris to seek blessings before the show. “However, on our return we got stuck in heavy traffic and had to dash the last kilometre to the venue on foot. We reached just 20 minutes before the scheduled time of 3pm. Thankfully, the previous show took longer to wrap up so I got an extra half-hour,“ says Mishra.

The venue, he says, was located opposite the Eiffel Tower. “Just standing there, realizing the sheer magnitude of it all and how far we have come, my always stoic and composed wife Divya just broke down,“ recalls Mishra who has since shown at PFW six times.

As told to Shobita Dhar

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