Tara Sinha

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A brief biography

Dec 12, 2019 Times Of India

Tara Sinha was the doyen of advertising industry. Sinha was the first Indian woman to set up an advertising agency in India.

After completing an advertising diploma at the City of London College in London in 1954, Sinha joined DJ Keymer, the Indian subsidiary of S H Benson, in Calcutta. A year later, when

Benson shut down the Calcutta branch, the staff together formed Clarion, with Sinha as director of the firm.

She later relocated to Bombay in 1963 and headed Clarion’s office in the city. After a productive stint with Coca Cola Company in the US, Sinha returned to India. She started Tara Sinha Associates, which later forged an alliance with McCann Erickson to form Tara Sinha McCann Erickson, or TSME as it was popularly called. She held a 51% stake in the firm.

During the post-liberalisation phase, which led to the “multinationalisation of Indian ad agencies”__as was commonly referred to then__Sinha exited TSME by selling her stake to McCann Erickson.

Wunderman Thompson South Asia chairman & Group CEO

Tarun Rai said: “Tara Sinha was a legend of our industry. She also epitomised woman power of our industry of that period. That was also the romantic period of advertising and she was our own Madwoman. I never had a chance to work with her but I did interview with her and was lucky to get a job offer from her.”

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