Sultana, film actress

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Film actress sues 'husband' for Rs 5 lakh (July | 1931)

The Times of India


Sultana, the well-known film actress has filed a suit at the Bombay High Court asking for a declaration that she was the lawfully wedded wife of Yakub Husseinbhoy Laljee, son of the ex-president of Bombay Municipal Corporation. She also prays the defendant ... pay Rs 5 lakh with interest at 6 percent from July 15, 1930 till payment....

Counsel said she alleged there was a marriage between herself and the defendant at the Taj Mahal Hotel on June 6, 1930, and that by a nickanamma he settled Rs 5 lakh on her as dower... Defence said no marriage had taken place ... Counsel for plaintiff Sultana Yakub Hussein, opposing the transfer to the long causes board said that proceedings were launched far back and in the meantime every love letter, every sonnet, and every poem had been taken inspection of by the defendant ...

His Lordship: That is very romantic. And now counsel added, they had produced a precious little statement. He submitted that a more ridiculous statement had not been filed on the record of the High Court before. His (Laljee) story was false on the face of it. The plaintiff's case was based on documents....

Mr Wachha said one of the alleged participants in the conspiracy was the Kazi, who performed the marriage, himself. That gentlemen was one of the only two recognised Kazis in Bombay and... he was hobnobbing about the Taj Mahal Hotel for the purpose of the conspiracy...

His Lordship: How many marriages has he performed at 9 pm at the Taj Mahal Hotel? ... These are matters to be gone into.

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