Sidhauli, 1908
This article has been extracted from THE IMPERIAL GAZETTEER OF INDIA , 1908. OXFORD, AT THE CLARENDON PRESS. |
Note: National, provincial and district boundaries have changed considerably since 1908. Typically, old states, ‘divisions’ and districts have been broken into smaller units, and many tahsils upgraded to districts. Some units have since been renamed. Therefore, this article is being posted mainly for its historical value.
South-eastern iahsll of Sitapur District, United Pro- vinces, comprising the parganas of Ban, Sadrpur, KondrT (South), Mahmudabad, and Manwan, and lying between 27 6' and 27 31' N. and 80 46' and 81 24? E., with an area of 502 square miles. Popu- lation increased from 269,122 in 1891 to 299,492 in 1901, the rate of increase being the highest in the District. There are 544 villages and two towns, .including MAHMUDABAD (population, 8,664). The demand for land revenue in 1903-4 was Rs. 4,60,000, and for cesses Rs. 74,000. The tahsil supports 597 persons per square mile, being the most densely populated in the District. It extends from the Gumti on the south-west to the Gogra on the east, and thus lies partly in the uplands and partly in the low alluvial tract bordering the latter river, which is also intersected by the Chauka. In 1903-4 the area under cultivation was 362 square miles, of which 98 were irrigated. Wells supply one-fifth of the irrigated area, and tanks' and ihils most of the remainder.