Modification date 7 August 2022 08:57:33
A list of all pages that have property "Modification dateThis property is a special property in this wiki." with value "7 August 2022 08:57:33".
Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.
- File:An aerial view of the excavated site at Sanauli showing some of the burials..jpg + (7 August 2022 08:54:12)
- File:A close-up of the anthropomorphic figure on the coffin lid depicting headgear made of horn and a pipal leaf in the centre. However, another expert view is that the carving is of a bull head..jpg + (7 August 2022 08:54:28)
- File:The royal coffin burial being exposed bit by bit and studied by Sanjay Manjul (standing), Director of the excavation, and Arvin Manjul (squatting) Superintending Archaeologist, ASI..jpg + (7 August 2022 08:54:43)
- File:One of the two full-sized chariots found near the royal wooden coffin..jpg + (7 August 2022 08:55:15)
- File:A copper antenna sword and a copper sword (foreground) with a wooden hilt wound with copper wire..jpg + (7 August 2022 08:55:29)
- File:A copper antenna sword and a copper torch with a long handle. These remarkable artefacts of the copper hoard culture were found in two different burials..jpg + (7 August 2022 08:56:10)
- File:An almost intact skeleton of a tall woman found in a coffin burial..jpg + (7 August 2022 08:56:24)
- File:Fragmented bones found in one of the coffin burials. This signifies a secondary burial, in which the body is exposed to the elements and the bones that remain are buried in a grave..jpg + (7 August 2022 08:56:40)
- File:Several necklaces made of cylindrical steatite beads found in one of the burials..jpg + (7 August 2022 08:56:59)
- File:A cylindrical carnelian bead measuring 5 cm..jpg + (7 August 2022 08:57:17)
- File:Gold beads found in a grave..jpg + (7 August 2022 08:57:33)
- File:A small coffin burial that boasted a full-sized chariot, big pots, red vases with tall necks and flared rims, a copper shield, a copper ladle with a long stem, a torch, an antenna sword and hundreds of beads..jpg + (7 August 2022 08:58:19)
- File:Grave goods such as the decorated comb with a peacock motif on top and a copper mirror are important in understanding the life of the people of Sanauli in 2000 BCE..jpg + (7 August 2022 08:58:40)
- File:A heap of 2-cm-long copper nails..jpg + (7 August 2022 08:58:54)
- File:It was the first time in 389 years that the graves were given a ‘facelift’.jpg + (7 August 2022 09:00:32)
- Begum Hazrat Mahal + (7 August 2022 09:22:17)
- File:Begum Hazrat Mahal, Begum of Awadh (c.1820- 7 April 1879).jpg + (7 August 2022 09:22:34)
- File:Nawab Wajid Ali Shah (1822–1887).jpg + (7 August 2022 09:23:02)
- File:Data literacy in India, Germany, Japan, the UK, the USA and other countries, presumably as in 2019..jpg + (7 August 2022 09:37:13)
- Pragyan Ojha + (7 August 2022 09:40:00)
- File:People with multiple mother tongues in India, the USA and other countries..jpg + (7 August 2022 10:22:18)