Taranga Hill
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Excavations/ 3rd century AD site
Parth Shastri, June 21, 2018: The Times of India

From: Parth Shastri, June 21, 2018: The Times of India

From: Parth Shastri, June 21, 2018: The Times of India
The Taranga Hill, part of the Aravalli range in north Gujarat, has long been regarded as an important Buddhist centre, with Dev ni Mori, a 3rd century AD site, revealing a stupa and a casket containing relics associated with Lord Buddha. As excavations by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) continue in the area, archaeologists are enthused by new finds, which includes a structure resembling a Buddhist stupa. The structure is believed to belong to the Kshatrapa period (1st-4th century AD) on the basis of pottery and other artefacts found from the site.
Led by deputy superintending archaeologist Dr Abhijit Ambekar, the Excavation Branch V has now expanded the scope of exploration in the nearby areas.
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A mound was reported atop the Dhagolia peak of the Taranga Hill. On the basis of the structure peeking out from it, we decided to excavate the site,” said a senior ASI official.
“The excavation revealed a circular structure, about eight metres in diameter, made of chipped stones. The structure is capped by burnt bricks. A ramp — also made of chipped stones — and four steps leading to it have been found,” said the official.
Official said the structure resembles Buddhist stupa.
The find ties together a number of recent discoveries, establishing northern Gujarat as an important Buddhist site. The ASI recently excavated a 50-metre-long super structure, dating to the 5th century AD, in PM Narendra Modi’s hometown of Vadnagar, 38km southwest of Taranga Hill. That structure is believed to hold religious significance. The state archaeology department had excavated a Buddhist monastery in Vadnagar earlier, now the ASI has found two cells indicating a similar structure. ASI officials said the area offers great prospects.